Zeon Santos's Blog Posts

Managers Share The Stupidest Reasons They Had To Fire An Employee

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Getting fired isn't a pleasant experience, and it often turns people into quitters because they'd rather quit than go through the firing process again.

But some employees were born to be quitters, and it's a wonder they're able to hold down a job at all when they give ten percent or less effort while they're at work.

I had an employee apologize to two different tables for forgetting to put their food order in. They had been waiting like 45 minutes and nothing had been entered into the system.

We looked at the camera system because he had been acting weird all day. After he wrote down their order, he proceeded to go outside and fire up a joint. He was apparently too high to remember to put in the order.

It was his first, and last day.

EDIT: Sorry for the confusion, I meant it was his first day on the floor by himself. He had a week's training before.  -via iStankonia

According to Redditors this is all iStankonia's fault for hiring a stoned towel as a server.

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Not every bad employee is high, some of them are drunk.

Every day at lunch, she would drink roughly half of her Jimmy Johns (or whatever) soda, then take it with her to the bathroom to fill it back up with whiskey. She did a pretty good job covering up the smell, and since she did it from day 1 it wasn't immediately obvious that she was getting drunk.

Found out on day 4 when she knocked her full cup over and we all got covered with booze. -via Smitty_Oom

And then there are those employees who are simply fed up with the job and looking to make a spectacular exit.

I didnt personally fire this person but I was manager on duty at a resturant I work at.

New-ish server was dealing with a complaint a customer had with their BLT. Rather than having me talk to the table he took a bite out of it and said "Im not seeing the problem." -via Mirraklewhippn

The Managers of Reddit were asked "what is the stupidest thing an employee did that forced you to fire them?" and in among the drunks, thieves and stoners were some real corkers:

Not me, but my boss.

Boss had to fire a lady in our office because she lost her "marbles" when someone ate her bagel from the fridge. She literally had a tantrum, like a toddler. Also, the girl who ate it, ate it by mistake. She thought it was a bagel from the office breakfast we had earlier that same morning (it was in the same packaging as the office stuff). Now, I absolutely hate it when people eat my lunch, but the girl who ate the bagel profusely apologized. Even stated she would go and buy her a new one right on the spot. But tantrum lady couldn't let it go. So, that ended up being her last night. -via kt20871936

See Managers Share The Stupidest Reasons They Actually Had To Fire Someone here

Comic Book Characters Too Weird For The Movies

I love weird comic book characters, the more satirical and surreal the better, and my love of strange characters began when I read Steve Gerber's Howard the Duck for the first time.

Howard is everything an oddball character should be, but he was handsome and likeable enough to appear in the movies, unlike that vicious little furball Dex-Starr.

Dex-Starr may have been a pretty kitty once, but after his owner was killed and he was tortured and nearly killed by sadistic humans this house cat went feral in the fiercest way possible- by becoming a Red Lantern.

Humanity lit the fire of vengeance in Dex-Starr's heart, but the Red Lantern Corps power ring he wears gives him the power to vomit rage-blood, which incinerates his foes. He's a bloody cool character for the comics, but too wicked to appear in the average PG-13 superhero flick. 

Now if you wanna see a cute little guy rub shoulders with the DC superheroes you should signal Bat-Mite, the imp who idolizes Batman.

Bat-Mite is super fun in the comics and an amazing addition to any animated series, but his toony look just wouldn't work in the super dark and serious version of the DC Universe seen in the movies.

That's pretty much the shape of it for Starro too, and even though that giant mind controlling alien starfish is the reason the Justice League was created it's unlikely he'll ever make it into a JLA movie.

On the other hand, Marvel Zombies seems like the perfect fit for a movie adaptation, since both zombies and superheroes are big money makers at the box office.

But audiences probably couldn't handle seeing zombie Spider-Man chowing down on Mary Jane and Aunt May, so this project may stay buried because it would definitely earn a hard R rating.

See 15 Comic Book Characters Too Weird For Movies here

V For Viking - Unwelcome Visitors

V for Viking by Bomdesignz

The legacy of Ragnar Lothbrok will live on for eternity thanks to his courage and bravery in the face of the unknown, and now he drinks and feasts for eternity in the great dining halls of Valhalla. But Ragnar's legacy is seen as unworthy of Odin's honor by some, and they work to strike his name out of the folk tales and replace it with their own. Thankfully, there are plenty of brave men and women who remember the name Ragnar Lothbrok with pride, men like Floki and Björn and the brave warrior queen Lagertha. They will ensure his legacy lives on, until they breathe their last as the doors to Valhalla open up and accept them all...

Don't dress like an actual viking, wear this V for Viking t-shirt by Bomdesignz and show the world you're a civilized savage!

