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Every New Yorker Cartoon Can Solicit You for LinkedIn

The New Yorker's iconic single panel cartoons usually nail comedy with their single-line captions. They cover a vast variety of human experiences. But designer Frank Chimero argues that most if not all of them can be captioned with an automated email notification subject line that LinkedIn accounts send to people: "Hi, I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn."

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Bendhead - A Bending Unit Gone Bonkers

Bendhead by Piercek25

The world may never know what goes on inside that dome shaped head of his, but at least we'll always know that whatever Bender is up to is probably no good. He's a mastermind among bending units, a riot at robot parties and a criminal kingpin when the fancy strikes him, but is this all part of his default programming? The futurama holds many mysteries and Mr. Rodriguez is but one of those mysteries, but if we don't solve his dark secrets he might one day lead the robots against us meatbags...

Transport your geeky wardrobe to the far flung future with this Bendhead t-shirt by Piercek25, it's a colorful way to show some love for your favorite animated robot!

Visit Piercek25's Facebook fan page and Twitter, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more geek-tastic designs:

Everything 1up Day! Warboys Garage

Keep On Searching

View more designs by Piercek25 | More Sci-Fi T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Ten Of The Best Fictional Video Games Found In Movies

Filmmakers are often forced to create fictional media franchises for their movies, so their characters can enjoy TV shows and video games that come from the same fictional world they do and don't cost money to use.

These fictional franchises are usually just mentioned by the characters, but when it's an integral part of the movie, like the game being designed by the main characters in Her and Grandma's Boy, we get to see more of what we're missing in real life.

(YouTube Link)

WatchMojo has put together a collection of fabulous looking video games that appeared in movies and have yet to make the transition into reality, the ten best fictional games that gamers desperately want to play!

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

The Stories Behind Eleven Different Regional Soft Drinks

Whether you call it a soft drink, a carbonated beverage, a soda, a pop or you just call them all Coke there's no denying that soft drinks are appealing.

People often disagree about which type or brand of soft drink is best, but if you live in an area that has a regional brand you'd better at least pretend to like it too, because folks there are probably mighty attached to their regional brand.

These regional favorites are seen as a part of people's lives in these areas, but many residents have forgotten where these particular soft drink brands came from, not to mention why they're so popular in their region.

Take Moxie for instance- it's a big hit in New England, especially in Maine where Moxie has been the official state soft drink since 2005, and yet it tastes a bit too medicinal for most folks.

That flavor comes from the fact that the drink's inventor, Dr. Augustin Thompson, originally intended Moxie to be a tonic that "nourishes the nervous system, cools the blood, tones up the stomach, and causes healthful, restful sleep."

The soft drink craze was just taking off, so the doc decided to market Moxie as a soft drink, and the rest is New England beverage history!

Read The Stories Behind 11 Regional Soft Drinks at mental_floss

Bartenders Discuss Their Biggest Customer Related Pet Peeves

If you enjoy having a few drinks at your local tavern then you know it's important to keep the bartenders happy so they don't start watering down those drinks.

Tipping is a great way to get on their good side, and it never hurts to be polite to servers and treat them with respect, but these are pretty much common sense rules for drinking out.

So what can we do to keep our neighborhood booze jockeys happy?

(YouTube Link)

Well, start by refraining from calling them booze jockeys, then watch this video by Indulgence to see what really stirs bartenders the wrong way.

-Via Cheezburger

Don't Let It Go Until You've Seen Donald Trump Disney Princesses

Okay, I know what you're going to say, something like "enough with the Disney princesses already!" or "really? Disney princesses again? Let it go!"

I hear you and feel your visual pain, but if you are an adorer of the absurd like myself then you'll definitely appreciate this ridiculous Donald Trump Disney Princesses mashup created by illustrator Jen Lewis.

Something about the perfectly Trumpian expressions while imagining the sound of Trump's voice reciting lines and singing songs from a Disney movie really taps my tickle button.

Please forgive me for exposing you to the Donald's mug (and more Disney princess art) if you disagree about the funny...

See Donald Trump Disney Princesses here

Protocol Blues - With Chewie On Lead Droid

Protocol Blues by Stationjack

Han was gettin' mighty tired of listening to Chewie jam out on his 3PO all night, especially because he kept playing that heavy psych song "Endorian Pilgrim" over and over again. He was like a Wookiee obsessed, and when he was jammin' solo it was like Chewie Vs. The World. Laying down some heavy licks in C one day Chewie felt like the star he'd always dreamed of being, but Han quickly brought him back to reality when he reminded the big, hairy dreamer that they were currently in the middle of an intergalactic war...

Bring some sci-fi fun to your geeky wardrobe with this Protocol Blues t-shirt by Stationjack, it's one rockin' good design!

Visit Stationjack's Facebook fan page, official website, Instagram, Twitter and Tumblr, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more geek-tastic designs:

Y-800 Demon Valley Bionic Griff Iron Soup

View more designs by Stationjack | More Sci-Fi T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

The Smoking Hills of Canada

(Photo: Ansgar Walk)

The Smoking Hills are located near Cape Bathurst on the Arctic Coast of the Northwest Territories. When Royal Navy Captain Robert McClure explored the area in the 1850s, he thought that the smoke on the shore came from a large number of campfires. Upon further exploration, he found the smoke emerging from vents in the ground. This stretch of land has rich veins of lignite near the surface. As the land erodes, the lignite spontaneously catches fire when exposed. The CBC explains:

Here, vast deposits of lignite  -- concentrations of carbon-rich shale and pyrite rich in sulphur - literally ignite spontaneously when the hills erode and the mineral veins are exposed to the air, producing a constant smoke. […]

The sailors are said to have returned with a sample of the smoldering rock, and when they set it down on McClure's desk it burned a hole in the wood.

