Bill 40's Comments

Okay I know it's fake but one more factoid. Our balers also cut square bales into 4 inch slices before stringing/twining. That's so you can feed a few flakes at a time to your horses, etc.
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"And why hasn't our President asked to borrow this for the Gulf?????"

"Because the problem is so much larger than a ship like this could even make a dent in." we shouldn't try.
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A neighbor from Michigan brought a bunch of black squirrels with him and now we have them in our community in east Tennessee. It's funny to see people do a double-take, as they previously were not common here.
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There are also a lot of black people who called themselves "niggas" and are proud of it.

I think we should either grow thicker skin or cease stereotyping and using racially divisive words. All or nothing.
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And is there a version for "wetbacks", too? Seriously guys, it's all or nothing. I don't find it funny at all that it's okay to use racial insults against white people but off limits to everyone else. "Redneck" is clearly a racial slur.
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I've been Obama-rolled! The article was about flies but the video (that auto-started, btw) was an Obama speech. It's Obama 24/7 EVERYWHERE. I wish I could have seen the fly video, though.
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I'm offended by the use of the racial slur "redneck", a derogatory racist term used against whites. I realize this white guy is using it against himself but how is that different from black rappers calling themselves "niggas"? Please - let's either be offended by all racist remarks or ignore all of them. It should be all or nothing.

Other than that, this kind of thing happens all of the time. In Arizona there is talk about closing Luke Air Force Base because residents who bought houses near the base are complaining about the airplane noise. Stupid people. People move to the desert and complain about the heat and dust.
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Hey Max Power, I think we'd prefer you wetbacks/chinks/whops/slant eyes or whatever the racial term relates to your people, shut up and stop being so jealous. Oh wait, are those terms racially derogatory? Well guess what? So is "redneck". So let's just agree to quit throwing around the racist terms, okay? Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
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The word "redneck" is racially derogatory. If you wouldn't allow yourself to use the word "wetback", which refers to poor blue-collar Mexicans, don't use "redneck" either.

It's all or nothing guys.
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"Obama is in it for his country"? Huge mistake you're making there. What do you base that on? Good speeches? The moment you think any political candidate is in politics for YOU or your country is the moment you become a sucker. Regardless of party affiliation, good speaking ability and youthful good looks, don't fall for the idea that any politician has your best interests at heart. Be wary of all or fall victim.
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I'm no expert in the Japanese language but I know English translations and attempts to use English words often seem to imply something different. For example, in Japan you often see Pocari Sweat. Ew, sweat? Actually, no. The idea is to replenish your body when it sweats. At least I hope that's what is going on with "Placenta 360000".
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