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Take Your Style To The Limit With These Radical Retro-Themed NeatoShop T-Shirts

Power of Love by Vincent Trinidad

The 80s and 90s were definitely the raddest decades ever, with the awesomest characters, most tubular movies and TV shows, and the absolute greatest toys and video games ever made, which is why my love of all things retro will never die.

If you're a fan of radical retro style then you've gotta head to the NeatoShop and grab a shirt or three with some amazing old school inspired artwork from the top indie artists who love retro as much as we do!

The 80s introduced us to the world of personal computing

I.T. the information technologist by Boggs Nicolas

Those super rad Choose Your Own Adventure books

You Don't Know Science by Hillary White

And console gaming, which was perfected in the 90s and has totally gone downhill since

64 controller fanclub by louisros

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Old Computer Tutorial Video Edit Of Woman Repeatedly Saying "Floppy Diskette"

There's something about the name "floppy diskette" that has always sounded a bit crude, and I couldn't help but crack a smile at the mention even when people shortened it to "floppy".

Does that mean I have a perverted mind?

Perhaps, but no matter how pure your mind is you'll agree that "floppy diskette" is an unfortunate name for a product after hearing this woman repeat it over and over again in this video tutorial edit from back in the good ol' days of computing.

(YouTube Link)

-Via Geekologie

A Surreal Animated Short About A Guy Who's Married To An Anthropomorphic Chicken

Surreal animated shorts are often too bizarre and too obscure for most viewers to sink their teeth into, but Hen, His Wife is easily accessible to all- even if not everyone understands the symbolist subtexts.

Hen, His Wife is a bizarre short created by Pilot animation studio back in 1989 about a guy who ignores his wife, who is an anthropomorphic chicken, but there's a lot more going on beneath the absurdist surface story:

Igor Kovalyov, one of the studio’s founders, directed a tale so densely symbolic that it's tough to interpret. In terms of narrative, the film is about a family couple in which the husband, dressed in prison-like garments, ignores his dutiful wife – an anthropomorphic hen – until a stranger arrives and jolts them from their absurd coexistence. The plot itself, however, makes little sense without interpreting the abundant symbols of impotence, autoeroticism, and sexuality. Kovalyov’s wordless, surreal drama easily captures one’s attention, leaving a lingering unease in its wake, even without Freudian analysis.

(YouTube Link)

This Solar-Powered RV Runs Without Fuel Or Charging Stations

There are lots of people out there who would like to tour the country in an RV but simply can't afford the fuel costs, and as the cost of gas continues to rise this dream of RVing the nation slips further away.

So the German RV company Dethleffs has come up with a great invention to make our RV dreams come true- a solar powered motorhome.

A post shared by stranddeko (@stranddeko) on Aug 29, 2017 at 9:37pm PDT

The "e.home" is covered in solar panels so it can soak up all the solar energy it needs to keep its 107-horsepower electric motor and all the components inside the RV running for as long as you need to make new memories on the road.

And just for fun Dethleffs even included a starlight projection system over the alcove bed, so you can space out in style before bed.

Read more about This Solar-Powered RV Runs Without Fuel Or Charging Stations here

Creative Alternatives To Expensive Cat And Dog Toys And Supplies

Cats and dogs don't care how much we spend on the pet toys and accessories we buy for them, and even if they sneak a peek at the tag they have no idea what they're looking at because they can't read and don't understand how money works.

So those who spend a fortune on their pets are spending that money to make themselves feel good, not their pets, and should probably find a pet charity to donate to instead of throwing away all that money.

(YouTube Link)

HouseholdHacker put together these clever cat and dog "hack" videos for the frugal pet owner who also likes to do a bit of DIY, presenting simple yet smart ideas that work like a charm including:

  • Turn your mismatched socks into cat toys by filling them with paper and tying them off on the top, or a dog toy by putting an empty water bottle inside the sock instead
  • Use a muffin tin to slow down dogs who eat too fast, and cover each bowl with half a tennis ball to give them an added challenge
  • Mix water, Dawn dish soap and white vinegar to make a cheap flea shampoo
  • Add pumpkin to cat food to help with their hairballs

(YouTube Link)

-Via Laughing Squid

Chess, According To A Four- And Six-Year-Old

Chess is typically thought of as being too strategic, difficult and slow for little kids to handle, especially considering many kids play games on their own smartphone or tablet these days.

But six-year-old Annabelle and four-year-old Eloise clearly didn't get the memo about chess being too slow for kids, so they absolutely adore the game and are quite good at it.

They're not chess prodigy Misha good, but their enthusiasm for chess will give you hope for the future of analog gaming.

-Via Digg

Hedgehog - Small Wonders

Hedgehog by Bongonation 

Hedgehogs are magical little creatures, and even though they're very tiny critters they have big hearts and wonderful personalities, which is why humans are so enamored with those little insect-munching lurkers in the hedgerow. The humans who have brought hedgehogs home to live with them have said they're gentle, playful and a bit shy, but quite sweet when they get to know you well- and quite happy to eat the bugs in your backyard!

Show some love for the cutest little critter on the planet with this Hedgehog t-shirt by Bongonation, it's a fun and magical way to take the spirit of the hedgehog with you wherever you go!

Visit Bongonation's Facebook fan page, official website and Instagram, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more delightful designs:

Mountains Spirit MTB Moon Ninja v3 Space Cat

View more designs by Bongonation | More Artistic T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

How To Cook A Bowl Of Noodles At Your Desk

Workers sometimes find it hard to leave their desks and eat lunch, so they have to come up with clever ways to fix themselves a meal at their workstation without pissing off the boss or burning down the office building.  

