Archive for June 1st, 2011

App Lets Your Baby Choose Its Own Name

The worst thing about being a future parent has to be picking a name, right? Because who really wants to do that? (Insert eyeroll here.) The new Kick to Pick app lets your unborn baby pick up the grunt work b...

A Toaster Made of 2,500 Pieces of Bread

Photo link Your eyes don't deceive you - that is a giant toaster made of toast. Artists Ingrid Falk and Gustavo Aguerre, AKA FA+, created a huge mural using 2,500 pieces of bread heated at various lengths of...

BMX Rider Performs World's First Triple Back Flip

Jed Mildon, 24, of New Zealand became the first BMX rider to perform a triple backflip. He gained the necessary momentum by riding down a 20 meter ramp, then up a 3.6 meter ramp, which launched him into the air. You...

When Potholes Become Art

Photo link You probably wouldn't look at the eyesore outside of your house that claims a couple of hubcaps every week as art, but Claudia Ficca and Davide Luciano do. After a particularly brutal encounter with a "cany...

"This Guy Has My MacBook" Blog Helps Nab Thief

Photo link Joshua Kaufman's MacBook was stolen from him way back in March. Luckily, he had installed a $15 app on his laptop called Hidden, which can track your computer "anywhere on the planet" and even take pictures...

What Made this Marking in the Sand?

It was a golden mole, which can be found in the desert of Sperrgebiet National Park, Namibia. It survives the heat by tunneling around just under the surface of the sand. At the link, you can watch a video of one bei...

Chocolate iPad 2

You're still using a chocolate iPad? Pfft. That's so old-fashioned. The new thing is the chocolate iPad 2, which is so much more Apple than the chocolate iPad. Get with the times! Instructables user stevequa...

The Best Furniture for Typography Nerds

Love typography? In need of some furnishings for your house that are slightly more advanced than that IKEA armchair you shelled out for in college? Look no further than Tabisso's typographic lounge furniture. It com...

George Lucas Strikes Back

(Video Link) After he was kidnapped, George Lucas spent twenty years in captivity, watching an imposter destroy his reputation with three intentionally terrible prequels. Now he's out and looking for revenge in this...

Amphibious Ice Cream Van

HMS Flake 99 (shouldn't that be HMAICV?) is sailing through the UK's rivers, canals, and along its shores to sell its yummy wares. It's a promotional venture by Cadbury Icecreamland. Just paddle, swim, or sa...

Keyboard with Varying Key Heights Based upon Frequency of Usage

Think of Mike Knuepfel's sculpture as an infographic. The height of each letter is greater the more often that a letter is used in the English language: Idea – I’ve been thinking about and exploring the idea o...

Acrobatic Bagger Has Mad Skillz

(Video Link) Rajni, a bagger at a silk market in Chennai, India, treats his job like a performance, and his customers like they are an audience. Now, just add a backflip to the routine.... via Geekosystembagging...


(YouTube link) Cyriak Harris has a new animation, about sheep. They multiply. He calls it "Experiments in ovine geometry." -via Boing Boing Previously: More of Cyriak's work.animation, sheep, cyr...

Mini Electric Humvee

General Motors closed the HUMMER automotive plant in 2010, right on the brink of releasing the incredible HX™ model, a vehicle, that the majority believe would have saved them. The compact MEV HUMMER HX is...

Jetpack Test Flight Footage

(YouTube link) Finally, the future is making good on that jetpack promise. This is video footage of Jetson, a weighted test dummy, flying in the Martin Jetpack to 1500 feet, then performing an emergency landing with...

This Robot Juggles Better than Most People

I can't juggle at all. I have tried before, but I always drop the balls or whatever I am juggling. This robot can juggle and do it very well, I am a little jealous. It does the deed very loudly though with lots of wh...

Elephants Assist in Tornado Clean-Up

(YouTube link) A Picadilly Circus show was canceled in Joplin, MO following the tornado that recently ravaged the city. Rather than packing up and moving out of town, the circus enlisted the help of its largest perf...

Mosquito-Warding Myths and Tips

It's skeeter season (at least here in Oklahoma) and while everyone has their preferred method of avoiding malaria and dengue fever--and the general annoyance of being vampirized by flying insects--there are some really...

Of Mice and Pigs: Plague Threatens Australian Livestock

Farmers in Adelaide, Australia are having a bit of a rodent problem. The mouse population has grown to epic proportions due to recent heavy rains and booming crop yields--perfect conditions for an infestation. It's so ba...

Patently Bad Idea: Centrifugal Birthing Machine

Because childbirth isn't painful and horrifying enough on its own, I guess, G.B. Blonsky, et. al. decided to provide "civilised women" with this medieval torture device birthing apparatus that applies centrifugal fo...

Father/Daughter Wedding Dance

Ah, the Father/Daughter Wedding Dance ... the loving glance of a parent and child, the awkward swaying to cheesy music ... Well, not at Brooke Lavin's wedding! At her wedding, her pop Bill showed some of his smooth moves...

Hippo Potty Mouth

Hippo Potty Mouth by Amanda Flagg - $14.95Got a friend who %^!#@#$% loves to swear? The Hippo Potty Mouth from the NeatoShop is the perfect T-shirt for 'em! Check out our newest in Funny T-shirts and Science T-shirts, st...

The Museum of Me

Have you ever wanted to have your own museum exhibition? Well now you can with the Museum of Me Facebook application. The app takes all of your Facebook information and formats into an “exhibition” featuring your...

Awesome People Hanging Out Together

Sometimes “awesome” people like to hang out together.  And I’m not talking about a member of Aerosmith hanging out with another member of Aerosmith: Sometimes these famous or infamous people are hanging out wi...

Four Percent of Galaxies Are Like Milky Way

Researchers have discovered that only four percent of galaxies have similar qualities as our own Milky Way. I guess every galaxy really is a snowflake. The research team compared the Milky Way to...

Chinese Magical Hard-Drive

Just like eating fifty cent tacos, sometimes paying less for something isn’t always a good idea. Such is the lesson that some folks have learned buying bargain priced 500GB  hard drives from China that turn out no...

A Drug That Could Erase Your Memories

If you could take a drug that would erase only your bad memories and memories of being afraid, would you take it? Metyrapone is a drug that could do just that. While there are some obvious advantages to not remembering c...

In the Doghouse

Mandy Jouan decorated Izzy's dog crate as a gift on the one-year anniversary of her adoption. She was scared to enter the box at first -can you blame her? Link -via Buzzfeed (Image credit: Flickr user Sappymoosetree...

Motivational Posters from the Band of Brothers

Easy Company, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division is a group of World War II heroes you might know from the book or the miniseries Band of Brothers. They fought at the D-Day Invasion,...

Bank Robbers Dressed as Nuns

Two people dressed a nuns robbed the West Englewood branch of TCF bank in Palos Heights, Illinois, Sunday afternoon. It was not the first robbery the branch has seen, according to detective Gerald Wodka. This time two o...


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