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Not only that, its a fundraiser against cancer...and he's doing it to earn money to stop the condition that killed his grandmother. How can you complain against that? Go ban Halloween if its scary; as well as all horror movies.
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My excuse is that I like chocolate, and cake, and I really LOVE chocolate cake. But seriously, while I understand what she means, I do agree she could have been a little more tactful about it if it was going to be taken off fitness blogs. On the other hand, just because you disagree with something doesn't make it wrong and I think that whoever started this "fat-shaming bully" issue is probably someone who should put down the donuts & take a walk around the block. I really think the picture and the slogan aren't that bad in context of the website they were published on. It's like going to a porn site and complaining about objectification.
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the point isn't that they moved rocks, it's the fact that they defaced a public monument. it's the same as if they knocked a chunk off of the washington monument. there are laws protecting state park lands. i agree with you about jail, though...a stiff fine, and kick them out of the scouts.
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"The men are unnamed in the story..." It's being overly generous to refer to this bunch of vandals as "men." They should remain unnamed. If this is their only claim to "fame" then they should be condemned to complete obscurity for all eternity. Perhaps, Youtube should take down the video to prevent them from ever achieving anything remotely approaching "fame."
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