Zeon Santos's Blog Posts

The Haunting Of Meatloaf Will Leave A Cheesy Taste In Your Mouth

Meatloaf isn't the first name that comes to mind at the mention of horror and the supernatural, unless you're a big fan of The Rocky Horror Picture Show and adore his performance as Eddie.

(YouTube Link)

But Meatloaf's association with the supernatural doesn't begin or end with Rocky Horror, because while he and Todd Rundgren were recording the iconic album Bat Out Of Hell Meat met a ghost.

(YouTube Link)

Meatloaf revealed his brush with one of the afterlife's resident spooks on the Lifetime Movie Network show The Haunting Of, and the tale is every bit as cheesy at it sounds.

It goes like this: One night, Meatloaf saw a ghostly woman in white walk past his window. “And I went, ah, man ... Todd Rundgren groupie!” Meatloaf explains. (There’s absolutely no mention as to whether or not Meatloaf, who eventually had a well-documented drug addiction, was on anything at the time.)

Read more about The Haunting Of Meatloaf at io9

5 Kids Movies With Plots Inspired By Their R-Rated Relatives

Filmmakers are always trying to prove that they can make a kid appropriate movie that parents will enjoy as well, and flicks like The Incredibles and Wreck-It Ralph have come pretty darn close.

But these PG movies have something else in common besides their rating- their plots are incredibly similar to some R-rated films.

The Incredibles was heavily influenced by Alan Moore's graphic novel masterpiece The Watchmen, a connection posited by Baltimore Sun writer Michael Sragrow back in 2009 that seems pretty obvious in retrospect.

But would you believe parallels can be drawn between Wreck-It Ralph and Taxi Driver?

It's easy to dismiss these theories as nothing more than a case of every story influencing every other story, but the parallels extend beyond the plot to the very camera shots, story arc and dialog, making them mighty hard to ignore.

See 5 Movies For Kids That Stole Their Plot From Adult Movies here (contains NSFW language)

Ten DIY Tutorials Inspired By The Walking Dead

This year fans of The Walking Dead, and those who appreciate a good zombie tale no matter the franchise, will be wanting to celebrate the spookiest holiday of them all in undead style.

So here's ten tutorials to help you have a Walking Dead themed night of fun this Halloween!

1. Zombie Makeup Tutorial-

Greg Nicotero is one of the industry's leading special effects artists, and with his guidance The Walking Dead makeup crew keeps their undead cast looking extra rotten and gross.

If you're joining the rotting masses this Halloween check out this zombie makeup tutorial by Greg Nicotero, where you'll learn the old tissue and liquid latex trick to make realistic looking rotten flesh.

Tutorial Link

2. Corpse Rising From The Grave Costume-

Now that you have the makeup covered you need an actual costume, and this stylish yet oh so easy to make corpse rising from the dead costume by Heather Green of Paint Pal is sure to lift some spirits this Halloween!

Tutorial Link

3. Daryl's Ear Necklace Cookies-

What's a costume and makeup without a horrifying prop?

Now you can make an accessory that looks disgusting but is actually delicious thanks to this tutorial by Mike from Semi Sweet that teaches you how to make the sugar cookie version of Daryl's Ear Necklace. Mmmmm....disturbing!

Tutorial Link

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Pikachu Shadow - Let's Call It Foreshadowing

Pikachu Shadow by PsychoDelicia

Pika is so cute and tiny that it's easy to forget he has the potential to evolve into a larger, and much more powerful, pocket monster. But shadows never lie, and the bigger the shadow the bigger the potential trapped inside, waiting to bust out and grow large along with the eyes of those watching the evolution. So while you're crushing and squee-ing on Pikachu for being so cute remember there's a Raichu lurking around inside that little guy too!

Bring the power of geeky imagination to your wardrobe with this Pikachu Shadow t-shirt by PsychoDelicia, it's big time fun!

Visit PsychoDelicia's NeatoShop for more geek-tastic designs:

Umaru Chan Watamote Happy

Feel Like A Sir

View more designs by PsychoDelicia | More Anime T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Grumpy The Hutt - Don't Pet Her Unless You Want To Lose An Arm...

