Archive for January 14th, 2009

Six Degrees of Puppets

Worth 1000 contests always fascinate me, so Worth 1000 + Muppets (most of them are Muppets, anyway, but you'll also find Wallace, Chucky and Alf) = pretty sweet. This particular contest asked Photoshoppers to stick...

When Olan Mills Goes Bad

This blog full of Olan Mills, Sears, and other similar portrait studio shots is just too funny. I've definitely seen some doozies in my parents' album, and I have no doubt my kids will someday look back at our pictu...

Klingon Keyboard

ta' SoH neH chu' Doch vaD lIj Duj? Well, you're in luck! You can get your own Klingon language keyboard for only £43.99. Link via Geekologiestar trek, Klingon, keyboard...

Top 10 Manly Dogs

That manly dog is Bodhi the Bulldog. Photo: neilio [Flickr]I don't to post links to galleries (too much clicking!) but I'll make an exception for this one: an AskMen Top 10 list of ... manly dogs! (It's a fun topic, and...

Le Ballon

[YouTube - Link] Have you ever wondered what happened to that balloon (or le ballon) that slipped out of your hands when you were just a wee lad or lass? This video may explain it all to you.Video, Balloon, animate...

Intoxicated Orson Welles Tries to Sell Wine

This Paul Masson Wines ad campaign featuring Orson Welles was famous in the 1970s, but I think this outtake is even better than the real thing. I guess after multiple takes, Welles was pretty toasted. Maybe no one told...

Cadillac World Thorium Fuel Concept Car

That's the World Thorium Fuel concept car by Cadillac. The Cadillac WTF (yes, I know), designed by Loren Kulesus, is supposed to be powered by the nuclear fuel thorium and therefore last 100 years (Whaaa? Nuclear fuel in...

NoPoPo Battery is Powered by Pee-Pee

Did your gadget just run out of juice and there isn't a RadioShack around for miles? Not a problem if you have this "rechargeable" NoPoPo (No Polution Power) battery. Just ... um, pee into it:The Nopopo bat...

The Hamburger Bed

This has got to be the yummiest bed EVAR! Behold the Hamburger Bed (technically it's a cheeseburger, but who cares?) which comes complete with an oversized bun duvet, as well as tomato and pickle slice pillows.L...

The Great Torontoist Pun Hunt

Inspired by the collection posted last year on Best Week Ever (previously at Neatorama), the folks at Torontoist decided to scour Toronto and find local pun business names. They found (and photographed) more than 60! L...

Man Sells Daughter, Then Complains to Cops

Police say that 36-year-old Marcelino de Jesus Martinez sold his 14-year-old daughter for marriage to 18-year-old Margarito de Jesus Galindo for $16,000 plus 100 cases of beer, among other items. After the girl was hande...

High Voltage Cable Inspection

"There's only three things I've ever been afraid of: electricity, heights, and women." - Thanks özi!It's a fascinating excerpt from the IMAX movie Straight Up: Helicopters in Action Helicopter, electric...


Make your own poster in the style of the iconic "Hope" artwork by Shepard Fairey (previously at Neatorama). Use a webcam or upload an existing photo, then add a word or two to make a custom poster.

The Remnants

The Remnants is a proposed series from screenwriter John August starring Justine Bateman, Michael Cassidy, Ben Falcone, Ze Frank, Ernie Hudson, and Amanda Walsh. The pilot episode was shot during the writer's strike a ye...

Presidential Portraits

In today's Lunchtime Quiz at mental_floss, see if you can match ten former US presidents to their official portrait. Don't expect to see the presidents you remember from the news or the ones on the money. This is hard!...

Drive-By Stormtrooper

An imperial stormtroopers driving by in a Lotus Exige. All of a sudden, that sense - this picture makes none photo that was all over the web some time ago, pops into mind. Link - via Bloggywoodstormtroope...

Caption Monkey: Mom on a Segway, Pushing a Baby Stroller

Photo: wtf_inc [LiveJournal] - via Crunch GearHello, everyone! It's time for Neatorama and Hobotopia's Caption Monkey game. I don't know the background story of this photo, the LiveJournal user who posted it only mention...

Magic Words: A Dictionary

The following is a guest blog by Craig Conley, author of Magic Words: A Dictionary If you've ever paid a compliment, written a mission statement, stated an affirmation, made a wish...

1937 Bugatti Found in Barn

And not just any Bugatti, but a Type 57S Atlante, the kind that won international class speed records, the Grand Prix, and the Le Mans in 1937.  Only 17 of them were ever made. Collectors knew that this car exis...

Icicle Sculpture Created by ... Cars!

What do you get when water splashed out of a puddle by cars freeze on tree branches? You get this awesome display of Mother Nature's artistic side!As the water ran off it created scores of icicles and has formed...

Tiny Poems

Tiny Poems is a blog about mini poetry written on a single sheet of sticky yellow Post-It Notes. Sometimes the best ideas are the simplest, and the cleverest poets are the briefest!Like a madness, it grips internals...

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