Arden 1's Comments

Hah apparently. And I honestly wish this AnUnSi person would go spout their drivel at some pro lifer forum rather than here, this is the second (maybe even third or more who knows) time she/he goes off about abortion on neatorama.

AnUnSi, if you're so concerned about abortions, just don't freaking get them. Leave everyone else to their own decision, as horrible as that must sound to you. If I want to get one, I WILL DO SO. There's not a damn thing you can do stop me from doing what I think is fair enough, unless you tried to bomb the abortion clinic I went to, which would make You the real killer. Anyways, keep your blasted opinion away from my uterus, it has NOTHING to do with you and will never even affect you.

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Well I for one would be pleased to say goodbye to ghetto culture, whatever part of it. Outlawing saggy pants sounds kinda ridiculous, but its still a part of that I guess. Besides, ghetto culture is nasty, it is for backwards people who care NOTHING about education and advancing human society, and more about their cars and bling, violent gang life, or "hoes n bitches" of course..

And before anyone tries to call me racist or something, a lot of white people get into this stupid nonsense as well. I don't know why the hell ANYONE does though, even when they're born into decent neighborhoods or even rich families, these idiots still think ghetto culture is SOO cool, without ever thinking about what it means and how absurdly negative it is.
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Manly dogs? What next, manly fish? silverware? I'm sorry but that sounds rather stupid, calling random things manly doesn't actually make them "manly". They're just objects, or animals.. Give me a break.
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I agree with drunkenness being no excuse. And as for sleep walking, there are people that have actually tried to use that as an excuse for raping a girl. Which I think it total BS. You can do some crazy stuff while sleep walking but raping people? Cmon.
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“I blame the way society raises us for that too, and I guess some people just hate the idea of women being as tall as men and think there’s something wrong with them.” I blame genetics. If it weren’t for those pesky genes, women could be as tall as they wanted.

Well how exactly how did you come to the conclusion that I was blaming the way we were raised for our height? I was still talking about why less of us are gamers at that point. Judging from your reply I guess you didn't even read my entire post and decided all I was doing is stating that I'm a tall girl. Geez.

Yeah yeah and I know, who gives a fuck. I just found it pretty ridiculous. Heh, next they're gonna come up with another pointless and stupid study to try to show why women like shoes or something more than men, or why people seem to think women like yogurt more than men do. According the all the yogurt commercials anyway, guys apparently hate yogurt lol.
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And Barm can shut it. The only one crying about anything is him and his fear of women that are able to kick his ass in a video game. And women that are as tall as or taller than him.. Sorry dude, but we exist. Actually that's nothing to be sorry about, haha.
Oh ya, kinda forgot to mention I'm a female gamer too. A few of my favorite games include F.E.A.R. perseus mandate, half life 2, prey, and doom 3... There is absolutely no study than can prove that I don't enjoy my games as much as if not more than some guy next to me. The only reason why there are more men playing video games is because of the fact that most women are simply not raised and expected to take a liking to such things. I feel sorta bad for them, they're missing out.
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I know a bunch of guys that are shorter than me. There are short women AND men, tall women and tall men as well. But I'm not going to say something stupid like women are taller than men just because a lot of us are. Nope, its not just a few "exceptions" lol. There are more of us than you think. Unfortunately many tall women seem ashamed of their height and will purposely try to slouch over and walk with slightly hunched shoulders so as not to look so tall rather than being happy and comfortable with their height. I blame the way society raises us for that too, and I guess some people just hate the idea of women being as tall as men and think there's something wrong with them.
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lol @ AnUnSi

Why do people like that always feel a need to inform us of their (dubious) intention to pray for us? How ridiculous, and if you think about it, offensive.
This "praying" would basically be nothing more than asking that we stopped being open minded and thinking for ourselves and just switched to THEIR mentality.
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"And what better way to demonstrate said feature than by depicting dark-skinned jungle dwellers and teenage girls in their underwear?"

Yep, thats nikon ads for you. Check out the link that was posted above me if you don't get it.
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