Zeon Santos's Blog Posts

Meet Mankind's Mechanical Successor In This Animated Short

I still can't put my finger on why seeing a lonely robot wandering around after mankind has gone extinct makes me feel bad for the bot, but I'm pretty sure it's not the "mankind going extinct" part.

Perhaps it comes down to how much I and others like me we relate to that feeling of loneliness we take with us wherever we go, or maybe I'm just a sucker for a lonely robot story.

Whatever the reason, Redone by David James Armsby made my engine purr, even though the conceptual short introduces us to mankind's doom...

(YouTube Link)

Paper Collage Cityscapes That Look Like Oil Paintings

Everyone had that one friend growing up who called themselves an artist but really just glued magazine cutouts together to create collages full of celebrities and ransom note lettering.

Our old friend was making a mess more than anything else, but collage artist Albin Talik glues down hundreds of little bits of paper and together they actually look like an oil painting.

If you look closely you can see all the tiny pieces of paper Albin cut, tore or otherwise shaped to fit each element in the painting, a technique which works really well with the cityscape themes:

I love Krakow. I live in "Debniki" district. I wanted to show how beautiful this place is.

I use only paper and glue.

See more Cityscapes That Look Like Oil Paintings Which I Create Using Only Paper And Glue here

F*ck That- An Honest Meditation For Today's World

The more hippie dippie meditation courses always feature lots of appropriated Asian philosophy, imagery and music, which doesn't really speak to the modern Western mind and is therefore lost on many of us.

So if you want to get a city dwelling English speaker interested in meditation you've got to learn to speak their language, and Jason Headley has cracked the code with his series F*ck That: An Honest Meditation.

Jason's meditation video, book and app use the many expletives other meditation courses are afraid to let fly in order to free our spirits from the grips of our modern lives, or some such bulls#@t.

Some claim it worked wonders for their frustrated minds, others say it sounds like an early Eddie Murphy routine. Click play, close your eyes and decide for yourself. (NSFW) Namaste!

(YouTube Link)

-Via Laughing Squid

These NeatoShop T-Shirts Will Put You In A Summer Camp State Of Mind

Chillin' Like a Villain by Hillary White

Remember how much fun we used to have in the summertime?

We looked forward to those hot summer months because they represented freedom and fun, knowing we had vacation time, travel and summer camp awaiting us before it all started over again in the fall.

Those days may be gone, but you're never too old to stay in a summer camp state of mind all year long, and the best way to keep your wardrobe campy is with a NeatoShop t-shirt!

The arrival of summer always brings back fond memories of summer camp

Hello to Summer by JRBERGER

Where young folks learn to survive in the wilderness

Nature | Outdoor Nature Icons: Camping, Hiking, Boating by Boots

Or at very least learn ghost stories to tell around the campfire

Roast Rider by Dixon Designs

Camp was so much fun I would have given my lucky boxer shorts to stay there forever!

We Salute You by CoDDesigns

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The Cookie That Knows Too Much

Fortune cookies are fine when they're filled with broad predictions, generic advice and lottery numbers, and I also really enjoy fortunes that teach me simple Chinese words.

But I'll be damned if I'm gonna let a cookie use a slip of paper to blackmail or intimidate me, because fortunes are flammable and cookies have a way of disappearing, leaving but a few crumbs behind.

Think fortune cookies would never reveal your deepest, darkest secrets? This Rock Paper Cynic comic seems to indicate otherwise, and as cookies get smarter their fortunes look for ways to make another kind of fortune...

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

The Ultimate Shot-For-Shot Remake Of Revenge Of The Sith

Shot-for-shot remakes are often the most boring kind of remake, because fans try so hard to actually remake the original film they lose sight of what makes a remake fun, namely originality and a sense of humor.

When fan filmmaker Tim Hoekstra and his buddies created this shot-for-shot remake of Star Wars: Episode III- Revenge Of The Sith they put effort in to making sure the dialog and the shots were just right- and that's about it.

(YouTube Link)

-Via io9

Do You Know Where Those Adorable Dog Photos On Reddit Come From?

People are constantly posting and sharing pictures of cute animals online, and there's a whole subreddit dedicated to sharing adorable animal pictures for people to "awwww!" at appropriately titled /r/aww.

But can any of us really claim to know exactly where each and every one of those animal pics on /r/aww came from?

According to John Savoia, founder of the Facebook group Dogspotting, many pics are being "stolen" from his Facebook group and shared on /r/aww without proper credit, which is "an affront to the true spirit of Dogspotting":

"Reddit is built upon content aggregation and not on content creation," John Savoia, who's widely credited with creating the tongue-in-cheek sport of Dogspotting, told me via email. To Savoia, that some /r/aww users feel comfortable passing off other people's images as their own ranks as the lowest of the low. "Dogspotting is built on the concept that honor and satisfaction come from doing the work of spotting," he said. "These poor souls probably haven't seen a real dog in years."

"Dogspotting is nothing without the vibrant and amazing community of people who everyday put themselves out there to spot dogs," he added. "Across Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram we want to show off the best of Dogspotting, not just the photos, but the people who bring that content to Dogspotting. Dogspotting is a lifestyle but it's also a community."

Read Reddit's /r/aww Is Full Of Stolen Dog Pics at Motherboard

Split Decision Harkens Back To The Good Old Days Of Disney Shorts

Disney Studios experienced a creative dry spell a while back that ceased production of their short films for decades and made fans long for the good old days of Disney cartoons.

