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A Real Slurm Fridge

Slurm is a fictional soft drink on the TV show Futurama. It's tremendously popular, befitting its trademark phrase "It's Highly Addictive!" What is it made of? Where does it come from? You're better off not knowing.

So enjoy a fresh can of Slurm! You can with this little retail refrigerator that redditor Adammorgan710 made out of an old Red Bull-branded fridge. He used Photoshop to design the custom signs, which are cut to fit the original form. You can see more photos here. 

Tortoise Lets Himself in the House

YouTube Link

Jeffrey the tortoise is one smart (and persistent) cookie. While outside of his human's home, he decides he'd rather be inside. So Jeffrey isn't shy about letting himself in via the screen door. The only problem is that the tortoise doesn't bother to shut the door after himself. Imagine! Does he live in a barn?! Via Arbroath

Photos From The Abandoned Six Flags Amusement Park In New Orleans

Abandoned amusements seem much creepier than other desolate urban structures, the death of fun filling trespassers with a sense of foreboding and unease.

Or maybe that’s just me, because I’ve watched way too many horror movies set in abandoned amusement parks.

Either way, the general consensus is that abandoned amusement parks look creepy and sad, which is why urban explorers love to break in and snap some pics to share with the interwebs.

These pics show the state of the abandoned Six Flags amusement park in New Orleans, Louisiana, which was left to rot after Hurricane Katrina swept through town.

Photographer Seph Lawless visited the saddest Six Flags ever for a shoot that’s sure to make theme park fans a little blue, but look on the bright side- now it can be used as a horror movie set!

See the rest of the pics from The Abandoned Six Flags New Orleans here

8-Bit Bat Family - Gotham's Squarest Septet

8-Bit Bat Family by 8-BitHero.Com

The Waynes have been surrounding themselves with squares for generations, but Bruce has really taken the art of fostering a cubic family to new extremes! His Bat-fam are so square that they almost look low-rez, reduced to 8-bit versions of themselves. Man, wouldn't that be weird if the Bat Family was turned into 8-bit video game sprites?! Oh wait, that appears to be what's happening here, so which of Gotham's villains are up to no good this time? Has there been a breach in Arkham Asylum? Nah, that's just their old school video game costumes for Halloween!

Add some pixel art awesomeness to your geeky wardrobe with this 8-Bit Bat Family t-shirt by 8-BitHero.Com, don't complicate your nerdy life, simplify it back to the good old days of gaming!

Visit 8-BitHero.Com's Facebook fan page and official website, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more mighty geeky designs:

8-Bit Showdown Who Watches The 8-Bit Art? 8-Bit Reverse Chase Taco Love

View more designs by 8-BitHero.Com | More Comic T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Twenty Photos of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake

On April 18th, 1906 at 5:12 in the morning, the coast of Northern California was hit by an earthquake that is considered to be the worst natural disaster in the state's history. The quake pre-dated the Richter scale measurement by thirty years; experts estimate the magnitude of the quake on the modern moment magnitude scale as anywhere from 7.8 to 8.25.

The earthquake caused deadly fires to break out, which weren't extinguished for several days. In the wake of the disaster, more than 3,000 people died and over 80% of San Francisco was destroyed.

This collection of photos gives one a feel of the devastation that the quake inflicted on the city. 

Images: uncredited, Via Vintage Everyday

Lemmy Has Switched From Whiskey To Vodka...For His Health

Take it from Lemmy, lead singer of Motörhead- clear liquors like vodka are better for your body than the browns like whiskey.

Lemmy has been living a true rock & roll lifestyle for fifty years, living as hard as his lyrics claim, but recent health issues have forced him to leave his beloved whiskey and Coke by the wayside.

Due to gastric distress and dehydration Lemmy must now live the rest of his wild life drinking Screwdrivers instead of Jack & Coke. Lemmy had this to say about the switch “I like orange juice better, so Coca-Cola can f%*k off!”