But instead of buying a tiny microwave or using warm sink water to make noodles food vlogger Xiao Ye, aka Miss Yeah, came up with the most clever desktop cooking hack I've ever seen, turning Pepsi cans and some rubbing alcohol into a mini stove.

She then cooked up a bowl of bean sauce noodles using one very, very long noodle, some fresh veg she stole from the company fridge and some other ingredients she just happened to have in her desk.

Something tells me she cooks at her desk a lot...

(YouTube Link)

-Via Laughing Squid

5 Ways To Quit A Bad Habit

Bad habits are often hard to break because they really seem like they bring us some sort of pleasure, and whether physical or mental we start to miss that little habit when it's gone.

Missing the feeling of that cig in-between your fingers, that ritual of lighting, inhaling and snubbing out is a big part of what makes it so hard for smokers to quit, well, that and the highly addictive chemicals added to cigarettes to increase their nicotine levels.

As this comic by Jacob Andrews shows us those chemicals make you want to come back from the dead for a smoke!

-Via CollegeHumor

Dark Realities That Reality TV Shows Don't Want You To Know About

In my opinion reality TV is one of the worst things to ever happen to television, because it panders to those who like to watch people at their worst and encourages people to act like total jerks while on camera.

But the worst part about the reality TV takeover is the fact that it's ruining people's lives like no fictional show ever could, ruining their reputation to the point where some feel like suicide is the only solution.

And when these shows don't indirectly ruin lives by ruining reputations they literally cost people their lives by emboldening the people on camera to make risky moves, as was the case when a COPS crewmember lost his life when officers opened fire on a suspect with a toy gun:

See 14 Dark Realities That Reality TV Shows Don't Show You here

Physics Gives Me A Hadron - Scientifically Formulated To Make People LOL

Physics Gives Me A Hadron Funny Science by happinessinatee

Physicists aren't exactly the life of the party, but they do have some pretty good scientifical jokes to tell if you ask 'em when they've had a few- and they're chock full of physics guaranteed to keep you rollin' (your eyes) all night long. Some of their material may come off as a bit blue or edgy, but what is life without a little bawdiness and raunchy humor, right?

Show the world that scientists can be as funny as the less scientifically minded with this Physics Gives Me A Hadron Funny Science t-shirt by Happinessinatee, it's one simply funny design you don't have to be a genius to appreciate!

Visit happinessinatee's Instagram, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more pun-tastic designs:

Happy Kawaii Cute Meow Cat Halloween Ghost Boos Funny Biology Going Viral Wow I've got a brown bear in my donut

View more designs by happinessinatee | More Funny T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Nunchaku Dad Is My New Hero

It's cute to watch kids try to bust some sick moves with their first pair of nunchucks, that is, until they smack themselves in the face with 'em, but it's somehow even cuter to watch this dad mess around with nunchakus like a big kid.

He keeps trying to do some fancy move where he kicks the 'chucks up into his hands so he can be ready for battle without bending over, and once he manages to pull off the move he unleashes nunchaku fury like a Ninja Turtle on steroids.

(YouTube Link)

-Via Digg

Stars You Forgot Were Cast As Cowboys In Movies And TV Shows

When you think about classic TV and movie cowboys do you think Clint Eastwood, John Wayne and Charles Bronson instead of Bob Dylan, Bob Denver and Sammy Davis Jr.?

Yeah, so does everybody else, but both Bobs and Sammy were in old school westerns too, they're just not as well known for their portrayals of cowpokes as those gritty Western icons.

(Image Link)

Sammy Davis Jr. was absolutely great as the gunslinger Tip Corey in the 1962 episode of The Gunslinger entitled Two Ounces Of Tin, playing a character with personality, depth and true grit.

(Image Link)

Bob Dylan made in appearance in the 1973 film Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid as Alias, a badass stranger who helps Billy escape from three thugs. Dylan also composed the score for the film, which earned him a Grammy nomination.

But of the three, Bob Denver got to play cowboy the longest, since he starred alongside Forrest Tucker in the Sherwood and Elroy Schwartz series Dusty's Trail for 26 episodes back in 1973-74.

See The Unlikely Dozen: 12 Stars You Forgot Were Cast As Cowboys In TV And Movies here

RPG Bosses You Always Fight On Your Quest

Story is the main focus of all RPGs, and the characters who star in the story make each RPG different and interesting in their own way, but for some reason video game designers use the same old bosses over and over again.

They still feel the need to include a Pathetically Early Boss who's somehow supposed to help us defeat the next boss who is often a Weirdly Hard Boss That You Aren't Prepared For, so you get spanked and feel low.

Later you end up facing a Filler Repeat Boss who looks strangely like the Weirdly Hard Boss, so your confidence is boosted before you dare to tackle the Unbelievably Hard Optional Boss, who usually sends me looking for a new game to play...looks like it's time for an RPG revolution! (Comic by Andy Kluthe and Tristan Cooper)

-Via Dorkly

Life Paths - Which Way Will You Go To Catch 'Em All?

Life Paths by IdeasConPatatas

Life presents us with many paths to follow and many choices to make, but how can we decide which path to follow and where to go? Some go where the hunt takes them, searching for the type of adventure that speaks to their soul, while others simply go down the path with the most activity so they're sure to catch all the fun. So where will life take you? Grab a pokeball and a map and find out!

Celebrate life's fictional biodiversity by wearing this Life Paths t-shirt by IdeasConPatatas, it's a fun shirt to wear while you're out adventuring or sitting at home playing your favorite video game.

Visit IdeasConPatatas's Facebook fan page, official website, Instagram and Twitter, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more geek-tastic designs:

Interdimensional Cheese 100% Gamer Legen-Dary Homer is ready for summer

View more designs by IdeasConPatatas | More Anime T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

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