John Farrier's Blog Posts

Santa Hugging a Shark

(Photo: Shizuo Kambayashi/Associated Press)

This shark clearly made Santa's nice list! On Wednesday, a member of the staff of the Sunshine International Aquarium in Tokyo dressed as Santa Claus and embraced a zebra shark.

-via Lustik

In 1814, This Massive Warship Cruised Lake Ontario

This is a painting of HMS St. Lawrence. With 112 guns, it was the largest warship ever seen on the Great Lakes and the largest Royal Navy vessel to ever sail entirely on fresh water.

After Napoleon abdicated, the British government offered the famous Duke of Wellington the command of its forces in North America. For several reasons, Wellington declined. Among them, Wellington stated that what Britain needed in the war against the United States was not a huge army, but naval control over the lakes between the United States in Canada. These waters alone were the highways that could carry British armies into the United States.

(Map from Mahan's Sea Power and Its Relations to the War of 1812)

Early in the War of 1812, Britain gained control over Lake Huron. The Americans eventually gained superiority on Lake Erie and Lake Champlain. But Lake Ontario was different and this huge warship is one reason why.

Niagara Falls blocked Lake Ontario from Lake Erie and rapids at the mouth of the Saint Lawrence River limited the size of vessels that could travel from the sea onto Lake Ontario. Thus it was necessary to build large vessels on-site.

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Zombie Bento

(Photo: Yamakawa Firefly)

Are you going to eat this meal or is it going to eat you? Don't take any chances and dig in right away. Stab it in the brain with a chopstick.

You can find English-language instructions on how to make your own here. You'll need green drink powder to get the facial coloration just right. The eyes are two halves of a quail egg. A diced quail egg white also provides teeth. The nostrils are sliced seaweed and the infected tongue is a slice of ham.

-via Foodiggity

The Santas Are Closing In

It's a hard time of year for people with claustrophobia, as Dan Piraro of Bizarro Comics illustrates. There are Clauses everywhere and rooms tend to get smaller and air in shorter supply wherever they go.

When the Actors in Planet of the Apes Donned Their Makeup, They Spontaneously Segregated Themselves

(Photo: 20th Century Fox)

Here's a fascinating story from the filming of the 1968 science fiction film Planet of the Apes. In that movie, there are 3 ape species: chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans. When the actors for the ape characters put on their makeup and costumes, they segregated themselves by species:

During the filming of Planet of the Apes in 1967, Charlton Heston noted “an instinctive segregation on the set. Not only would the apes eat together, but the chimpanzees ate with the chimpanzees, the gorillas ate with the gorillas, the orangutans ate with the orangutans, and the humans would eat off by themselves. It was quite spooky.”

James Franciscus noticed the same thing filming Beneath the Planet of the Apes in 1969. “During lunch I looked up and realized, ‘My God, here is the universe,’ because at one table were all the orangutans eating, at another table were the apes, and at another table were the humans. The orangutan characters would not eat or mix with the ape characters, and the humans wouldn’t sit down and eat with any one of them.

Read the rest at Futility Closet.

-via American Digest

Cocktail Recipe: Smaug's Breath

Smaug from The Hobbit has a fiery breath, but maybe he can put it to good use by lighting this cocktail from The Drunken Moogle. To make your own, you'll need Goldschläger, which is a type of cinnamon-flavored schnapps, Fireball Cinnamon Whisky, a splash of grain alcohol and a bit of flame.

You Are Being Watched

There are now cameras everywhere. So you can't just roll out of bed, put on sweat pants and drive to the McDonald's anymore. There are people there who will judge you. So you have to impress them by putting on a fedora that matches your sweatpants.

We wanted flying cars. We wanted robot girlfriends. This isn't the future that any of us, including Kris Straub of Chainsawsuit, wanted.