-Via Dangerous Minds

Man Uses Custom Prosthetics in His Quest to Live as a Goat

(Photo: Tom Bowditch)

He's living the dream, I tell you. None of us have come as close to the full goat lifestyle. But there he is, beside his caprine brothers and sisters, eating grass on a steep hillside.

Thomas Thwaites is an artist in London. In the past, he attempted to build a toaster from scratch. That's no small effort, since his starting point was personally mining and smelting the iron.

As you might expect, this project inevitably led him to attempt to live as a goat. He explained to the Daily Mail that this animal-inspired lifestyle could offer people an alternative to a future of cybernetics:

Thwaites, who is interested in transhumanism, believes not everyone will want to become a cyborg in the future.

Biorobotics, he told Motherboad, could be used by people to de-volve instead of evolve.

‘I initially wanted to be an elephant, but it wasn’t going very well,’ said Thwaites. ‘I visited a shaman, and she said “you’re an idiot”. So, I decided to be a goat.’

Thwaites worked with a zoologist to develop the custom prothetic limbs. He's now attempting to cross the Alps with a particular herd of goats.

-via Ace of Spades HQ

Mother and Daughter Reunited 71 Years after Being Separated by the Nazis

(Photo of the mother and daughter by the International Tracing Service)

Margot Bachmann was born on October 24, 1944 in Heidelberg, Germany. Her mother, an Italian woman, was a forced laborer in that city. A German soldier impregnated her. When she was born, Bachmann was taken away. She never saw her mother.

The soldier’s family raised her while the mother vanished into the chaos of the end of World War II. Bachmann asked the International Tracing Service to try to find her mother—if she was even alive. The organization was successful. They found the 91-year old unnamed mother in her hometown of Noverella, Italy. Bachmann sent her a letter, which is excerpted here:

Dear Mum, my name is Margot Bachmann and I am your daughter, born on Oct 25 1944 in Heidelberg. All my life I asked my family about you, without being given any answers. I want to come and find you so that I can hug you once again. I’m immensely happy to be able to finally know you.

The two met in Noverella on August 8. Pictured above is a photo album that Bachmann made for her mother.

-via Marilyn Terrell

LeBron James Will Pay for College for 1,000 Kids

(Photo: Basket Streaming)

He’s made a fortune by making his professional dreams come true. Now he’s helping a thousand other people do the same. Basketball star LeBron James announced that his charitable foundation will fund full tuition scholarships for 1,000 students in Akron Public Schools to attend the University of Akron in Ohio. The Cleveland Plain Dealer quotes James:

"It means so much because, as a kid growing up in the inner city and a lot of African-American kids, you don't really think past high school," James later told reporters. "You don't really know your future. You hear high school all the time, and you graduate high school and then you never think past that because either it's not possible or your family's not financially stable to even be able to support a kid going to college."

James likened himself to the children who will be eligible for these scholarships -- a poor child of a single parent who didn't have the money to go to college. But the 6-8, 250-pound superstar had the NBA and millions of dollars waiting for him.

Five years ago, the James foundation switched its focus to mentoring and tutoring poor, at-risk youths who are in danger of failing out of school because of problems learning, with attendance, or in their homes. This partnership with the university could play a key role in helping James reach his goal of raising the city's graduation rate.

-via Hopes & Fears

20 Confusing Back to School Retail Signs

(Photo: Jalaliep)

(Photo: Imgur)

It’s time to get the kids ready for school. They’ll need essential supplies. The school administrators, having years of experience with this, know exactly what. So they’ve sent a shopping list. If you lose it, then just go shopping and grab whatever is marked “Back to School,” because retailers know pretty well, too. 22 Words has 20 funny photos of back to school sales that were hopefully mislabeled.

