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The World's Longest Running Daily Webcomic

Bill Holbrook, a cartoonist in Georgia, writes and draws two syndicated newspaper comic strips, these being On the Fastrack and Safe Havens. In an unusual twist for a cartoonist, he also writes and draws a third comic strip, this being the webcomic Kevin & Kell (an intended alliterative pun of Heaven and Hell). Following is a summary derived from the website.

Years ago, Kevin Kindle the rabbit and Kell Dewclaw the wolf met in an online chat room. After falling head over heels for each other, they decided to meet in person. It wasn't until then that they realized they were from separate ends of the food chain.

However, the relationship they'd developed online overcame Kevin's instinct for self-preservation, and Kell's heart melted from such a demonstration of trust. Kell was energetic and vivacious, qualities Kevin had found lacking in herbivores. Such a relationship between predator and prey seemed doomed to fail but these two opposites were determined to overcome the barriers that society placed in their path.

They eventually married, knowing good and well they would become outcasts. They settled in the suburb of Domain, which borders both a large metropolitan area and an uncharted region known simply as The Wild. A year later, Kell gave birth to Coney, a carnivorous female bunny who inherited Kevin's big ears and Kell's meaty appetite.

Other than their unconventional pairing, these woodland Bradys are not unlike a typical American family. Kevin and Kell live within a tree (at the corner of Tooth and Nail Streets) containing all the comforts of a suburban home: TV, indoor plumbing and neighbors with binoculars. Kell now works as CEO of a company that supplies meat to supermarkets through predation. Kevin owns and operates an Internet Service Provider called Hare-Link from the basement of their home. Family members and many other animals appear as regular characters, and in a running plot line, all marriages are almost always between different species, most often predator and prey.

Continuities vary from simple dailies to complex storylines that run for weeks on end. Plots typically involve some sort of high-tech but also run a gamut of topics such as friendship, relationships, family issues, workplace issues, and personal conflicts. Two things are certain - 1) you've never seen a comic strip like this before and 2) animals are every bit as neurotic as humans (who, by the way, make occasional appearances in the strip).

Kevin & Kell may be found at, embedded in which are links to Holbrook's other strips, and most surprisingly, to Hare-Link itself, which is a real ISP. Check it out and you may find, as I did, that it is a good daily read.

Who Wants to be a Ripperologist?

A Ripperologist is one who is interested in (or obsessed with) the study of Jack the Ripper and the Whitechapel Murders of 1888, but the field also includes emphasis on Victoriana of all sorts in general and the East End of London in particular. More books have been written on Jack the Ripper than on all US Presidents combined, and interest in Jack has never been higher.

The magazine Ripperologist is the foremost of several publications dedicated to promotion and discussion of Ripperology, and it is now a free e-zine, available through this link. Back issues are available as free downloads to the point at which Ripperologist was converted from a print magazine

Emphasis is also given to other serial killers and infamous Victorian criminals, and scarcely an issue is to be found that does not contain something profound concerning crimes and/or events that you most probably have heard of before. Prepared to be overwhelmed by detail and minutiae that you never expected to exist for such things.

And if that's not enough, be advised that I used to write for Ripperologist and my work can be found - somewhere - in its pages. See if you can find me.

Skeleton Typogram by Aaron Kuehn

American graphic artist Aaron Kuehn created this amazing Skeleton Typogram depicting all the bones in the human body typographically using only their names.

Mummified Ice Age Wolf Pup Discovered in a Melting Permafrost

Gold miners working in Canada's Yukon territory in 2016 discovered two mummified ice-age mammals - a wolf pup and a caribou - that were kept amazingly intact by the permafrost. Carbon-dating placed the specimens at over 50,000 years old.

"They're spectacular, they're world-class, and we're definitely really excited about them," said Yukon government paleontologist Grant Zazula.
Ice age bones and fossils are often found in Yukon, but mummified carcasses are extremely rare, according to Zazula.
"To our knowledge this is the only mummified ice age wolf ever found in the world."

CBC has the story.

(Photo: Government of Yukon)

The Third-Smallest Town in Texas

The 1980’s was a remarkable decade on many fronts, not the least of which was entertainment. There were noteworthy films such as Raiders of the Lost Ark, and noteworthy TV series such as Dallas. And then there was Greater Tuna in theater.

The play Greater Tuna is a comedy about Texas' third smallest town (fictional), where the Lion's Club is too liberal and Patsy Cline never dies. The twenty characters seen or heard in the play are portrayed by only two performers (with a small army of behind-the-scenes helpers), making this satire on life in flyover America even more delightful as they depict all of the inhabitants of Tuna - men, women, children - and animals.

Greater Tuna began as a simple party skit based on a political cartoon seen in an Austin, Texas newspaper circa 1980. Creators Joe Sears and Jaston Williams (the original actors), and Ed Howard were the imaginative authors that parlayed the sketch into a critically acclaimed production which has entertained audiences across the country ever since.

