Pantomime props that look like weapons are dangerous. In fact they're so dangerous, says Britain's Health and Safety Executive, that they have to be locked up:
Pantomime troupe has been ordered to keep its toy weapons under lock and key – because of health and safety rules.
The amateur dramatics society imagined its plastic cutlasses, wooden swords and gun that fires a 'Bang' flag were harmless enough for a production of Robinson Crusoe.
However, it was a case of 'Health and safety officers are behind you' when they were told to call in police to ensure every 'weapon' was safe. The toy gun must now be kept in a safe box in a locked room when not in use.
A named individual has had to be put in charge of the other weapons – pretend swords and cutlasses, which also have to be locked up.
Link - via bog-brush
You'll find this is a local bit of silliness and unlikely to be repeated elsewhere.