Miss Cellania's Blog Posts

26 Things that Inspired Movies

(YouTube link)

Some movies are based on true stories, some closer to the truth than others, but all ideas came from other ideas. Details in movies are often inspired by someone or something that had nothing to do with the story. Inspiration comes from all directions, and are then combined with other inspirations to produce something totally new. Eliot Morgan has the stories behind the concepts, scripts, and odd details in this week’s episode of the mental_floss List Show.

Labor Intensive: The Way Childbirth Used to Be

(Image credit: Luc Melanson)

Childbirth is no picnic. But at least it no longer involves chickens and weasels.

Giving birth is hard. Or so I’ve heard. I don’t have the proper equipment, so when my children were born my job was restricted to feeding my wife ice chips and telling her she was a trouper. But after witnessing the sounds and faces she made, I’m assuming birth is hard.

That said, I’m incredibly grateful that my kids were born in the last decade. Because childbirth in centuries past was almost incomprehensibly harder, more painful, and more dangerous than it is in modern-day America.

Not only that: It was also a lot stranger.

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Coffin Bar with Skeleton

If you enjoyed the weird Craigslist adds from Portland, you’ll love the list of the weirdest Craigslist ads from Dallas! Maybe you own a tavern, or have always dreamed of having a creepy bar setup in your home. If so, the “Coffin Bar /with weird skeleton” is available. The skeleton is removable and the wooden stand is sturdy enough so that you can crawl inside yourself. But that’s just one of the 10 Craziest Craigslist Dallas Ads at Housely.

The Bittersweet History of Candy Land

It was 1948, and Eleanor Abbott was bored. The retired schoolteacher was stuck in a San Diego hospital surrounded by young children who, like her, were hobbled by polio. The kids were lonely and sad, and Abbott, with nothing else to do, decided that a cheerful board game could be the perfect antidote. So she supposedly grabbed a piece of butcher paper and started sketching plans.

The end result was perfect for young children. No counting. No reading. Players simply needed to grasp colors and follow instructions on the cards to travel around the board, stopping at various delicious-sounding locations along the way. She shared it with the children in the polio ward, and they loved it.

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Found Cat

This Craigslist ad originated in Highlands Ranch, Colorado, where this kind of thing probably happens more it than does where you live. If you had a picture like that, you’d be tempted to do the same thing. I wonder how many responses they got. -via reddit

G.I. Blues: The Movie that Killed Elvis Presley

Neatorama presents a guest post from actor, comedian, and voiceover artist Eddie Deezen. Visit Eddie at his website or at Facebook.

It was March of 1960. The teenagers of the world were rejoicing. Why?

Because Elvis was getting out of the army. Yes, Elvis "the Pelvis" Presley, rock 'n' roll's greatest rebel iconoclast, was finally leaving the U.S. military and taking up his career as the sneering, hip-swiveling rock 'n' roller. Elvis' film career was foremost in the minds of his fans, right along with his music.

Before leaving to serve his stint in Germany, Elvis had made four films, each one fairly good, each one demonstrating a definite talent, a screen charisma, and a very real potential for Elvis' real dream as a performer- to become a respected actor, like his supreme idol, James Dean.

After two years of serving his time for Uncle Sam, for his "comeback" movie, Elvis and his manager Colonel Tom Parker, chose a lightweight musical-comedy called G.I. Blues. “Marlon Brando did a musical early in his career,” Elvis happily chirped at his back-from-the-army press conference. (Famous last words.) Elvis, a genuinely nice guy, also had another reason for his film choice, saying “It was one way I had to show all the guys with whom I served in the army how much I respected them.”

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The Lion and the Tortoise

No one is invulnerable. Tempting fate is the fastest way to find out what your weakness is. This is definitely a fable- you can probably think of one of Aesop’s “moral of the story” lines, or a verse from Proverbs to fit. How about “Pride goeth before a fall”? Or “He who laughs last, laughs best”? Or maybe “What goes around comes around”? This is the latest from John McNamee at Pie Comic.

An Honest Trailer for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is one of those blockbuster summer movies that made a ton of money despite generally negative reviews. The truth is, it was the only big-budget superhero film in theaters at the time. And now we have an Honest Trailer from the ultimate source of negative reviews, Screen Junkies.

(YouTube link)

This is one of those movies that suffered from overblown expectations, but how could you possibly put Batman and Superman in the same movie in the 21st century and not have high expectations? Still, the people who paid to see it enjoyed the action sequences, if not the depressing plot.  -via Tastefully Offensive

A Staircase of Books

Pippa Branham and her family moved into a new home with a staircase. She and her husband wanted to make the slick wooden stairs safer for their children. Instead of carpeting, they opted for new paint mixed with a little sand. And the risers were Pippa’s project: she painted them with the spines of her favorite books!

“The particular spines were chosen based on the spines which matched the book I had read at the time I read them, rather than just the book covers which are available now,” she explained. “I had read some of them through library services or borrowing from family and friends so I had to track them down to get images of the spines sent to me.”

“The hardest part was without a doubt the sideways lettering,” Branham said, noting that it was also her favorite part because it was so satisfying to finish.   

See more pictures of the project at Buzzfeed.

