Jill Harness's Blog Posts

Photoshoppers Are Loving This Super Sexy Gecko

Not all geckos are created equal -and this one might just be the sexiest gecko alive. Fortunatley for the world at large, his owner was kind enough to upload this image of him to the internet so we can all bask in his glory.

Unsurprisingly, people had a blast with photoshopping him in all types of hilariously over-the-top positions. 

And not all of them are particularly sexy either -like this epic cliffhanger picture.

One thing they all have in ommon though is just how cool this fabulous gecko is. Here's hoping we see lots more of him in the future. In the meanwhile, you can enjoy an epic collection of ridiculous Photoshops over on Bored Panda.

The Best Vampire and Zombie Movies of All Time

For most horror movie fans, one of two movie monsters will always reign supreme -vampires and zombies. Fortunately for those who just can't get enough of these two terrible creatures, Collider has taken the time to rank the best films that feature each of the creatures. The vampire list includes the classic Dracula (of course) as well as more modern classics like Fright Night and Blade -but sorry Twilight fans, you'll have to look elsewhere for your validation. 

The zombie list has all the George Romero films you'd expect as well as some more clever takes on the genre -like Sean of the Dead and Paranorman (though I felt Fido deserved a place on the list as well).

So visit Collider to see their ranking of the best vampire movies and the best zombie movies and then come back here to debate their choices.

People Heaven is the Worst

You'd better hope that heaven doesn't make mistakes because if it does, this is the kind of thing that would ruin your eternity for, well, eternity. After all, being reconnected with your loved ones is great and all, but being connected with your deceased pets and getting to cuddle with puppies forever -now that sounds like actual heaven.

Comic by Safely Endangered via their Facebook

Maybe an Anne Frank Halloween Costume Isn't the Best Idea

Every year Halloween stores release a shockingly tasteless costume to the public that ends up getting pulled before the big day even arrives. This year that costume is an Anne Frank costume that was sold on HalloweenCostumes.com before they pulled it after wave after wave of customer outrage. While it would be one thing for a young girl to take inspiration from Anne Frank's story, it's entirely different for a company to try to capitalize on a Holocaust victim for cash -especially when they seem to think the appropriate pose for the costume model is a sassy little troublemaker. 

Of course, the costume wasn't just limited to HalloweenCostumes.com -it was also for sale on other Halloween websites as well (though it does get pulled pretty quickly from most sites as soon as angry Twitter users have found it). Most of the other sites are labeling the costume as "World War II Evacuee Girl" instead of saying outright that it is Anne Frank. Either way, the result is a pretty tasteless way to cash in on a tragic historical figure.

Via The Daily Dot

Sometimes Accidental Google Searches Bring the Best Results

Usually when you mistype something on Google, you either get results that have nothing to do with what you're looking for or Google will auto-correct your search. But sometimes a mistaken search can give you results better than what you were hoping to find -for example, when you look for Baroque Obama.

Or a corgo ship. Over on Bored Panda, you can see some truly wonderful accidental Google searches that will make you smile and laugh. 

So don't miss the whole list here.

This Guy Cosplayed as the Convention Center Building

There are so many cosplays out there that it can be hard to think of something no one else has done. At the New York Comic Con a few weeks ago, someone came up with a completely new an original cosplay costume -the convention center itself. It was spotted by DC comics writer Scott Snyder, who posted it on his Twitter and it quickly became viral.

The reactions from fans on Twitter are pretty brilliant -you can read many of them over on Guacamoley.

Hilarious Instances of Petty Revenge

Sometimes you just can't help but want to punish someone even if their "crime" against you is relatively minor. Fortunately, you don't actually have to take your own petty revenge if you just read about someone else getting theirs. 

Over on Runt of the Web, you can read 40 examples of hilarious acts of petty revenge ranging from messing with a co-worker's mouse to putting a pile of poop on a neighbor's porch after he refused to clean up after his dog.

So check out the whole list here.

Start Off Your Day With A Hot Cup of Buffalo Wing Coffee

You know the old expression, "The best part of waking up is Buffalo hot wings in your cup?" No, you don't, oh, I guess that's because it's not something anyone has ever said. Ever. But that didn't stop Tim Hortons from releasing Buffalo wing coffee made of esspresso, mocha and Buffalo sauce flavor topped with steamed milk sprinkled with “zesty Buffalo seasoning.” The nauseating flavor is only available in two locations in Buffalo, NY.

