Morris's Comments

I remember a video where a young man arrested for DUI was being held in he drunk tank. While alone, he proceeded to punch himself in the face and did a lot of damage. He reall through some real punches.

His goal was obviously to claim the arresting officers beat him up, hoping the charges would then be droppped. Of course he didn't notice the large sign next to him that explained he was on camera.
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I thought this article was "neat". Please, keep 'em coming.

How incredible that such a powerful person, was powerless agains their own spouse, simply for being a woman. In addition, voters today would rally beind such injustice. Things sure have changed. 1958 was not that long ago.
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How can a felt-tip pen last 25 years? Mine dry out in no time.

I don't care if or how this woman did it. I want to know why a grown woman thought it was a good idea to swallow a pen?

Did the little voice in her head tell her to do it? Maybe it was a bar bet?
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I really miss Calvin and Hobbes. Bill Watterson gave us something really special. I have recently passed all my old books down to my daughter, so her generation can enjoy them too.
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Actually, she probably expressed her thoughts in English, better than many highschool kids do when they give book reports.

Something else that blows my mind. Other than leaving out the bar scene, prioson break, that really is pretty much the entire movie.
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I was always amazed that James Earl Jones was considered nothing more than a special effect and did not receive very much money for his contribution. Most of the other actors got really rich from the movie's success.
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I am impressed at his bravery, but I don't feel someone has to risk their life to entertain me.

It's like watching a trapeze artist working without a net. I am there to watch their skill, not be entertained by the fact that they could die if they fall.

If he gets a rush taking such risks- then fine, but don't do it for us.
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Sad that in the early days of the Information Age, with all the information at one's finger tips, people tend to search for information that backs up what they believe, rather than search for the truth first.
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Howard Jones- Evelasting love.

I loved that song, then I saw the video. The entire video was nothing but two people in mummy costumes doing everyday things.

Thus a juvinile joke playing on the "everlasting love" phrase. Ever since the video, all I can think about when I hear that song is those stupid mummys.
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"...The cache of Roman shoes and sandals—one of the largest ever found in Scotland—was uncovered recently in a ditch at the gateway to a second century A.D. fort built along the Antonine Wall."

Alright, you guys!!! I just waxed this floor, so take your freakin' shoes off before you come in here and track mud all over the place.
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You would think that you have hit rock bottom when you start a service like this, but you haven't.

You hit rock bottom when you try to stop this service and can find no way other than calling your cell phone provider, and explain to them about how you hired someone to send you fake girl friend tweets. That's the bottom.
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