(Video Link)
Matt Mets made this musical instrument for the Make Tokyo Meeting this past weekend. It can be played by touching the spoons as though they were keys on an organ. You can find the schematics and t...
eBay user ni0vek offers this taxidermic squirrel changing into his superhero outfit. He sells other interesting items in his store, such as three moles playing poker.
Link via Great White Snarksquirrel, taxidermy...
New York City artist Camomile Hixon added some interest to the many missing pet posters she saw by hanging one requesting help with a missing unicorn. Actually, friends helped her post 2,000 of the missing unicorn poster...
English Russia has pictures of the offices at the Russian LEGO headquarters. Look who greets you upon entering! They have whimsical LEGO creations in almost every room. I think my favorite may be the monkey. Link -Th...
So far, they don't have opposable thumbs or laser eyes, but some squid can jump out of the water. Specifically, the Caribbean reef squid can leap 50 times its own body length:
Marine biologist Silvia Maciá was b...
Brian Boyko admired the one-man four-part harmonies of YouTube member trudbol and the four-part one-woman harmonies of gwenatav. They both performed the song "Baby on Board" from the TV show The Simpsons. So in...
Tara Wheeler knits Doctor Who paraphernalia, especially the scarves worn by the Fourth Doctor. She's also created TARDIS socks. Since they're bigger on the inside than the outside, they have a slimming eff...
(YouTube link)
David Balboa put together a supercut of movie introductions, 250 in all. No, not the introduction to the movie, but people pointing out who is who and what is what. This becomes hypnotizing as you wat...
The following is an article from The Best of the Best of Uncle John's Bathroom Reader.
If you think the radio talk shows get a lot of strange calls, take a look at some of the questions that the folks at the Butte...