alice 12's Comments

Although I'm sure people will slam me for being "moronic" or "unscientific" or "irrational", I'll go out on a limb.

Just because someone believes something different, does not make it wrong. Belief is a matter of opinion. It's down to interpretation.

Just because the mother wants to hold on the belief that her child would go to a "better place" rather than have her life and potential cut short, then it is noones place to argue.

It's Christmas guys. Be nice. Be human.
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October the 21st? Oh good, if anything bad does happen, least I would've had my birthday.

You better ship to the UK, 'cause I'm so requesting a tshirt for my birthday :D
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Hmm.. that gives me an idea for my dissertation.

And yes, bi-polar ISN'T schizophrenia.

(General) Bipolar symptoms: massive mood swings between deep depression and manic highs, (extremely manic highs can lead to delusions and hallucinations.)
Schizophrenia symptoms: (postive) hallucinations- auditory and visual, delusions. (Negative) Lack of appetite, apathy, lack of motivation.

Just wanted to clear that up. (Wiki it if you want to know more!)
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I'm glad some people are noticing that it is only SOME christians who are like this. Thanks.

However, to the rest of you, please don't lump us all together.
My father was a vicar for almost 15years until only recently and has always taught me to think for myself and make my own judgements and my own opinions.
So, please say "some christians", or something like that. We (I?) get enough prejudice as it is.
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