Red Bunny's Comments

LisaL and Frau- Yes, I have seen the entire documentary. It's been maybe a year ago or so but seeing this little guy reminded me of it. It was awesome. They went both ways with it; made the aggresive ones more aggresive (evil little SOB's) and the nicer ones more domestic. If I remember correctly, the experiment had been going on for about 50 years or so. They were up to around the eighth? generation or so. Fascinating stuff. Playing God with genetics. But at this point, still highly controversial. Hitler wanted to try it with people. You can see where this is going. I think eugenics was declared illegal after WWII.
But, I'm talking about foxes, not people. I don't see the harm in breeding adorable little foxes to sit in your lap and keep you warm while you pet behind their ears and watch TV.
Now, where can I find some foxes for sale? I'll be taking orders in 50 years. Hit me up.
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That fox is one handsome fellow. We should work on breeding the mean out of them, but keeping their physical appearance. Wouldn't it be cool to have a dog/fox? I mean, a fox that looked like a fox but behaved like a dog. Or a dog that looked just like a fox. Whatever. You get what I'm saying. I want one.
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Sad to hear. Truly the greatest generation. At the risk of sounding corny, God bless everyone of those guys. I lost my grandfather (a WWII vet last year). They don't make 'em like they used to.
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I've always felt pride in my middle child status. I've always been a great mediator. Maybe this is why. Or maybe it's about as true as all those generalized personality traits associated with astrological signs. A bunch of hooey. Who knows.
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A quick google search has revealed a lot news about the beef jerky potato chip, but no info on where to get them. Internet hoax? If they are real, I must have them!
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Well, I live on the east coast and felt the quake too. I was sitting in my cubicle and thought the guy in the cube attached to mine was jiggling his foot against it. That is all. I didn't even know it was an earthquake. It wasn't until about a half hour later everyone starting acting like we had experienced armegedon. Rednecks hollering, "Hoo boy, did you feel that earthquake?! Five point nine, they said!" Shut up, idiots. "Five! Point NINE!" Mountains out of mole hills.
And yes, these photos are hilarious.
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Ah, yes. 1995. I fondly recall my days of drinking melocet and forcing myself on rich old paditskas in the dead of night. A bit of the old ultra-violence and Ludwig van was all I needed to keep me going. I used to love skipping school and blaming it on a pain in me gulliver. But I'm cured now.
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If there were agents that could get estrogen into his food, wouldn't these same agents be able to get poison into his food as well? Why beat around the bush? Grab that bull by the horns.
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This guy is a mayor? That's some pretty childish behavior if you ask me. I understand hating your ex-wife, but if you are in a position of power, you need to be setting examples, not pulling college frat pranks. Also, the two are divorced so they should leave each other alone. The war is over. This guy is just asking for more trouble and I hope he gets it when she sues him for the removal costs. Not a smart stunt on his part.
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