imbetterthanU's Comments

Actually, the article says it costs about half of what it costs using vanilla beans.

Still, it's disgusting. And it's all fine and good until someone gets mad vanilla disease. I wonder if it has an after-aroma of barnyard...
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That'll teach her to kill her handler!

That's just sad. I would hope we, as a society, have moved forward since 1916. But you still occasionally see stories of horrific animal cruelty. So maybe we haven't.
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I don't know... If they let him off the hook, that's pretty sexist. Now that his wife is a man, s/he doesn't need the money? Alimony should refer to "spouse", I think, not just "wife". S/he's still an ex-spouse. So, yeah... If the guy had to pay her as a woman, he should still have to pay him now that he's a man.
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Yeah... children around the world are starving and dying, and some rich brat's parents would buy him one of these instead of sharing the wealth. What a world we live in...
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