piffany's Comments

Friend of mine told me about a relative who worked laying asphalt for road construction. The asphalt had to be kept at around 350 F, so he would put a frozen TV dinner on the tank about an hour or so before lunch and a hot lunch was ready when he was. Of course, this was when TV dinners came in aluminium trays and covered with foil, no plastic. That would be nasty.
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I think I heard this in some documentary about either Jackie Chan or Bruce Lee, but after minutes of exhaustive research I can't find the reference. But here's what I remember, the bad guys have to wait their turn because if they attacked all at once, you wouldn't be able to see the hero's cool moves. So they go in two or three at a time,so the director can frame the shot and keep the hero visible, and the joke was that the guys out of the frame are enjoying "noodle time", think "coffee break", until it's their turn to go. :)
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Goats without ears, cats and dogs with no fur, bent ears, too much skin, really short legs, flat faces, fish with bloated heads and ridiculously long tails, an almost endless list of things that we do to animals that we think are "cute", but seriously undermine their quality of life. Never understood why we think deformities in animals are "cute" or in any way desirable.
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Step 2 Tell the kids they messed up, dust them off and confine them to their room. Take away something they love, like t.v., for at least a day.
Step 3 Call everyone you know who owns a vacuum cleaner.
Step 4 Save the video. When the boys are older show it to all their dates!
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Hate is a strong word. I hate partisan politics. I hate bullies. I hate lima beans. I don't hate Twilight books or movies. I am annoyed by the whole vampire-as-hero genre, but mostly I ignore it, hoping it will go away and not be replaced by something even more ludicrous. I am female, BTW.
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Meh. Sampled it when it started, didn't care for it. But I sympathize with those who like it, since I've seen programs I really like canceled too. The ratings system based on profit and loss is flawed. Any ideas on how to fix it?
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Silly. If "sandwich" is a generic term for any hand held food substance, it loses it's meaning. Try ordering a bean and cheese sandwich at the taco stand, you'll be lucky if they don't call 911. :) And if I have to eat it with a fork, it is not a sandwich, it is a tall casserole.
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I voted it was a photoshop disaster before I noticed the legs. I couldn't put my finger on what was bothering me, but something just didn't look right. Then I read about the legs, and the explanation. So it wasn't photoshopped. It's still a disaster. She looks like she's sitting in a junk shop, her posture is terrible, and I hate the lighting. If her dress wasn't so short, the illusion of having her legs on backwards could have been avoided, but it would still be an awful photo.
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Huh. Well only someone from S.C. can say how they think things are there,so maybe my first thought doesn't apply, but the first thing that came to my mind was something I saw on Mythbuster's website the other day. Apparently you can polish a t.urd, but it still smells bad. :)
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