Denita TwoDragons's Comments
I love the execution of the manga--but yes, the classic Japanese BESM (Big Eyes Small Mouth) faces just don't fit with the movies. But Vader looks downright terrifying, which is appropriate.
But I was bummed to find that the article's writer didn't show us pics of Vader's sans-helmet manga face. The article stopped just shy of the Big Reveal. AARGH!!
But I was bummed to find that the article's writer didn't show us pics of Vader's sans-helmet manga face. The article stopped just shy of the Big Reveal. AARGH!!
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"I Want to Believe"
...that Zim and GIR are having a barbecue at Alf's place...
...that Zim and GIR are having a barbecue at Alf's place...
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Looks more like a whole bunch of Agent Smiths to me...
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That is weapons-grade, USDA Prime soda-all-over-the-monitor funny!
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I just sent one to my husband, who is slaving away in the silicon mines tonight. I hope it puts a smile on his face, 'cause I sure had a BLAST making it! :-)
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I hated pink as a baby, and I still don't care much for it. Most of my stuff ran to either blue or green, and still does. And while I played with dolls, well...I also tended to "correct" their lack of appropriate anatomy.
In proper proportion.
With full 3-D shading.
And matching, um, carpet.
(Reading Grey's Anatomy and medical textbooks at age 6 will do that to ya... :-) )
In proper proportion.
With full 3-D shading.
And matching, um, carpet.
(Reading Grey's Anatomy and medical textbooks at age 6 will do that to ya... :-) )
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Wait--does this mean they're made *BY* Ho's...or *FROM* Ho's?!
"Waiter, I'd like to order a slice of Sixth Street crack fiend a la mode, heavy on the cheap jewelry..." *ducks and runs*
"Waiter, I'd like to order a slice of Sixth Street crack fiend a la mode, heavy on the cheap jewelry..." *ducks and runs*
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When pantomime swords are outlawed, only pantomime outlaws will have pantomime swords...
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I could really go for an all-chocolate diet. I mean, scientists have discovered it's good for you, right...? So that means that triple-fudge brownie is actually health food! :-)
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Mos' def the Pulse Rifles from Aliens.
Or anything wielded by Paul Atreides--including a sandworm...
Or anything wielded by Paul Atreides--including a sandworm...
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I could so make that myself--at a fraction of the price, and of better-quality construction. But it's still a cute concept!
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Five comments in, and STILL no Muad'Dib jokes?! :-P
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That third eyelid is called a haw or a nictitating membrane. Most animals have it--on birds, it's pretty much the only one they use to blink with, and the main lids are only closed for sleeping.
Here's a cool factoid, too: when doing what they do best, woodpeckers tighten their third eyelids over their eyeballs right before they slam their beak into the wood. Otherwise, the sheer force of impact would pop their eyes out of their sockets.
Here's a cool factoid, too: when doing what they do best, woodpeckers tighten their third eyelids over their eyeballs right before they slam their beak into the wood. Otherwise, the sheer force of impact would pop their eyes out of their sockets.
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Taking the bait? Hardly. Just speaking up for someone you have absolutely no right to judge. So what if some features are missing, and others aren't where they're supposed to be? So what if it takes thousands of dollars in surgery to fix her face? When my brother was born, he wouldn't have survived without the intervention of dozens of medical professionals--and many of them told my parents that, even with the shunt in place, it was doubtful that he would be anything more than a vegetable. It cost literally hundreds of thousands of dollars to give my brother a functioning set of ventricles in his brain, and in doing so he has thrived and become a functioning member of society. How can you make such a rancid judgement call on an infant whose fate you have NO prescience over? How do you know that she won't become a beautiful, functional woman someday?
You even refer to the child as an "it". Congratulations, you are as inhuman as the pronoun you use.
I have nothing further to say on the subject, I have stated my defense of this child, and you will either understand it or you won't.
By the way, it's "madam", not "sir".
You even refer to the child as an "it". Congratulations, you are as inhuman as the pronoun you use.
I have nothing further to say on the subject, I have stated my defense of this child, and you will either understand it or you won't.
By the way, it's "madam", not "sir".
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Or a real pine-forest-scented candle. Not just the fresh leaves,but also the dirt and composting dead needles. It all combines to make this incredible aroma that I have yet to find bottled up.
Or the thick, aromatic leathery skin that peels back to reveal a pecan in-the-shell. It smells so wonderfully resiny and earthy, and makes my mouth water.
On the raunchy smelling candles, I'd have to suggest Sweaty Belly Button Lint, or maybe Gym Locker. Ewwww!