redphone's Comments

Really? All over the house? 29 pets? Man, that woman must have the instincts of... some kind of crazy accurate instinct machine, in order to keep on top of their pooping schedules.
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A pet is a pet. If the solution still allows for the pet to have a happy and fulfilling life (the definition of which, we'll leave to another debate - assume the best for the moment) then why should we have a problem with this?

I'm actually surprised at how cheap it was. Many people have a set limit for how much they are willing to pay to heal a pet. (Mine is limited to 1k for instance)

This shouldn't be such a huge stretch for people. I bonded with a dog, that woman bonded with a chicken. Others bond with rats, cats or fish.

I'm with Doj on this - the more interesting question here is weather or not a cancerous chicken is edible or not.
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I think I'd go through the same moral dilemma at first, but ultimately tell them to just toss it. Considering how much of it goes down the drain every day world wide, it's not that huge of a stretch for me mentally and morally.
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If I may... Spending that kind of cash may seem silly to us, but it's done regularly and there's not much we can do about it. The good that does come of it though, is that animal medicine is furthered each time an event like this happens.

As we all know, even a "frivolous" operation offers a vet the chance to experiment, and learn. Ideas and solutions come from this.
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I did the same thing when I discovered the site. Took me about two months to get through it all too. I started by just hitting random, but I realized soon enough that I might as well just sit down and go through the whole thing.

Totally worth it.
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I can one-up this sandwich. In college, there was a little bar that used to offer a great special that consisted of a grilled cheese sandwich, with a jamacian patty slipped in there, along with a frosty Duff beer.
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I was under the impression there that it had been illegal for quite some time. Although at the time I thought it was part of their water conservation efforts (in seattle, anyway). I was just a short term visitor though.
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Nothing says manly, like punching a shark in the face!
I'd like to think I'd have done the same, but there's a nagging part of me that says I wouldn't have...
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I haven't read anything here that I haven't heard from North Americans when the roles are reversed. You're in their country, you obey their laws. Ignorance of those laws is no excuse.

They took all that into account and gave a proportionate fine. (having to go through court like that is sucky though for sure)

Hell, I got a 90 dollar ticket once for not having reflector tape on the front forks of my bicycle. Who knew that was a law? Guess what, I had to eat it anyway. (sadly, no I did not just make that up - they really are ticketing for that in Toronto)
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