Visit Bomdesignz's Facebook fan page, Twitter, Tumblr and official website, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more mighty geeky designs:

No coffee No work Old skull PokeBB

Don't grow up It's a trap

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Why Do Sandwiches Always Come With A Pickle?

It's a question that has plagued no one, but at some point in their lives tens of millions of people have wondered to themselves "why does my sandwich always come with a pickle?"

These people have the right to know why there's always a pickle with their sandwich, and why deli pickles are so delicious you kinda want another one after you finish the first.

The pickle and sandwich connection can be drawn directly back to the Jewish delis in New York around the turn of the 20th century, when standard sandwich practices were being introduced.

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These delis included a homemade pickle with the sandwich as a palate cleanser, but pickles soon became such a popular snack food that the Pickle Wars went down in the Lower East Side.

And since NY's Jewish delis had so much influence on all the other sandwich shops, delis, grinder and sub shops to come the pickle-sandwich pairing continued until it became the norm.

Read Why Does Your Sandwich Come With A Pickle? at mental_floss

Hilarious Security Cam Footage Of Mom Crawling Out Of Son's Nursery

Watching found footage movies like Paranormal Activity makes people think every house needs a security camera set up to document any weirdness that occurs when the owners aren't around.

But life at home is quiet and unparanormal normal for most of us, and therefore security cameras are used with the assumption that nothing weird or worth recording will ever happen while the cameras are on.

Tyrone Morris didn't think he would find anything unusual while scrolling through footage from cameras around the house, but then he came across something disturbing that happened in his son's nursery.

Wait, did I say disturbing? I meant to say "disturbingly funny".

Tyrone spotted his wife Caryn doing some sort of spooky crab crawl across the nursery floor after spending hours getting their son Brody to sleep, so he shared the video on Facebook with this caption:

The best thing about having cameras in your house is watching your wife trying to exit the room after putting your son down!! Sometimes you have to use your initiative for your exit!! PS The SA Army are calling me for you to do training on the reverse leopard crawl !!

No wonder she looks like the walking, err, crawling dead!

-Via Daily Mail

Teenage Photographer Captures Life In Hong Kong In The 1950s

Street photography is nothing like shooting in the studio, because you're capturing life in the moment and shooting from a bystander's perspective with no control over the scene.

And if your photos capture an important era in a city's history then you become part of that history, an accidental historian sharing what you saw with the world.

Photographer Fan Ho came to Hong Kong from Shanghai in 1949, and the twelve-year-old shutter bug immediately became infatuated with his new home, which had recently returned to British rule. 

Things were changing in Hong Kong, as a city once left in the past experienced a period of rapid industrialization and became a major metropolitan center, and Fan was there to capture images of life in the city during its transformation.

Fan's street photos from the 50s and 60s are known collectively as Hong Kong Yesterday, an up close look at life in the city which Fan masterfully photographed and developed in the family bath tub.

See Hong Kong In The 1950s Captured By A Teenager here

Log Lady - The Spirits Are Restless Because Bob Is Back In Town

Log Lady by Taylor Rose

She knew that her services would be needed in Twin Peaks once again, and that the death of Laura Palmer was just the beginning of the show, because her log had told her so. And still they ignored Margaret's words of wisdom, dismissed her visions and laughed at her because she served as a mouthpiece for a mystic log....until it was too late to turn back. Agent Cooper took note of her announcements, and he knew that her words, strange as they were, rang true. But the Log Lady left the land of the living feeling like Twin Peak's big joke, turning her into yet another restless spirit waiting to get revenge on those who made her feel unwanted...

Get geared up for the return of your favorite TV show with this Log Lady t-shirt by Taylor Rose, wear it and show the world you've got damn fine taste in geeky clothing!

Visit Taylor Rose's Facebook fan page, official website, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr, then head over to her NeatoShop for more dark and geeky designs:

Edema Ruh One Family Vampire Jams Kubo's Legend Inside Out Together

View more designs by Taylor Rose | More TV T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Watch These Guys Shoot Stuff With Glass Shotgun Slugs

Shotgun slugs aren't really in need of an upgrade, and considering there are so many different types of rounds available it seems more constructive to improve existing ammo rather than creating anything new.

But YouTuber TAOFLEDERMAUS isn't making videos for the sake of progress- they're just having a blast making shotgun ammo out of whatever their viewer's suggest, like Silly Putty.

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Silly Putty may not work as an effective shotgun shell filling, but these glass slugs made by Subconscious Design are terrifyingly effective!

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-Via Boing Boing

This Five-Year-Old's Trick For Tying Shoes Is Going Viral

Everybody remembers learning how to tie their shoes as a kid because it's one of the earliest motor skill related tricks we learn during childhood, and for some it was a real pain in the foot to learn.

Heck, I knew a kid who wore shoes with a velcro closure until middle school because he had such a hard time learning how to properly tie his shoes, and he still hates wearing laced shoes to this day.

