sparge's Comments

OK, I actually RTFA, and I guess you're not the only one using that headline, so I take back the sentiment that I'm holding you personally accountable.
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Alex, I think you need to take that logic test posted yesterday. Your headline is beyond misleading... it's completely untrue. There's just no way you can look at a study in which neither of the involved groups exercised and conclude that exercise is or is not responsible for anything.

I know you like to write misleading headlines to bring in traffic, but this is the worst one yet.
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I also take issue with the water question, particularly with the wording:

Therefore we can predict that every future examination of water will reveal the same chemical composition.

You can predict anything you want. In fact, there's pretty good reason to make that prediction in this case. If (as the site suggests) some not-water should come along, then the prediction is wrong, but the conclusion remains valid.

Other than that, I got them all right.
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I tried the classic neatorama comment:

Old man standing tall.
Old woman bending willow.
Friction burns them both.

Here are a couple of the translations:

Aged man who is high.
Willow of fold of the adult woman.
The friction burns them both.


Height stands on a large scale to be, the old person.
The old person the willow which bends.
Rubbing ignites the (thing) two which will listen all.


Old man stoppage lofty.
Crone flexure willow.
Limature incinerate them two.


Greybeard stand high.
Ancient woman bending savage.
Friction burn her both.

pater whack virgate.
old woman wrapping willy.
tussle sideboard them the two.

(This is great! leave off the last two words and it's even still a haiku!)


Old man standing ' heartburn continue.
' heartburn old female bending willow.
Friction burns have gone both.
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Somehow, I think the disadvantages of having multiple bus companies in the same city (having to deal with multiple schedules, and varying coverages, etc.) would outweigh the cost savings of a single, contiguous system.
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It didn't say anything about 'more attractive'. The subjects didn't even see the person:

A lab worker asked each of 41 subjects to hold a cup of warm or iced coffee. They were then asked to rate the personality of an unidentified person whom researchers described as "skillful, industrious, determined, practical and cautious."

It makes people's perception of personality appear 'warm' or 'cold', depending on the physical sensation they themselves were feeling.
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So, the idea is to escape an Earth that might have significant changes in climate, threats to life, and overall living conditions... for a planet which certainly has a different climate, threats to life, and living conditions.

Personally, I think the odds are higher that humanity will survive whatever it does to itself than either the chances of developing faster-than-light travel cheaply enough to transport a significant number of people off-planet, or the chances of adapting to the new ecosystem. At least in the next few centuries.
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