Zeon Santos's Liked Blog Posts

Teen Comes Out To Her Family While Riding Splash Mountain

It can be tough for a teen to find the courage and come out of the closet to their friends and family, especially when they assume one or both of the groups will give them hell for being gay.

But sixteen-year-old Gina was tired of keeping her sexuality a secret- she wanted to live out loud, so she came out to her family at the photo-op point on Disneyland's Splash Mountain.

Inspiring, exciting, and hilarious, Gina really came out in style with this photo!

-Via Boing Boing

New Chinese Secret Weapon - A Giant Panda Wearing Iron Man Armor

It has become abundantly clear the Chinese are obsessed with Iron Man, and not just because his armor is red and gold in color just like their flag.

They're also obsessed with panda bears, which they thankfully began to cherish and protect before they went extinct, and now they've brought both obsessions together in one amazing statue.

This giant Iron Panda statue was created by Chinese artist Bi Heng, measures nearly thirty feet tall and must weigh a ton considering normal sized pandas definitely aren't lightweights.

The statue hangs around Shenyang, where people cherish this massive testament to mammalian ingenuity, and if the world is ever in trouble Iron Panda will be there to preserve balance with a blast of his Yin-Yang palm laser.

-Via design you trust

A Chart Showing When It's Okay To Leave Kids Home Alone

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I grew up around a bunch of latchkey kids who walked themselves home from school every day and often had to make their own dinner because their parent(s) were always working.

This seemed quite normal, and made it easy to find kids to play with after school, but nowadays most parents wouldn't dream of letting their kids live that latchkey life.

Which brings up the question- when is a kid old enough to be left home alone?

This chart created by Thirty Handmade Days attempts to answer that question, breaking it down by age group and showing which states have laws against leaving kids home alone.

It seems a bit ridiculous to worry about leaving a 16-17 year old home alone, but what do you think- do you agree with this chart?

-Via CountryLiving

On Patrol With South Korea's Suicide Rescue Team

Suicidal people often choose tall buildings and bridges from which to kill themselves, and in South Korea the Han River bridge is the choice for the suicidal, which is where the Yeoudio Water Rescue Unit comes in.

South Korea has the highest suicide rate in the developed world, but they also have brave people like Captain Hyung-Guen Suh who rescue those who attempt to kill themselves in the Han River.

Sometimes they're successful, other times they can do no more than retrieve a body, but they're working hard to make their part of the world a better place by showing that they care about human life.

(YouTube Link)


Some Of The Most Bizarre Things The Hulk Has Ever Done

The Hulk is one of the most predictable characters in the Marvel Universe, because his battles almost always involve smashing or sheer resilience, but he's also a bit of a head case too.

And whether he's locked in a fit of rage, struggling with his identity crisis or trying to figure out why his friends are fighting with him The Hulk definitely isn't all there mentally.

Over the years the Jade Giant has made some downright bizarre decisions, such as hooking up with his first cousin She-Hulk, playing baseball while wearing blackface, and beating up Santa Claus in front of a bunch of kids.

Beatin' on Thor is one thing, but you'd better leave Santa Claus alone you big green/gray brute!

Read the 11 Biggest WTF Things The Hulk Has Ever Done here

Ridiculously Funny Customer Complaint Tweets

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If you think working in retail is hard try working in the customer service department, now those poor employees have to deal with the worst humanity has to offer.

At least they get a good laugh out of some of the customer complaints that come in, although for every fool who can't figure out the right way to open a pizza box there's a customer with a valid problem.

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But ever since customers started complaining online their issues with companies have become even more ridiculous.

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And now customer service agents have to wade through a sea of trolls to address the real customers with valid complaints, moving us one step closer to the world of Idiocracy.

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Read These Hilarious Customer Service Complaints Are Entertaining For Everyone...Except The Customers here

Female Fantasy Armor Explained

Female body armor seems to be made with sex appeal in mind rather than protection, at least according to many pop culture franchises, and up until the recent assimilation of geek culture that was fine.

But now people are declaring this sexy armor scandalous and demanding an explanation, so DeviantARTist Nebezial took a stab at explaining how it works with this strip. Seems legit to me!

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

Tiny Puppy Tries To Fetch The Newspaper

People love to teach their pets how to do tricks, and some pets love to perform tricks because they get extra treats and extra attention from their humans.

Dogs are (arguably) the easiest pets to teach, because tricks such as the army crawl, speaking and fetching just click with them on an instinctual level.

But just because they have the ability to do these tricks within them doesn't mean those tricks come easy to them!

(YouTube Link)

Watching tiny Gracie struggle to fetch a Sunday edition-sized newspaper is truly inspirational, although something tells me she's going to be just fine with the death of the printed page.

-Via CountryLiving

Conventions Are Coming, So Get Geared Up For Con Fun With A New T-Shirt

SUPER FAN - VARIANT 1 by Outlawalien

San Diego is about to be drowing in con-goers as one of the biggest fandom conventions in the world brings five days of fun to America's Finest City.