Horrifying Early Images of the Michelin Man

(Images: Michelin)

The Michelin Man—the mascot for the Michelin tire company—is a happy, jovial fellow. He’s always been that way, but you may find early photos and illustrations of him scary.

His name is Bibendum. That’s a reference to a line by the Latin poet Horace, who said, “nunc est bibendum.” That means “now is the time to drink.” Michelin did not adopt this phrase in order to promote drunk driving, but to express that Michelin tires eat up obstacles on the road.

He doesn’t anymore, but Bidendum used to drink heavily, smoke cigars and wear pince-nez glasses. He was drawn gray when tires were usually gray in color, then black when tires were commonly black. You can see more early images of him here.

-via Ace of Spades HQ

This Is a Nativity Set

(Photo: David Lober)

Get it? It's a series of puns. I'll get you started: that's three wise men on the right. Can you figure out the rest?

This is one of 50 fantastically terrible nativity sets rounded up by Mark Oestreicher. You can view the rest here.

-via VA Viper

Amazing Batman Graffiti Found in Abandoned Building

Redditor sneakylawyer went urban exploring in Ronse, Belgium. He went inside an abandoned building and found several walls covered with beautiful, precisely-executed images from the Batman universe. The unknown artist appeared to be heavily influenced by The Animated Series, Batman Beyond and The Dark Knight trilogy. You can see more photos here.

-via Nerd Approved

Tim Burton's Doctor Who, Now Animated

Several days ago, we featured Michael Kenny's illustrations of several incarnations of the Doctor as if they had been drawn by Tim Burton. The tumblr blogger Made by ABVH animated 3 of them: the Tenth Doctor, the Eleventh Doctor and the War Doctor. They only further my argument that Tim Burton and the BBC should make this happen.

-via Super Punch

What The Sign Language Interpreter Was Actually Trying to Do

In case you haven't heard already: the sign language interpreter at the funeral for Nelson Mendela was a fake. He signed pure gibberish. If Thamsanqa Jantjie knows any sign language, he failed to demonstrate it at the funeral.

But perhaps, as this animated .gif (that's pronounced jeeeef) demonstrates, he was actually trying to make balloon animals.

That, or we were just watching an episode of the science fiction show Quantum Leap.

Or Mr. Jantjie was trying to impress a lady and failing spectacularly.

(Video Link)

What we do know is that the signs made no sense at all. Jimmy Kimmel brought a real interperter onto his show, who then translated Mr. Jantjie's gestures.

(Video Link

Should a person in this situation, as Jimmy Kimmel advises, just do the macarena dance? Maybe Mr. Jantjie was trying to start his own dance craze, as this video illustrates.

(via Robb Allen and American Digest)

How to Say "Merry Christmas" in 40 Languages, Including Klingon and Esperanto

(Video Link)

When the Klingon leader General Martok (who was recently elected to public office in New York) wishes you a merry Christmas, you should at least try to respond in his own language. There's a limit to the Yuletide cheer that the universal translator can express.

Here is Mashable's handy guide to saying "merry Christmas" in 40 languages, including Farsi, Lithuanian and Korean.

Winter Expectations, Winter Reality

Oh, is it cold up north? I didn’t know. You see, where I am in Texas, it’s quite pleasant. Why, I went running in short-sleeves yesterday! Some of you, such as cartoonist Beth Evans, may have to spend too much time scraping ice. I think that I’ll go for a swim instead.

P.S. Be sure to check out our exclusive interview with Beth Evans.

Graham Cracker Dice

Kat and Cam of Our Nerd Home have a great holiday craft for role-playing gamers. The d20 is obviously the most complex piece and the pair describe it as “a patience-trying project.” It’s hard to get the angles correct and cut out without breaking the graham crackers.

Once you do cut out all the necessary triangles, glue them together using melted white chocolate candy. Make three dome-like structures out of 5 triangles each, then connect them. You’ll probably need an extra set of hands to do this correctly. Then add red frosting for the numbers and roll for initiative.

-via Make

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