Personally, I think this is a terrible idea -if only because they didn't include a celery stir stick or any blue cheese flavor. You can read more about the novelty beverage over at Eater.

It's worth noting that this isn't the first time the company has experimented with Buffalo flavored treats -they previously released a Buffalo donut in 2014.

Magical Fantasy Potion Necklaces

When you play fantasy RPGs either in a video game or in a tabletop setting, you know just how critical it is to have the right potion on you when you need it. Just because they may not exist in real life though doesn't mean there's no benefit to wearing it around your neck. 

If you want to enjoy a little more magic in your life, then you should check out the Aether Brewery jewelry collection on Etsy. They have healing, mana and renewal potions in both earring and necklace varieties, so no matter what kind of potion you need, they have you covered.

Via Geek Girls

Crazy Things Celebrities Did in the Name of Scientology

Scientology is known for its many celebrity followers, and it's also known for making those followers do some strange things. For example, Nancy Cartwright created a robo-call recording in the voice of Bart Simpson to solicit donations for the church -prompting Fox to issue a public statement stating they do not support any any "religion, philosophy or system of beliefs."

You can read some of the strangest things Scientologist celebrities have done over on Thrillist

Could You Drink a Cockroach Cappuccino?

Barista Chang Kuei Fang is quite gifted when it comes to making foam art. She often makes custom creations based on her client's pet photos, but after a video of her cockroach drink went viral, she's now constantly being asked to create insect coffees.

The art take up to 15 minutes to create and Fang charges anywhere from $6.50 to $32 for one of her drinks -making them pretty pricey for a cup of coffee. But then again, it's a small price to pay for a drinkable masterpiece.

See more of the crazy concoctions on her Facebook or The Daily Mail.

Via Oddee

The Best Places to See Marine Life on Vacation This Winter

Winter is a great time to see marine animals and if you're willing to go somewhere a bit cool this season, there are a lot of places you might want to visit. In fact, with these kind of animals, it might be a good idea to plan a vacation around specific species. For example, if you want to see narwhals, Nanavut, Canada is a great place to go. On the other hand, if you want to see reindeer, you should head to Tromso, Norway. And not all of the places are chilly -the best place to visit humpback whales is in Hawaii. 

Read about other great places to travel and see animals over on Travel and Leisure.

Fun Secrets About The Disney Cruise Line

Disney likes to add an element of magic to all of their properties and even their cruise line is full of special secrets. In fact, even people who have traveled on Disney cruises often are unaware of all the fun things available to them.

For example, pin traders are given one night per cruise of amazing pin trading with the crew, but the nights are not on the official schedules and are never publicized so you have to keep your ears open to participate. Another fun fact -you can exchange currency on the ship without any commission fee. Oh and want to catch the newest Disney flick but won't be on land to see it? All films are released on the ship the same day they are released in the states. 

Check out more interesting Disney cruise secrets over at Travel and Leisure

Every State's Favorite Halloween Candy

Does your state like chocolate, bubble gum or fruit candy for Halloween? CandyStore.com compiled a cool interactive map to help visualize each state's favorite flavors. It's worth noting that the data is based on sales, not consumption because there's no way enough people from any state actually like to eat candy corn that much.

So do you like your state's favorite and if so, is it actually your favorite? As a Californian, I like M&M's, but they're certainly not my top choice and I don't know many other people who would choose them above all other candies either.

Via Thrillist

The Worst Types of Food Snobs Ranked

Zeon recently wrote about the 19 types of beer snobs and how they compare to one another, but even more common (and often even more pretenious) are food snobs. Fortunately, the same site that brought us the list of beer snobs has now followed up with a list of the most annoying food snobs

From the sourcing stickler to the guilt-tripping vegan, you've no doubt seen almost all of these types in person and probably unknowningly went out to dinner with them before you found out how annoying they are at restaurants. It's hard to argue that all of these types of eaters are obnoxious, what is up for debate is which one is the worst. Personally, I think the over-pronouncer might just be the most terrible person on the list. 

So check out the list for yourself and then let us know who you hate the most in the comments.

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