French Cafe Charges Extra for Poor Manners

(Photo: @tokai06)

Walk up to the barista and say, "One coffee." That'll be 7 euros. Or say, "One coffee, please." That'll be € 4.25. But if you say, "Hello. One coffee, please" then all you have to pay is € 1.40.

At the Petite Syrah in Nice, France, it pays to display proper gentility. The manager, Fabrice Pepino, started it as a joke after encountering too many customers who dropped their manners when they were in a hurry.

So far, he hasn't had to enforce it. Mr. Pepino says that when customers notice the sign, they slow down and watch what they say.

-via That's Nerdalicious!

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@Fobbit: Then they have done their job then! As you really shouldn't require a cash incentive just to be polite...So worrying about whether you might be forced into it would suggest that you normally aren't!
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