Archive for April 9th, 2009

Cat Does Taxes...kinda

[YouTube - Link] Meet Sheeba. She needs to do her taxes. Unfortunately, for her human food provider this is an arduous and tedious process. DUDE!Cat, taxes, dude...

Volcano's Lightning Captured in Photo

When Mount Redoubt volcano in Alaska showed signs of erupting several months ago, researchers from New Mexico went there with the latest technology to measure the phenomenon.  The Lightning Mapping Array allows...

How Bacteria Communicate

[youtube=][YouTube - Link]Bonnie Bassler, professor of molecular biology at Princeton, explains how bacteria communicate with one another in this TED talk. She begins with bio...

Minimates based on Hitchcock's Psycho

This week is Custom Con 22, where toy customizers get to show off their latest creations. So far, my favorites are Luke Porter's set of Psycho Minimates. Other particularly strong entries are Sillof's Victorian Ave...

The Neurology of Zombies

Dr. Steven Schlozman, professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, will present a public lecture on the neuropsychology of zombies, as well as that of zombie attack survivors: And that's the crux of one of S...

Neatorama Upcoming Queue - Mystery Gift for March 2009 Top Submitters

Gosh, is it April 9th already? Time certainly flies when you're having fun ... or in my case, busy working. When we started the Upcoming Queue, we promised to reward - not penalize - its top users. The top 10 submitters...

The Triple Galaxy

The Hubble Space Telescope took a closer look at this triple galaxy group on April 1 and 2 after 140,000 people around the world voted on six potential targets. The areas have previously only been photographed by...

The Kind You Don't Bring Home to Mother

Sure, werewolves are frightening when the moon is full, but the rest of the month they're just ordinary people! "The Kind You Don't Bring Home to Mother" is a werewolf comic without the werewolves, created...

Build a Multitouch Surface Computer for Less than $500

Microsoft's cool Surface computing device costs $12,000 and is not yet available to the public, so the folks over at Maximum PC decided that they're going to build their own Surface-like computing device using open-sourc...

What Billionaires Have In Common

What do billionaires have in common besides a lot of money?  Forbes magazine decided to find out, and did an in depth analysis of the 657 self made billionaires on their list from a few months ago.  Amongst the...

Saharan Rolling Spider

[youtube=][YouTube - Link]When travelling down a sand dune, the Saharan rolling spider (Araneus rota) is capable of rolling on its outstretched legs, achieving speeds of...

Rare Megamouth Shark Caught, Eaten in the Philippines

Fishermen in the Philippines accidentally caught a megamouth shark, one of the rarest animals in the world with only 40 documented sightings ever recorded. What did they do afterwards? Why, they ate it, of course...

Guerilla Dance Party in Shibuya, Japan

[youtube=][YouTube - Link]You may remember the stormtrooper dancing in a Shibuya, Japan, street.  Here are some more dancers ... What is it about Shibuya that attracts gu...

Bulletproof Fashion

Colombian designer Miguel Caballero makes what is probably the world's safest haute couture: his clothings are bullet-proof! To keep his customers safe, Miguel has made bulletproof jackets, polo shirts, and yes, even und...

12 Creative Ways to Color Easter Eggs

This Easter, don't just dip your eggs in dye for ho-hum Easter eggs ... rather, unleash your creative side to make them memorable! Dabbled blog explains:Another Flickr Roundup for you, this time it's Ways to Dye Y...

Beer Soap

If you like beer, but hate wimpy soaps, check this out: Beer Soap by etsy sellers Jamin and Zaidat. Sadly, the soap doesn't actually smell like beer ...No longer can the eau de booze only be achieved by the...

Tax Form Dress

Photo by Senor McGuireNeatorama reader Britt Savage (who's quite an excellent singer, you can check out her tracks at her MySpace page) sent us some pics of her first fashion creation: a dress made out of IRS tax forms!B...

P-Mate Lets Women Pee Like Men!

Who says that boys should have all the fun peeing standing up? Here's P-mate, a "urinating device" that allows women to pee just like the guys! From the directions of use:- Simply pop open the P-Mate and...

Massive Old School Printers

Back in the days, printers are big. Really big. The News in Print has a nifty post about 6 of the biggest old school printers ever made. This one above  is the Xerox 9700:The Xerox 9700 is largely recognised...

Bob Ross-o-Rama: The Joy of Painting on

Honestly, I’ve had a crush on Bob Ross ever since I was a little girl. It was something in the way he stroked the canvas and talked in that ever soothing voice about happy little trees and clouds. He mesmerized me...

Japan's Marathon Monk

A 44-year-old Japanese monk named Genshin Fujinami has just completed what probably is the most grueling race in history: a 7-year 24,800 mile (~40,000 km) journey - an equivalent of a trip around the world!Since 188...

Plastic Surgery for Job Seekers

Billboard advertisements.  Holding signs on busy street.  Making online videos.  These are just some of the unconventional methods used by job seekers in these trying economic times. Now, add cosmetic s...

Lady Chimps will Mate for Meat

Researchers in the Tai National Park in West Africa found that in a study of 262 chimpanzees, male chimpanzees favored giving food to females that were in heat and ready to mate:Gomes and co-author Christophe Boesch...

Tiny Flower Turns Pig Poop into Fuel

Duckweed spreads like wildfire to cover ponds. Jay Cheng, a biological engineer at North Carolina State University says this tiny aquatic plant could be a way to clean up industrial farm waste AND provide fuel for our ve...

Hawks Eye View

[youtube=][YouTube - Link]Stunning footage from a small camera strapped to a hawk in flight. The swooping dive at the end is mind boggling!From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by i...


No shots fired, no score, no colors. BallDroppings is just a fun little physics-based music game. Draw lines to catch the bouncing balls and enjoy the music they make. Bonus -no inertia! Link -via Buzzfeed physics gam...

On the Set - Sitcom sets in miniature

Flickr user On The Set has created some of the most beloved sitcom shows in scale model form.  Some haven't been worked on in several years but are being brought out of storage to be completed. For fun, try and...

Gadget Grand Prix

(YouTube link) Who will win the office race -the digital camera, the mouse, the PDA, the remote control, the cell phone, or another hand held gadget? This is another of those creative Samsung ads that go viral about o...

Why the Top of Your Shoes Get Soaked When Walking on a Wet Floor

After having solved all of the world's problems like cancer and global warming, scientists turn their attention to the vexing problem of why the top of your shoes get soaked when walking on a wet pavement: The team u...

101 Last Suppers

Jeremy Barker at Popped Culture has compiled 101 satirical versions of da Vinci's The Last Supper, covering everything from Popeye to Mario Brothers to Gordon Ramsay. LinkThe Last Supper...


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