Alex Santoso's Liked Comments, you still need pi. Here's why: area is pi*(radius^2), so...

The area of the 12 inch pizza is pi*(6^2) = 36pi
The area of the 8 inch pizza is pi*(4^2) = 16pi, but there's two of them, so total area = 2* 16 pi, so it's 32 pi.

The difference between the two is 36pi - 32pi = 4pi. That's roughly 4x3 or 12 square inch of pizza pie, not 4.

Dave is right in terms of crust, the two 8" pizza pies will have more crust than the 12" pie.
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I've never thought that Neatorama readers are so into weapons! Thank you to Gert Verhoog, Sig Nelson, Mark, and Tiago for pointing out the typo. That was my mistake. My thanks to the Neatorama editor who fixed it (whoever you are!)

I must admit I don't know anything about guns, but I've double checked the Oswald rifle details on the post against the hard copy. Here's some more info about the infamous rifle.

Rober and Sid Morrison, I'll defer to your expertise in identifying flintlock vs. caplock. I can barely tell the difference between flintlock and the flintstones, but that is what's on my hard copy. I'll let the article stand, but people will be able tell from your comments.

Tim Mosley, regarding the caliber of the Booth gun, wikipedia had it listed as .44 (as did the hardcopy of this article). Now, I'm not sure either was right, but I'll let the article stand - with your caveat in the comment.
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From the article, I gathered that it was the combination of both severe weather events and warfare that did the Mayans in.

The Mayans had been in war with each other for a long, long time - and the population managed to grow even with the "bloodthirsty savage" qualities. It was the combination of this AND severe draught (plus deforestation) that collapsed the ancient Mayan civilization.

Severe weather events do happen throughout history - even without significant contribution from human activities back then - but one thing should be clear: we're going to see a higher frequency of severe weather events due to changes in climate triggered by human activities since the industrial revolution.

Alex talks in a slightly crooked but charming way. ;)
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The ending of the story is quite telling: the lawsuit is privately settled when Salvation Army goes away with the extra $6 million it would've gotten by cutting out Greenpeace.

Hm, somehow I think that contradicted the explanation of "carrying out the letter of the will."
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