SDCC is just the beginning, or the end depending on which cons you go to, and there are fandom conventions all year round so you never have to stop being an attendee.

But if you're gonna start hitting those fandom conventions you'd better get geared up first- with a geeky new shirt from the NeatoShop, where fans are guaranteed to find their new favorite shirt!

Fandom conventions are places where like-minded geeks get together and nerd out

Time Travelers Convention by Coconutman

A yearly event where every kind of geek under the rainbow can be seen

Goku Rainbow by Geek Me That

Including the freaky ones who are in to totally strange stuff!

Cosplay by Theduc

Continue reading

Road Rage Attacker May Escape Jail If She Can Prove She's An Expert Knitter

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Road rage incidents are rarely forgivable, especially when the rager inflicts bodily harm on a fellow motorist just because they couldn't contain their anger.

And yet it seems getting away with flipping out and punching someone in the face while road raging isn't that hard, provided you have a ridiculous excuse for your behavior.

A rageaholic by the name of Amanda McCabe was recently hauled into Dundee Sheriff court after tailing a fellow driver then dragging the woman out of her car and punching her in the face.

She told the judge her tailing the victim was a coincidence, since she was an expert knitter headed to a specialist wool shop in the same direction when the slow driver got in her way:

On hearing that, Sheriff Rafferty laid down a challenge – one that he said could be the difference between liberty and prison.

He told McCabe she would return to court on December 14 with “multiple knitted items” capable of being sold in a charity shop and raising money for good causes.

Put on the spot, she claimed she could knit a jumper in two-to-three-days at a cost of £6 to £7.

Knitting jumpers to avoid jail time- how's that for an unlikely yarn?!

-Via Boing Boing

How To Find A Hobby

Life can start to feel a bit monotonous when you don't have a hobby, and there's nothing like finding, and engaging in, an activity you enjoy to help pull you out of a rut.

But don't overlook the things you're already really, really good at, such as eating while laying down, keeping track of the TV remote and wearing the same clothes for three days in a row.

Because according to CollegeHumor comic artist AC Stuart aka Noob the Loser these are all valid options so long as they make you happy. Hobby problem solved!

-Via CollegeHumor

Hilarious Dad Shows Us How To Install A Baby Car Seat

Dadding ain't easy but it's necessary, so entry level dads who want to work towards father of the year rather than becoming a glorified babysitter have to start learning the tricks of the trade.

And that's why the dad from How To Dad started making videos and such- so he can show newbie dads how to dad it up like a pro.

In this installment How To Dad shows us the "This Dad" and "That Dad" method for installing a baby car seat.

(YouTube Link)

You may still feel like "That Dad" after watching the video, but at least you know you're not alone.

-Via Laughing Squid

Little Girl Spoofs Matthew McConaughey's Lincoln Commercials

Have you ever seen those coma inducing Lincoln Motor Company commercials, featuring Matthew McConaughey speaking cryptically about how long he's been driving Lincolns and how you "have to go back to move forward"?

It turns out they're way more fun to watch when you replace McConaughey with a little girl and replace the Lincoln hybrid with a bright pink Barbie car.

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Filmmaker Eric Moyer created this fun commercial spoof starring his daughter Michelle to showcase her laid back attitude and Barbie girl swagger, the qualities which will make her a star someday. Mattel meet Michelle, the face of your new ad campaign!

-Via Laughing Squid

Actors Who Are Terrible To Their Fans

Some fans take their celebrity worship too far when they find themselves face-to-face with the object of their affection, and this creates awkwardness between fan and idol.

But the awkward feeling isn't always the fan's fault, because some celebs hate dealing with fans so much they turn an already tense moment into sheer social torture.

Even worse- the celebs who use social media to ridicule their fans, talking trash about the people who help pay for their decadent lifestyles and acting like they're "over it" when it comes to having a fanbase.

(YouTube Link)

Screen Rant presents a list of 10 Famous Actors Who Are Terrible To Their Fans, including some stuff about Christian Bale (angry) and Shia LaBeouf (batty), and the time Jesse Eisenberg hated the fans at Comic-Con so much he compared it to a genocide.

-Via GeekTyrant

Kids Say And Do The Darndest Things, And Then Their Parents Tweet About It

Twitter isn't good for much more than expressing random thoughts or sharing links, but it has proven to be an excellent source of candid comedy thanks to the proud parents who tweet about the odd stuff their kids do and say.

Finally kids who aren't old enough to be on Twitter can have a voice in this digital age of social media socialization and tweety talk, and we can get a good laugh at the adorably crazy stuff kids come up with.

Parents- enjoy your kiddos while they're too young to know the power of teenage hatred, and keep sharing those tweets about your kids so we can live and laugh vicariously through you.

Read 25 Things Kids Have Said That Will Actually Make You Laugh here

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