(Image credit: Philippa Branham)

Another New Scottish Wildcat Kitten

Earlier this month, we got to see three new Scottish wildcat kittens at a British zoo. Now there’s one at the  Chester Zoo in Chester, UK, as well. The single kitten was born in May to mother Einich, but had only recently emerged from its den for the first time. This event was caught on camera as the kitten heard its mother warn people away.

(YouTube link)

She’s letting you know she’s definitely a wildcat -but the two-month-old kitten is adorable. The cats, Einich and her mate Cromarty and the kitten, are not on public display, but zoo visitors can watch them on a webcam feed. Read more about the Scottish wildcats at the zoo’s website. -via mental_floss

20 Things You didn’t Know about Robert Downey, Jr.


Much of the internet generation only knows Robert Downey, Jr. from the Iron Man role, which is pretty big, but it’s only the most recent part of his career. There’s also his strange childhood, Saturday Night Live, Chaplin, and various personal struggles. In case you don’t remember all that, here’s a sample:

Being the son of movie director Robert Downey Sr. and actress Elsie Downey, acting runs in Downey’s veins. His first appearance on screen was as a puppy in his father’s film Pound in 1970. Robert Downey Sr., his father, is both a writer and a director whose work gained an underground following in the ’60s. Coming from a family such as this one, it was almost impossible for Downey to do anything other than act because it was a major influence in the years as he grew up.

When he was 17, Robert Downey Jr. dropped out of Santa Monica High School in California to pursue a future in acting. He moved to New York and struggled through part-time jobs while looking for an acting gig. He bused tables, performed in off-Broadway shows and was once hired as a piece of living art in a SoHo nightclub in New York City. Robert Downey Jr. is the poster kid for the saying ‘hard work and dedication merits rewards’.  Take a cue from him and go out and chase after your dreams.

Personally, I wouldn’t recommend dropping out of high school, but hard work will get you  further than anything else. Read a lot more about Robert Downey, Jr. at Money Inc.

Making the Most of Your Convention Experience

San Diego Comic Con begins Thursday. There were 167,000 people in attendance last year, making it the biggest convention of its type in the world. As SDCC and other conventions are gaining popularity, more and more people are attending for the first time. If you are headed to SDCC, or a convention near you, for the first time, Forces of Geek has a primer that will help you prepare and know what to expect. The number one rule is plan ahead!

Don’t expect your pre-planning to be perfect, however. No plan survives first contact with the enemy, so they say, and you will have to be flexible your schedule. Sometimes you’ll find you’ve overextended yourself and need to skip something just to catch your breath. No worries. There’s always next year, or even next month at a different convention.

Also, when planning events, take time to consider how full a room is going to get or how long you may have to wait to get a seat. Want to get into that Neil Gaiman reading? Get in line early. Is Kevin Smith doing his Q&A thing? Get in line early. Really want to check out that panel on sea shanties in 19th century science fiction? Well, there probably won’t be a line so you’ll have time to also go see that panel discussion on bitter, underground comic artists.

There’s lots more to consider in their guide for first-time convention attendees. Oh, and don’t forget to have a good time!

(Image credit: Flickr user Ricky Brigante)

The Evolution Of The Joker in Movies and TV

Want to see all the versions of the Joker? Batman’s nemesis is an extremely popular fictional villain, because he’s both funny and terrifying -and outrageously odd, too. Screen Rant takes a close look at every Joker we’ve seen in movies and TV shows. While they differ greatly, you always recognize the character.  

(YouTube link)

Which Joker do you prefer? Caesar Romero, Jack Nicholson, Mark Hamill, Heath Ledger, or some other? -via Geeks Are Sexy

Olaf Breuning’s Faces

mrs broomecutie

A photo posted by obreu (@olafbreuning) on Mar 31, 2016 at 9:45am PDT

Artist and photographer Olaf Breuning thinks out of the box for his media, as you can see in our previous posts. In his newest series, he creates faces out of common household items and gives them funny yet appropriate names. Mrs. Broomecutie is at the top (yes, I know she's a mop); below are Mr. Narziss and Mrs. Trainface.

mr narziss

A photo posted by obreu (@olafbreuning) on Mar 11, 2016 at 8:45am PST

mrs trainface

A photo posted by obreu (@olafbreuning) on Dec 31, 2015 at 2:49am PST

See more of these at Breuning's Instagram page. -via Laughing Squid

Cat Found Hanging by Head in Grate

(Image credit: Winchendon Fire Department)

Passersby noticed a cat stuck in a grate over a storm drain in Winchendon, Massachusetts, last Thursday. The Winchendon Fire Department responded and found the cat with its body hanging inside the grate, and its head stuck. They believe the cat was inside the storm and drain and was trying to get out. However, it’s also possible that cat’s body slipped through from above. The fire department reported:

When we arrived the cat was barely breathing and moving as she was hanging from the grate. Lieutenant Peters, Firefighter/Medic Harding, and myself removed the grate and uprighted the grate so the cat could breath.
When the owner arrived we had him get some dish soap from his house and we applied it around the cats neck, we slowly worked his head back into the grate and within a couple minutes we freed the cat.

(Image credit: Winchendon Fire Department)

The one-year-old female cat was taken home by its owner, soapy but safe. -via HuffPo

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