Well, if my buddy had a friend like Colton Lillard, or more specifically a friend like Colton's friend River, he would have loved laced shoes for life!

Colton's shoe tying trick video has over 11 million views to date, and hopefully he'll make a follow- up video with his fabled friend River.

-Via Good Housekeeping

Epic Movie Sets That Were Actually Miniature Models

When filmmakers shoot epic movies they use every trick in the book to make the characters and locations look larger than life on the big screen, using compositing and perspective tricks to fool audiences.

In fact, the sets used on your favorite epic movies are often small enough to fit in your living room.

Okay, so the Minas Tirith model from The Lord Of The Rings: The Return of the King wouldn't fit in your living room unless you have really, really high ceilings, but Sauron's Tower certainly would!

The grand hotel featured in Wes Anderson's The Grand Budapest Hotel wasn't such a grand structure after all in real world terms, but in terms of model making it's a magnificent miniature masterpiece!

And who can forget those far out aerial views of New York seen in John Carpenter's Escape From New York, which were actually shots of a few different models of the city.

This highly detailed cityscape was constructed out of wood and cardboard by The Skotaks, to be used in flyover shots.

Carpenter also used a wireframe model made by Mark Stetson to cheat those computer screen shots, don't you love it when practical effects are used to imitate CGI?!

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See 13 Epic Movie Sets That Were Actually Miniature Models here

These Super Mario Comics From EXTRALIFE Explain Everything

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On the surface the story behind Super Mario Bros. seems pretty normal- moustachioed plumbers raised by egg laying dinosaurs save princess from a giant mutated turtle with a Donkey Kong complex.

Mario and his brother squash mutant mushrooms, turtles, fish and other fairly normal looking animals, but things start to get strange in the Mushroom Kingdom every time they battle ghosts and other supernatural creatures.

It's like the game designers just gave up on realism and decided to get weird with it when they created creatures like Boo, I mean, who the heck is that body shape based on?

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There's a simple and obvious explanation to all the strangeness that occurs in the Super Mario Bros. franchise, as shown here in this EXTRALIFE comic by Scott Johnson.

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-Via Geeks Are Sexy

Animal Guards: Surprise!

Owls make the best guards because they have a 360 degree view of the action, and their hearing is so acute they can hear a sneaky critter coming a mile away, except for carp ninjas, of course, those guys are dead silent.

This edition of the comic Pitch Black by Andre Navarro is all about surprise, but what's really surprising is how enjoyable Pitch Black is to read, check out this bonus strip about cats and dogs at the office.

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

School Trolls Students On Twitter When They Beg For A Snow Day

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Teens who live in snowy regions look forward to having a few snow days off from school, so they can play hooky with the school's permission instead of being stuck in class.

But kids in Atlanta, Georgia know they're unlikely to get a day off, because only a few inches of snow falls each year, so they have to find other ways to convince their school to give them a snow day.

Students from the Cherokee County school district started sending tweets to their school hinting at how much they'd enjoy having a snow day, and the district replied to their tweets by gently trolling them.

The lucky brats eventually got their snow day, but not before the district sent one last trolling tweet starring Michael Scott.

-Via Woman's Day

Some Of The Worst Sports Logos Of All Time

It's hard to put your finger on what makes a great sports team logo so timeless, appealing and successful, but when a team logo sucks the reason behind its suckiness is glaringly obvious to all.

Ironically, this suck factor often makes a bad logo design more memorable than a good one, because people tend to remember a flop.

But some team logos are so bad it seems like the designer created a failure on purpose, perhaps after losing a bundle betting on the Broncos?

That horse looks like it's auditioning to be in Michael Jackson's Thriller, but Chargers fans in San Diego were less than thrilled to hear their team was packing up and moving to L.A.

And then the Chargers rubbed salsa in the wound by announcing this would be their new logo, which immediately turned their remaining fans into Oakland Raiders fans.

That is, until the Raiders move to Las Vegas...

See The 25 Worst Sports Logos Ever Conceived In History here

A Classy Way To Drink Wine Without Staining Your Teeth

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The worst part about drinking red wine is the way it stains your teeth and lips, and nothing ruins a good buzz like people staring at you because you've got a serious case of wine mouth.

You could use a straw, but if sipping wine through a straw ain't classy enough for you then you need some Wino Sippers, the wine glasses shaped like a pipe.

Wino Sippers let you slurp down the vino without staining your teeth, and they make you look more respectable than those barbaric folks who use a straw to drink wine out of a plastic cup. Can you even imagine?

To be honest, Wino Sippers are just Port Sipper Glasses in a swanky package, but the package gives you permission to drink any kind of wine out of them, so they're far more useful than a glass reserved for Port.

Besides, I prefer to drink Port straight out of the bottle...

-Via Metro

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