Redneck Stonehenge

A farmer in Hooper, Utah built a fence out of old cars! Homeowners in a new subdivision were complaining about farming activities and the smell, but the neighbor who adjoins his property wouldn't help pay for a fence, so he built one from the material he had.
Creator Rhett Davis calls it his "Redneck Stonehenge." It's not that he doesn't like his neighbors, he's just not sure they understand him and his kind.

What used to be farmland is now filling up with subdivisions. "The unique community coming in, I don't think they're used to the farm life," Davis said. "I think the residential is starting to overpower the farmer."

A neighbor in one house complained about flies and smells and dust. The neighbor wouldn't pay half the cost of a fence, Davis says, so he built one himself with a Ford and two Toyotas stuck grill-first into the dirt.

"I kinda like them. I thought about putting Christmas lights on them," he said.

Link (with video) -via Unique Daily

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I'm offended by the use of the racial slur "redneck", a derogatory racist term used against whites. I realize this white guy is using it against himself but how is that different from black rappers calling themselves "niggas"? Please - let's either be offended by all racist remarks or ignore all of them. It should be all or nothing.

Other than that, this kind of thing happens all of the time. In Arizona there is talk about closing Luke Air Force Base because residents who bought houses near the base are complaining about the airplane noise. Stupid people. People move to the desert and complain about the heat and dust.
Abusive comment hidden. (Show it anyway.) original....send copyright money to Carhenge in
Western Nebraska. Just another unoriginal Idea getting 15
minutes of fame. Go see the real Stonehenge...then see
Carhenge...go to Utah to ski.
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