Grumpy The Hutt by Chet Phillips

They say fame and fortune have changed that grumpy internet feline sensation, and that fame is a double edged saber. Unfortunately what they say is true, and even though that cat has more money than a Black Sun bookie and a legion of loyal followers she's blown up as big as a Hutt thanks to her all-you-can-eat goldfish habit. Her new Hutt physique has given her even more of an attitude, and now she deals with internet trolls by sending one of her star cat minions after them with orders to shoot to kill!

Light up geeky lives wherever you go with this Grumpy The Hutt t-shirt by Chet Phillips, it's the best tee to wear while you're waging war in the stars or simply watching cat videos online.

Visit Chet Phillips's Facebook fan page, official website, Twitter and Tumblr, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more delightfully geeky designs:

MST3K Attacks! Gremlins Kaiju Baseball- Godzilla Darth Yoda

View more designs by Chet Phillips | More Funny T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

The "Steal Her Look" Meme Is All The Halloween Inspiration You'll Ever Need

(Image Link)

Some people (and quite a few pets) have a superb sense of style, seemingly born with an innate flair for fashion and a body made to wear clothes.

These fashion forward individuals are both real and imaginary, sometimes both at the same time, but unlike real people sporting real clothes the fictionally fashionable are hard to copy come Halloween.

It's like they got their clothes at some store nobody's ever heard of, in a city that doesn't really exist, so how's a Halloweenie supposed to cop their style?

(Image Link)

By checking out a bunch of Steal Her Look memes to see a piece-by-piece breakdown, that's how!

Say you want to dress up like that sexy pumpkin-headed dancer from the news, a guy with a timeless sense of style and all the right moves- you simply break it down like this:

(Image Link)

Now you're ready for a night of jack-o-lantern hijinks and freakdancin'!

See why Tumblr's "Steal Her Look" Meme Is All The Halloween Inspiration at BuzzFeed

A Far Out Collection Of Alien Themed Web Comics

(Comic Via jakelikesonions)

For every person who believes aliens actually exist there are ten thousand skeptics ready to tell the believer they're dead wrong because of things like atmospheric conditions, FTL technology and the Bible.

But extraterrestrials don't care whether we believe in them or not, and when they eventually appear on Earth things are bound to take a turn towards the totally far out, man.

(Comic Via Optipess)

While you're waiting for the xenomorphs to invade you should read some alien themed web comics, so your brain will stay nice and squishy for our alien overlords.

Read many more awesome alien themed web comics here

Underappreciated Background Characters You See In Every Movie

Aside from repeating tropes, themes and plots, filmmakers also like to recycle background characters to ensure the human clutter behind the stars in every scene looks comfortably familiar to viewers.

This recycling and reuse of filler characters means your favorite background friends will be in every movie, like the steadfast shopper or the trucker who keeps on truckin' no matter what's happening on top of his truck.

Dorkly's JHALL brought six background characters into the spotlight with his illustrations, and once you've seen them all in cartoon form you'll be seeing them in every movie you watch!

See The 6 Underappreciated Characters In The Background Of Every Movie at Dorkly

A Killer Collection Of Homemade Weapons

Thanks to pop culture weapons are the first thing on everyone's mind when they think about survival during the end times, and that goes double for a zombie-related apocalyptic scenario.

But even though a biblical armageddon will never happen, and corpses will never rise from their graves to devour the living, people are preparing for an unknown future by making sure they're well armed.

If you're wondering what the weapons of that dark future might look like you should check out this gallery of Homemade Weapons with the tagline- when you can't buy a gun you can build one.

The only thing this gallery is missing is a link to info about each weapon, because some of those guns look too ridiculous to actually fire bullets!

See 37 Homemade Weapons here

Ten Of The Scariest Ways To Die

Death by fear is one of the most effective tropes in visual media, and despite the fact that dying from fear related shock is extremely rare people can't help but be mystified by the prospect of a heart stopping scare.

But it's far more common for a person to die while scared rather than dying from fear itself, and just thinking about a scenario where your worst fears come true and seal your fate is enough to make your pulse quicken.

Cheryl Eddy began a Superlist on io9 with descriptions of The 10 Scariest Ways To Die, which became a much more super list thanks to input from readers.