Although one must purchase the DVD here to see the original actors, one can click below to view another production of Greater Tuna on YouTube. The play is still on tour nationwide although the original actors have since retired after almost forty years.

Be warned – the play in its original form is NOT politically correct.

Chasing Lights in the Himalayas: Showcasing the Beauty of Nepal

While they were filming a documentary about Mount Everest, cinematographer and director Robin Pogorzelski and drone operator Simon Bourrat shot a wonderful short film titled "Chasing Lights in the Himalayas" to showcase the beauty of Nepal ahd its people.

Marilyn Monroe's Famous "Flying Skirt" Scene Recreated with Banana

Banana artist (bananartist?) Stephan Brusche of isteef has recreated Marilyn Monroe's famous "Flying Skirt" scene from the 1954 film The Seven Year Itch with banana.

Like Marilyn said, "Isn't it delicious?"

Van Gogh's Starry Night in Real Life by Ivana Jelic and Pavle Petrovic

Serbian duo Ivana Jelic and Pavle Petrovic created this real life version of Vincent van Gogh's The Starry Night for the 7th annual Amsterdam Light Festival.

This year's exhibition will feature 30 artwork with the theme "The Medium is the Message." Take a look at many more fantastic entries from past festival over at their website.

Mustard Pizza

Move over, pineapple! There's a new controversial pizza ingredient that's stormin' the Internet.

Instead of the traditional tomato sauce, Lion and Tigers and Squares pizzeria in New York City uses mustard - yes, yellow mustard - in their pizza.

What do you think? Would you like to try the mustard pizza?

Via Nerdist

Underwater Photography of Christy Lee Rogers

This is simply marvelous: as the Sun set, Hawaiian artist Christy Lee Rogers submerged her models in water and photographed them using the last rays of light.

The billowing cloth in the water made the heavenly photos in the series titled "Muses," look like Baroque paintings.

Photos: Christy Lee Rogers - via Ignant

Northern lights and fire night show

Jason Gendron was on Bove Island, Yukon, Canada witnessing northern lights and a wild fire. Nice he had a camera with him.

Dinosaur or Baby Great Blue Heron?

According to the origin of birds scientific hypothesis, birds are modern-day dinosaurs - and this photo by JJJFrank shows how a baby Great Blue Heron looks just like an Archaeopetryx.

via Geyser of Awesome

The cornerstone of a good handball shot

On the 25th of August, during a German 3rd division handball game, Fürstenfeldbruck was leading Konstanz 24-23 when Konstanz got a penalty shot at the last second. Last chance? HE SHOOTS! HE ....

The Evolutionary Advantage of Being Lazy

The next time your mom or dad complains that you're being lazy, just tell 'em that it's a good evolutionary strategy.

Turns out, creatures with high basal metabolic rate have higher likelihood of death:

Species of mollusks that are now extinct had higher metabolic rates than the species that exist today, scientists announced in a paper published this week in Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
Metabolic rates are the amount of energy that organisms need to carry out their daily lives. Luke Strotz, a paleontologist and post-doctoral researcher at the University of Kansas who is lead author of the paper, says that a high basal metabolic rate has already been shown to lead to a higher likelihood of death at the individual level.

Image: Neogene Atlas of Ancient Life / University of Kansas

Alien Slapstick Comedy

It is a well-known fact that things unseen are the most effective imagination teasers. That's how it works. In this clip from the recent episode of the "Robot Chicken" we can see what happened behind the closed doors during the climax of James Cameron's 1986 classic "Aliens".

The episode elaborates on a scene where Ripley and Hicks are trying to break through the hordes of aliens during the climax of the movie. As you know, once they get into the elevator - alien drone blocks the door and tries to get inside but Hicks shoots him and get injured by the alien's acid blood. That's what we see in the film. This episode explores fate of the alien drone. And it is a bit slapstick.

Since xenomorph's blood is acidic - this creates a problem for an injured creature. Instead of just retreating anywhere - its blood burns through the floor and the creature falls level down. Over and over again. It tries to avoid another fall by jumping on the box but it backfires and so xenomorph falls down and meets the box. Then, on another level, it tries to run away from the hole but instead alien gets a prolong falling session down to the depths of Hadley's Hope.

It turns out that underneath the Hadley's Hope was a xenomorph city. Because of course it was there all along. With the buildings, streetlights and sidewalks and other xenomorphs walking leisurely casually dressed. An unfortunate alien falls down and gets splashed on the ground. The passerby sees that and calls an ambulance. Xenomorph's body is taken away but since the blood is acidic - it damages an ambulance car and causes one final accident.

Moral of the story - don't spill acid blood when you bleed.

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