brad 9's Comments

Too bad PKD never wrote a story about an author, whose extrem paranoia came true post mortem by his corpse being gruesomely and repeatedly raped by hollywood executives which are all posessed by a god-like hive mind called mammon. the dickesque twist in this story would be that the industry was more crazy and cynical then the author THE WHOLE TIME and actually methodically created their demon instead of getting their creativity destroyed by it, like they plea in the beginning of the first act.

Now THAT story, they would've got right.
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Hmmm.. since the recession mainly started with and because a small couple of people running in circles histerically while screaming bloody murder and bumping into each other once in a while, it seems pretty much logically that it would stop when they finally calmed down. So... yeah, why not?
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@kg: i am, too, hating mosquitos with all my heart, mainly because they seem to prefer me above all other blood sources in the general vicinity every time.

but face it: nature didn't grow around us to kindly prepere our way to the stars or paradies or whatever we seem to think waits for a bunch of naked apes at the end of the way. we are but one product of a complex system. yes, people die because of malaria. but if we where to take a vital component out of the biosphere just because we deem it nasty, we could very well face much bigger threats to our survival as a species because of the resulting chain reaction.

it was that articles purpose to show, just because something's ugly or bad for you, it's not bad in general. i for myself feel a bit humbled by some of it's arguments.
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i don't think the breastmilk/cancer thing works mostly because of giving it to babies during a crucial time of their growing period. i mean, i understand desperate measures an all, but the really sad thing about this story is the level of undereduation which can create such an idea. embrios prosper on their mothers fluids, yet nobody sane would drink a pregnant womans blood to grow fuller hair...
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ted: to announce a bomb at the airport makes you a possible suspect of a crime, being a stuck-up person doesn't. please, try not to mix up completely different situations, there are very important shades of grey everywhere in life. and i did never defend that idiots behaviour. be it the one in the car or the one with the weapon. both are clearly wrong. and you are too, if you try to take sides in this.

blaze: not that i am one to demand it, but our society, even yours is based on civilly, which works the following way: when i say "how are you", i don't want an answer and when i say "please step off my foot" i'm not giving a choice. i'm simply being civilized. politeness has no deeper semantic meaning it is simply a tool to maintain the illusion of us all getting along well. so if a policeman says "please", it doesn't stop being an order (be very careful to remember that!).
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ted: you are completely missing the point. in my book (and country), a police officer is only allowed to draw a weapon if there is some kind of a threat. to piss off an officer of the law shouldn't entitle you to a beatdown, it gets you shouted at, fined and maybe in jail. in the free land I live in, there isn't such a thing as corporal punishment for being a douche, to be sentenced and executed by a mere police man. a normal person should know how to handle a conflict, let alone a well trained and armed cop.

and a tyranny isn't built on a few bad apples in the police force, it is based on people which defend or tolerate such slide-ups.
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"just don’t deliberately piss off someone who has weapons." - i applied this pearl of wisdom only to encounters with psychos and criminals till now, not trained professionals. So, children, be VERY careful to never steal a parking spot from a policeman: it could be the last thing you do (according to ted)!
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"You are fined one credit for a violation of the Verbal Morality Statute."
come on... of all the possible future scenarios, Demolition Man was right? AND it was cheaper there?
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