Denita TwoDragons's Comments
It's so beautiful but there's no way I'd be able to wear it...I'd look like the giant light ball they drop at Times Square on New Year's Eve.
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What a fantastically cool waste of mint chews and diet soda! *LMAO!*
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That sounds like an epidemic of migraines just waiting to happen...
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I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought of the Nihilanth!
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What a sad life, IMHO. I'd rather be LIVING my life than writing about it!
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How much would it cost me to rent one for home fire-ant removal...? :-)
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That is soda-through-the-nose funny!
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(Show it anyway.) took the words right out of my mind! *LOL*
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Alex: Yeah, but up until a few days ago I was stuck on miserable rural dial-up. Now I'm on cable, so I can actually *watch* YouTube! ;-)
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Groovilicious animation! :-)
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Poor Richard, everyone always gives him a hard time. Sure he drives me nuts but hey, at least he's not a malicious prankster like Letterme(a)n...
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*jaw slack with astonishment...*
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I presume all renters get Dramamine free-of-charge...? ;-)
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*sigh* Couldn't he have just settled for vanity plates?!
What a waste of trees...
What a waste of trees...
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