Courageous Grace's Comments

Don't forget about the idiot parents that take their preschool-aged children to R rated movies. That one gets me so upset. Sure, I'll take my 2.5 year old to an obviously KID movie that he'd actually enjoy, but some idiots brought their 4-5 year old to ZOMBIELAND! Seriously?
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For the permanent marker/crayon/fingerpaint/etc....I can't stress enough...Crayola Color Wonder! They've got it in markers and paint....and it only shows up on the PAPER! This product is a parent's best friend, and since my toddler loves to color...well, you get the idea.

I did find him adorning a door with a dry erase marker once, but I made him scrub it off. He hasn't done it since.

Oh, thanks for posting this, although I think my dog has ruined more stuff than my kid.
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Bad timing for this article. Here in Dallas a severely disabled boy was left for dead in a park two weeks ago, to be discovered days later.

What a sad story.
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This is a concept discussed by Dave Ramsey, cash is emotional, and we have a physical stress reaction when we spend it, and a pleasure reaction when we receive it. That's one of the reasons he recommends using cash (actual paper money) for purchases, because we control spending better when we have that emotional tie.
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I also want to add that I cut out as many trans-fats, hydrogenated/partially hydrogenated oils, and corn syrup out of my diet as I can. My grandmother used to be allergic to corn so I am actually used to eating healthier foods without HFCS. I use real maple syrup because I prefer the taste even though it's a LOT more expensive.

That's the other thing, healthy food is pricey!
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I used to be an average weight, 5'5", 140 lbs. I've got a curvy body anyway and would never be able to be "skinny". I gained about 40 pounds in the first four years of my marriage, it was gradual, I didn't notice it, and my exercise habits and diet had not really metabolism did.

Then I had my baby and am 230 lbs. currently. I have not been able to lose the baby fat, I exercise more, and have changed my diet to eat healthier. I cut out ALL sweets and chocolate during Lent and lost 10 lbs, but can't figure out how to lose the rest.

It's not for a lack of trying, and I certainly don't want to end up like my mother who is obese, has diabetes, and is now in a wheelchair (following a stroke) at the age of 56. A large part of her health problems is due to her weight (the rest is genetic arthritis and other genetic factors). I refuse to end up like that.
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As a mom, I spank my two year old child. When he needs it. When he tried to pull a fast one on me and run toward the street (almost making it) the other day, he got a couple of swats on his diapered butt immediately, a fierce hug, then a time-out and "talk" afterward about how much he scared Mama and how sad it would make her (me) if a car hit him.

He gets a spanking when he continues a behavior that I or my husband have to say "no" or take something away more than a few times.

Some kids just react better to corporal punishment. Others will just laugh (my sister is one).

I was both spanked (by my mom) and beaten (by my dad) when I was a child. I know the difference, and I'm grateful to my mom that she cared enough about me to punish me for wrongdoings. The only way for kids to learn not to do something is to punish them for it (in whatever way works). I think I can remember less than half a dozen spankings my entire life, not counting the times I must have been swatted as a toddler (seriously, who really remembers that?).

I do admit that I slapped my son once, and it was more of a reflex to being bitten HARD (almost breaking the skin) than anything else. I didn't realize I did it until his eyes started welling with tears and a red mark (that went away after a few minutes) appeared on his cheek. I was absolutely horrified by what I had done and kept apologizing to him, but he hasn't bitten me since.
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Hmmm, most of my friendships are with guys. It's fun to go do girly things with my female friends once in a while, but I much prefer the non-deep emotional conversation. In fact, the only person I have those types of conversations with is my husband, because he is the only person in my life who knows my deepest, darkest secrets. There's stuff I won't even tell my mother even though we get along pretty well.
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Considering it's his MOM who made him wear the sign, not the teacher...

I think it's great that a parent is taking a firm stand in behavior modification discipline for her child. Too often parents just don't care or don't make an effort to instill proper behavior. I speak as a teacher AND a parent.

The child embarrassed his teacher in front of the class (which makes it just that much harder to manage a classroom when one's students are disrespectful), so Mom embarrassed the kid. Besides, it's a parent's job to "humiliate" their children. That's why they take naked baby bath pics to show their girlfriends years down the road ;)
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I used to work at a daycare where the surname of one of the little boys in my class was Robinson. His mother got her way by naming him "Dainjer" but her husband wouldn't let his middle name be "William".

She was a huge Lost in Space fan and really lucked out to marry a "Robinson".
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