But since Disney started making 2D shorts again they've been going at it full tilt, reimagining Mickey and the gang with a sketchy retro look that's classic enough to be classic and new enough to be new.

I'm truly torn on what I like best about Split Decision, but in the end I settled on how happy I am to see Donald allowed to truly quack up again like he used to in the good old days- he's my anger hero!

(YouTube Link)

This Guy Doesn't Whisper To Horses, He Dances With Them

Dog dancing totally makes sense to me, and cat dancing makes a strange sort of sense when you consider how cats cling to our neck and shoulders when they're scared, their claws in turn making us dance with pain.

I've also seen riders train their horses to dance, rearing up on their hind legs to chachacha, but dancing with horses is new to me and I'm loving every minute of it.

This video features one of the world's premiere trainers and horse dancers, Frédéric Pignon, showing off his beautiful and talented Frisian stallions.

(YouTube Link)

-Via World of Animals

An Adorable Animated Short About A Hungry Fox And The Shadow Folk

Foxes must possess some sort of magical powers because so many different cultures feature magical foxes in their mythology that it cannot be a coincidence.

The Japanese are especially sweet on foxes, which is why they figure prominently in both Japanese myths and their pop culture, because who doesn't love to see a cute little fox character in a cartoon, comic or video game?

This particular cartoon is called Kagemono but it wasn't made in Japan- it was animated by Sabrina Cotugno back in 2012, when she was a student at CalArts. Kagemono is truly a mini masterpiece, so tune in and fox out.

(YouTube Link)

Albuquerque Newsreader Doug Fernandez Has Had Enough

Being a newsreader isn't a very tough gig, and aside from the salary it doesn't seem to be a very rewarding job either, but the people want their nightly news so somebody's got to read it to them.

And so the newsreader faces the teleprompter and reads the lines, going through the motions until they can stand the TV news rat race no longer and they give up.

Doug Fernandez was a newsreader at KOAT in Albuquerque, New Mexico until the utter ineptitude of KOAT's production team caused him to toss in the towel.

(YouTube Link)

Now he works for a clandestine organization determined to destroy all teleprompters...oh wait, it says here he still works at KOAT, I guess I was thinking of someone else...

-Via Boing Boing

Creative Hobbies To Try When Everything Is Awful

Nothing takes your mind off your troubles and the sorry state of the world like a hobby, because it fully absorbs your mind and, with a bit of practice, can give you a very satisfying feeling of accomplishment.

Most people find their hobbies organically, their talents and interests guiding them towards a hobby they love like sewing, painting or gardening, but others find it hard to figure out what their idle hands are meant to be doing.

It may seem a bit cheesy to consult a list of hobbies for inspiration, but that's the wrong way to think about the process of finding and falling in love with a new hobby.

Instead you should consult all the lists, read all the tutorials and watch all the process videos, so you can better understand your new creative passion.

I consulted this BuzzFeed list and discovered I've tried out damn near every hobby on the list but quilting is on my to-do list so I guess it's time to get to work!

See 25 Creative Hobbies To Try When Everything Is Awful And You're Not Okay here

Before And After Pics Of Extreme Haircut Transformations

(Image Link)

It's easy to underestimate how much a haircut can change the way we look, and anybody who has gone in to a salon and walked out with that regretful too short haircut knows a little hair length goes a long way.  

But something good can come out of every extreme change haircut you receive if you take a before and after picture, and even if your hair is butchered you'll still have something funny to look at while it all grows back.

Bored Panda asked readers to submit pics of their before and after extreme haircut transformations and their submissions revealed people aren't shy about cutting it all off when they need a change.

They're also not afraid to change it up in other ways, like this lady who didn't dramatically change her length but did transform her head three times in six months.

And let's not forget the extreme hair transformation the other way, covering up a bald head can be an extreme transformation too!

(Image Link)

See more from Share Before & After Pics Of Your Extreme Haircut Transformations here

The Most Beautiful Suicide

Suicide is not pretty, and anyone who has dealt with suicide understands it's not something to be taken lightly or glamorized, but despite the tragedy it depicted the photo above became known as "the most beautiful suicide". 

This historic photo was taken by photo student Robert Wiles four minutes after young Evelyn McHale fell to her death from the 86th floor of the Empire State Building. The image was published as the "Picture of the Week" in the May 12th issue of LIFE Magazine in 1947 with this caption:

“At the bottom of the Empire State Building the body of Evelyn McHale reposes calmly in grotesque bier, her falling body punched into the top of a car.”

And here's how the NY Times reported the same incident:

The news reports related to Evelyn's death would be forgotten in time, but Robert's photo would become one of the most iconic images of the 20th century, affecting us just as much today as it affected folks back in '47.

Read more about The Most Beautiful Suicide here

Old Commercials That Are Now Considered Politically Incorrect

PC culture seeks to make all forms of media as inoffensive as possible, especially in regards to race, sex or sexual orientation, and as PC culture becomes more prevalent the media of the past looks ever more "incorrect".

If you're unsure what proponents of PC culture consider to be politically incorrect then you'll need to do some research, which in this case means watching a compilation of vintage commercials to see if you can spot the incorrectness.

And if you don't give a crap about political incorrectness then watch this compilation put together by FredFlix and chuckle at how cheesy TV commercials used to be!

(YouTube Link)

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