This Week at Neatorama

Wow! This past week, we had more "Neatorama only" feature articles than I can remember ever in one week. In case you missed anything, here's an easy way to find them.

From Stacy Conradt we got Snack Break: The Stories Behind Your Favorite Movie Theater Candy and some strange ways to Predict the Future Using Your Fingernails (and other weird methods).

In every war, there is The Last to Surrender, because not everyone gets the message that the fighting is over. John Farrier followed up that historical post with another: 5 Amazing Early Explorers.

New entries at the Museum of Possibilities this week were Toll Roads for Legalized Car Wars and The Sleeping Bag: Ultra-light or Lightly Humorous?

We tried to make sense of geometry in A Non-Math Look at Math Objects. The sequel is due next week.

From Uncle John's Bathroom reader came Ancient Ninja: Separating the Men from the Myth.

Mental_floss magazine gave us 3 Moguls who Survived Bankruptcy. You and I should be so lucky!

Then Alex surprised us at the very end of the week with Is This Young Abe Lincoln? a post that will no doubt spark some interest in the next few days.

At NeatoBambino, we looked at Parenting through History: A Look at Childrearing in Five Historic Societies and learned how to make our own Fondant Roly Polys.

Check out the new installations at the Neatorama Art Blog! We have new galleries this week by illustrator Hugh D'Andrade, the collaboration known as id-iom, mixed media artist Teale Hatheway, and illustrator Lisa Evans.

We announced the GTFO Winners! Congratulations to first place winner Arm Rotating Girl and all the other prize winners. Go ahead, have another look at all the entries.

Neatorama co-sponsored the How Did You Know? contest at mental_floss this week. Congratulations to daily winners Dan Cinalli and Ryan Pelster, but it's not over yet! Check in with mental_floss on Monday to solve the ultimate puzzle.

NeatoGeek's Caption Contest had a good response this week. Congratulations to pismonque who won a t-shirt from the NeatoShop for his/her caption.

The What Is It? game came around on Thursday. BigWally knew the answer and Serris won a t-shirt by giving the funniest answer, both of which you can see at the post.

At the Decipher the Doodle contest from NeatoBambino, prizes from the NeatoShop went to lolamouse for the correct answer and to xela22 for the funniest answer (which you can read at the post).

If you'd like to be part of Neatorama yourself, find something neat on the web and submit it to our Upcoming Queue. You might find you are a blogger at heart!

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