Dying Dog Gets One Last Chance to Play in the Snow

(Photo: Peter Byrne/PA Wire/AP)

Sophia was a 6-year old St. Bernard with terminal cancer. She loved to play in the snow. But her final day came in the middle of summer. Her human, Alyson Page, nonetheless found a way to give her a last experience with snow hours before she was put to sleep.

Page took Sophia to the Chill Factore, an indoor snow skiing facility in Manchester, UK. The Manchester Evening News quotes Page:

"She absolutely loves the snow, so I sent an email cheekily on the off-chance, I never expected them to be so kind to let us come and bring her.

"We got a reply yesterday and it was just before we were due to have her put to sleep, so it was just amazing.

"She has not really shown any interest in anything for a couple of weeks now, so just to see her with a waggy tail and diving around in the snow has just been amazing. It's been a wonderful end for her."

(Video Link)

In this video, you can see Sophia playing in the snow one last time.

-via Nothing to Do with Aborath

Woman Learns How to Scuba Dive in Order to Propose to Her Girlfriend Underwater

(Video Link)

Markie and Sarah have been together for over 6 years. Markie figured it was finally time to tie the knot, so she decided to propose marriage. In order to offer Sarah, a marine biologist, a special proposal experience, she secretly took scuba diving lessons. After she was certified, she swam toward the already submerged Sarah and held up placards which read:

I told you I’d go to the bottom of the ocean for your love, but right now I’m only certified to 60 feet. Would you marry me?

And Sarah said yes!

-via Huffington Post

Hollywood Reboots That Will Probably Come Out Someday

Hollywood reboots should be added to the list of inevitable things alongside taxes and death, and the fact that most reboots are awful doesn’t stop the entertainment industry from rolling ‘em out by the barrelful.

So what kind of reboots should we expect to see in the near future? Well, as soon as Hollywood has finished making movies about board games they'll probably set their sights on more TV shows ripe for the rebooting.

And then we'll get to see the TV show based on the movie which was based on the TV show...

Cracked has seen the future of Hollywood reboots and it looks darker than the future SkyNet created, so take a peek at the movie posters from the reboot future but don't say I didn't warn you!

See 10 Gritty Reboots We Can't Stop Hollywood From Making here

Enjoy The Violence - A New Heat Wave Hits Miami

Enjoy The Violence by Mdk7

Miami in the 1980s- a hotbed of criminal conspiracies, corruption and murder. The streets ran red with blood, and the violent crime hotlines rang off the hook. There was one nut in particular who had both the citizens and the criminals running in fear, some kook who wore a bunch of different animal masks and was seemingly born to kill. That crazy killer became a hot commodity in the Miami scene, but soon even those who hired him began to fear for their lives...

This Enjoy The Violence t-shirt by Mdk7 is a cut above your average video game tee, slip it on and watch your fellow Hotline Miami fans go crazy!

Visit Mdk7's Twitter, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more mighty geeky designs:

Powerpuff Inkling Jurassic Bingo! Sith Army Knife El Dia de la Majora

View more designs by Mdk7 | More Video Game T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Famous Songs With Misunderstood Meanings

We sing the lyrics to our favorite songs whenever those songs come on, and might even bust out a shaky rendition of those songs when we’re in a karaoke kind of mood, but do we really know what the singer is actually saying?

(YouTube Link)

Most people would say yes without hesitation, but song lyrics aren’t always so easy to decipher, and songs with simpler lyrics can often be the most deceptive.

Take Bruce Springsteen’s Born In The U.S.A. for example- it has been called one of the most patriotic songs ever written, and is played whenever Americans are feeling that homeland pride.

(YouTube Link)

But Bruce’s lyrics are actually referring to America's mistreatment of Vietnam veterans when they came home from the war, as revealed by Neatorama’s favorite guest author Eddie Deezen a few years back.

So now you should only sing “Born In The U.S.A.” on the Fourth of July if you’re doing so ironically!

Read more about 15 Famous Songs With Misunderstood Meanings at mental_floss

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