Archive for December 8th, 2009

"You May Keep 40 Magic Mushrooms At Home"

The Czech government has revised and liberalized the criteria for what constitutes "small amounts" of recreational drugs for personal use. The Czech government today approved the list of hallucinogenic plants and mushro...

In Praise of Dirty Jobs

Mike Rowe, the host of the TV show "Dirty Jobs" is a surprisingly eloquent guy. In this TED talk in December 2008, he talked about people with dirty jobs, questioning one's assumptions, the nature of hard work...

Fibonacci Rings

The Fibonacci sequence, named after a 13th Century Italian mathematician, is a sequence of numbers in which every third number is the sum of the previous two numbers. This ring and others like it by Etsy seller Holm...

Loy Krathong Day

(YouTube link) The night of the full moon in November is known as Loy Krathong Day in Thailand. Loy is "to float" and Krathong is a "leaf cup" usually made of banana leaf as one often sees in the market. The leaf...

Ten Ways Space Travel Isn’t Like Television or the Movies

It always annoyed me that jumping into lightspeed/hyperspace/warpspeed made some sort of noise. In space, no one can hear you scream.You’ve probably heard this fact stated before by your high school scienc...

Unconventional Children's Books

Kids Crave has a list of eight children's books that range from offbeat to weird to extremely specialized, including It's Just Another Plant: A Children's Story of Marijuana and It Hurts When I...

Weird List of Things Lost on the Titanic

By now we all know a little about the Titanic, but HowStuffWorks has a great list of things that were lost on the famous ship, many of which were news to me. Perhaps the most interesting one is some of the lost artwo...

Weird List of Things Lost on the Titanic

By now we all know a little about the Titanic, but HowStuffWorks has a great list of things that were lost on the famous ship, many of which were news to me. Perhaps the most interesting one is some of the lost artwo...

5 Suspiciously Modern Ancient Technology

Stacy wrote a neat post about 5 ancient technologies that are suspiciously very, very modern but I made a mistake and published it in the past! (If you're wondering, it's a matter of me forgetting to update the article's...

10 Most Ridiculous Laws

Since the Internet began, people have been sharing lists of the weirdest laws in the world, even so, I can't get enough of these absolutely inane rules. Elistmania has a great top 10 of these terrible laws, the best...

Papercraft Internet Memes

Urlesque has a great collection up of the "webbiest papercrafts" aka papercrafts made from internet memes. Personally, I love the two lol cat ones, but if you prefer hamster on a piano, keyboard cat or spaghetti mons...

Mobius Strip Bagel

George W. Hart has brought us a milestone in breakfast-related math feats, the mobius strip bagel. Directions for making your own are on the link. The author says these are superior to regular bagels for non-math-rel...

Tokyoflash Treasure Hunt #10

w00t! I'm happy to announce that the Tokyoflash Treasure Hunt #10 is on! Here's your chance to win a fantastic Tokyoflash watch (drool!) For those of you who haven't played before, it's an online treasur...


At Chromoscope, you start with a boilerplate view of the Milky Way galaxy.  Select options to view it in other wavelengths such as x-ray, infrared, microwave, or radio.  Above is the hydrogen alpha wavelength view....

Window Display by Tokujin Yoshioka

If you're running around Tokyo this winter, be sure not to blow by this window display, which was installed by designer Tokujin Yoshioka.  The Maison Hermès building features an interesting sight for passersby.  Beaut...

Zombie Disney Cosplay

Photo: UndeadCosplayHere's an Undead Disney cosplay that will make Walt spin in his cryogenically frozen tank. I must say, the costumes and make up are fantastic! Silje Thorsteinsdottir (snarkshot) has the photos from th...

Santa's Sleighful of Problems

Think you've got problems? They ain't nothin' compared to Santa's problems. Bella English of outlines the sleighful of problems that the jolly Saint Nick has got:Just the other day, the American Medical As...

The Unexpexted Origin of Pez

Did you know that Pez was originally invented as an anti-smoking treat? Lauren Donaldson of MSN's Deslish has that and 9 other weird origins of our favorite food:Kids and adults alike collect PEZ dispensers to store...

Bacon vs. Baby: Who Wins the Smell Test?

The scintillating smell of yummy, oh-so-delicious bacon or the faint smell of throw-up? Well, duh! No wonder we prefer the smell of bacon to newborn baby, according to a survey of thousands of...

Beatles 3000

(YouTube Link) In this documentary video, historians and archaeologists from the year 3000 try to piece together information about The Beatles from 20th Century fragmentary remains. The impact that John, Paul, Greg...

Teddy Bear Toss

[youtube=] YouTube link Teddy bear tosses are promotional events, typically at hockey games.  The stuffed animals are collected and donated to hospitals and other charities....

The world's first commercial spaceflight

Space travel seems almost out of vogue these days, compared with its heyday in the latter half of last century. However, Richard Branson and Burt Rutan may be about to change all that by launching commercial space trav...

Urban Foxes

You would expect a fox to steer clear of humans whenever possible, but here are six stories of foxes who are just fine moving into human territory, or even with humans themselves!The closest most of us get to a fox i...

A World Map of Nuclear Explosions

The tumblr blog We Love Data Visualizations has all sorts of fascinating maps and charts. This one lists every nuclear explosion, the setting, the year, and the responsible party. Once you're at the link,...

The Fork Art of Matthew Bartik

New York City-based artist Matthew Bartik began bending forks while in dining halls at college. His first formal sculpture, which he created for an art class assignment, was a goldfish aquarium made from forks and g...

The Most Beautiful Subway Stations in the World

Design Boom has a huge gallery of the most beautiful works of subway station and tunnel architecture across the world. Pictured above is the Solna Centrum metro station in Stockholm, which opened in 1975....

Belt Buckle Gun

Perhaps a dozen of these specialized guns were made in Nazi Germany. They fired either a .32 caliber or .22 rimfire cartridge and had a four-round magazine. At the link, you'll find a copy of a short article from a...

Immune Attack: Video Game To Teach Kids About Cell Biology

Isaac Asimov's Fantastic Voyage is one of my favorite books ever, so I found this pretty neat: The Federation of Ame...

World's Smallest Orchid is Only This Big: O

The blossom of the orchid is only 2.1 mm wide - approximately the size of the O in the title of this post. American scientist Lou Jost found the tiny flower by accident among the roots of a larger plant that he had coll...

World Record Holders For Largest Food

Around the world, people constantly have the drive to be immortalized in the Guinness Book of Records. Some try to fit the most billiard balls in their mouth, while others work together to make the world's largest fo...


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