Here's my favorite entry from Cheryl's list:

7. Your nemesis doses you with a poison that slows your breathing and heartbeat to barely perceptible levels; everyone, including medical professionals, thinks you’ve kicked the bucket. At your funeral, which you’re able to fully witness in your immobilized state, your nemesis leans over your living corpse and whispers all of his or her plans to ruin the lives of all the grieving loved ones you’ve left behind. In a Quentin Tarantino movie, you’d be able to break your way out of the grave and get sweet revenge. But this is real life, and since you can’t die of a rage overdose, you slowly suffocate in the subterranean darkness of your coffin instead.

Read The 10 Scariest Ways To Die here

Punish - Let The Bodies Hit The Floor

Punish by Legendary Phoenix

Frank doesn't wear a skull emblazoned across his chest to look cool or up his street cred, because he doesn't need any help in these departments. He wears the skull to strike fear into his enemies before he makes them pay for their crimes in blood, reminding them all that the Punisher is the angel of death to the underworld. Ordinary people marvel at how Frank manages to escape with his life after wasting whole buildings full of scumbags, but Frank knows it's all just a matter of luck, intense training and never running out of ammo...

Show the world you've got some seriously good taste in superheroes with this Punish t-shirt by Legendary Phoenix, it'll knock your fellow Punisher fans dead!

Visit Legendary Phoenix's Facebook fan page, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more mighty cool designs:

The Offer Family Portrait The Path Of Righteous Man Booomb

View more designs by Legendary Phoenix | More Comic T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Debate Between PC And Console Gaming Reaches A New Level Of Ridiculousness

As a general rule you should refrain from using the term "master race" unless you're discussing things like racism, Nazi ideology or eugenics.

But if you're trying to make a big impression, good or bad, using the term "master race" will definitely get you noticed!

In this instance the term is used by comedy troupe The Warp Zone to highlight the fact that the battle between console and PC gaming is getting downright ridiculous, because it's all good!

(YouTube Link)

Gamers- can't we all just get along?

-Via Laughing Squid

A Sumo Wrestler Footrace

Sumo wrestlers must be strong enough to push another wrestler their size across the ring, sturdy enough to take some physical abuse when they bump bellies, and heavy enough to hold their ground.

But the art of Sumo has little to nothing to do with distance running, so watching sumo wrestlers take to the track in a footrace is truly a sight to behold.

(YouTube Link)

The sumo wrestlers are surprisingly light on their feet, but this video feels incomplete without the Benny Hill song playing in the background.

-Via Telegraph

Some Of The Scariest And Most Influential Canadian Horror Films

Canadian filmmakers are often overshadowed by their American counterparts because Hollywood is the hub of the entertainment industry, and the press doesn't give our cousins to the north their dues.

But Canadian creators have been changing the face of the industry for decades, sharing their unique view of the world through visual media, and their visions are often far more interesting than the played out ideas presented by mainstream Hollywood movies.

The Canadian contribution to the horror genre is no less interesting or important, because Canada gave us David Cronenberg, genre influencing films like Cube and Ginger Snaps, and classics like Black Christmas and My Bloody Valentine.

When you're looking for a fright flick to watch this Halloween you should consider going Canadian, and if you like your horror dark and disturbing yet cerebral you can't go wrong with a Cronenberg!

See The Top 25 Canadian Horror Films here

TGIF The 13th - Looks Like Happy Hour Is Off...

TGIF The 13th by tomburns

Everybody's always going on about working for the weekend and thanking god it's friday, but if these workers lived in the same town as Jason Voorhees they'd be looking to work as many overtime hours as possible! With a psycho in a hockey mask lurking around your weekend isn't looking too safe, and that goes double if you're thinking about going camping near Crystal Lake, so save your TGIFs for when your job isn't the only thing keeping you alive...

Slay your fellow horror fans with this TGIF The 13th t-shirt by tomburns, it's the fashionable way to cut down on hump day depression in your office!

Visit tomburns's Facebook fan page, official website, Twitter and Tumblr, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more ridiculously cool designs:

Test Pattern Techno TRONic Team Internet Role Player

View more designs by tomburns | More Horror T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

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