-via Amusing Planet

McDonald's Straws Are Designed to Mimic the Experience of Breastfeeding

(Photo: Kana Natsuno)

Get a freshly poured McDonald's shake. Stick a straw in and suck. It's a very soothing feeling--almost primal. It's specifically designed that way. The straws used at McDonald's outlets in Japan are  reflect the experience of breastfeeding. Rocket News 24 quotes Den Fujita, the founder of McDonald's Japan, in his book Den Fujita's Business Strategies 2: Overwhelming Business Strategies:

When humans drink something, the speed that produces the most delicious feeling is the speed at which babies nurse…McDonald’s straws are designed so that when used with a shake, the speed will be the same as that of an infant drinking breast milk.

Drinking a McDonald's shake is supposed to reflect an essential infantile experience of pleasure.

Babies Suckling on Junk Food Remind Nursing Mothers to Eat Healthy

The Pediatric Society of Rio Grande in Brazil wanted to remind new mothers that, for the sake of the babies that they nurse, they should eat healthy food. Body paintings of junk food on the breasts of nursing mothers communicate that mothers are feeding their babies bad food when they eat it themselves.

It's a clever advertising approach by the ad agency Paim. But I'm curious about whether it makes any medical sense at all.

-via Lost at E Minor

Custom Keyboard System for All 1,000 Emojis

There are over 1,000 emojis in the world today. When trying to use one in a tweet or résumé, you can use menus and submenus on your smartphone to find the one you want. But that's not necessary on the keyboard system that Tom Scott rigged. It consists of 14 standard keyboards, all linked together with appropriate software. Each emoji--even those that aren't out to the public yet--is available with a single click.

(Video Link)

Later this week, Scott plans to release a video showing how he built this sytem.

-via BuzzFeed

Scientist: People Who Desperately Need to Pee Are Better Liars

(Image: Chad Kainz)

Want to lie more effectively? Drink a lot of water an hour before the deed. That's one takeaway from a recent study by Dr. Iris Blandón-Gitlin of California State University at Fullterton and her colleagues.

They placed research subjects in 2 groups. Members of one group drank 5 glasses of water. Members of the other drank 5 sips of water. After an hour, the subjects were asked to lie persuasively about their opinion on a topic. Reviewers were more likely to judge people who, by this point, really needed to go to the bathroom, as truthful.

These results may be the result of the inhibitory spillover effect. The need to carefully control one's bladder reinforced the need to carefully control one's expressions and mannerisms. Popular Science explains:

This result adds evidence to something called the inhibitory spillover effect. If you are already using one type of self-control, it’s easier to be self-controlled at other things. However, this only works for simultaneous tasks. Other research has found that resisting the cupcakes at the office can deplete your inhibitory control resources, making it harder to ignore that post-dinner ice cream siren song.

-via Uproxx

Two Kids Get Their Loose Teeth Pulled Out By Drones

If you tell a boy you're going to pull his tooth out with pliers he's sure to start screaming in terror, but tell him you'll be using a drone to extract the tooth and he's liable to start yelling with delight.

Two guys had the same brilliant idea to pull their son's (or nephew's) loose tooth out with a drone, and they both filmed the fun so we can all watch.

First up is Adam and his dad Malcolm Swan who used a Phantom Vision Quadcopter to extract the errant tooth, with Adam totally psyched about his dad's choice of extraction equipment.

(YouTube Link)

Then there's Bruno and his uncle Paul Borrud, who used his drone Phyllis to yank Bruno's pesky loose tooth while the crowd gathered at Ghirardelli Square in San Francisco cheered them on.

(Vimeo Link)

Hopefully no one will ever get the bright idea to extract a kid's tooth with a real airplane, or that poor kid will be in dentures before middle school!

Boy Meets Girl - Haruhi Is New At This, If You Couldn't Tell

Boy Meets Girl by RegLapid

Haruhi has an important job to do, and without her the SOS Brigade would not exist, but while she's busy hunting down aliens, ESPers and travelers from another time she has forgotten to look for love. However, Haruhi is familiar with many forces at work in the universe, and yet even she is powerless to stop love from finding its way into her life. Can she really be falling for an "ordinary" human, one who repulses her and makes her swoon at the same tiem? When boy meets girl love beats all!

Add some anime love to your geeky wardrobe with this Boy Meets Girl t-shirt by RegLapid, it's the bold way to show the world you're a Haruhi Suzumiya fan and proud of it!

Visit RegLapid's NeatoShop for more delightfully geeky designs:

One Lava Oppa Happy Snowman Hey Beautiful

View more designs by RegLapid | More Anime T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

A Huge Gallery Of Celebrities In Halloween Costumes

Celebs are used to dressing up for roles, and getting all fancied up for awards night, but when they get dressed up for Halloween most stars spare no expense on their costume.

It makes sense that someone who has access to the best costumers and makeup artists in Hollywood would want to look their best when going out on Halloween night, but sometimes the best are busy and you're left with a person who makes mascot costumes.

And nothing says celebrity Halloween costume like a sexy version of something, like this strappy Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle number worn by Rihanna, a costume designed to make fans question their feelings for the TMNT.

See all the good, bad and ugly Celebrity Halloween Costumes of 2014 here

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