Frau 1's Comments

@Nick Gisburne
"Frau, you describe the kind of car driver who shouldn't be on the road AT ALL - ... and Frau has the nerve to attach blame to the cyclist 'because the bicyclist felt that they have the same rights to be on the road."
No, I described a driver who had been stuck for more than several miles behind a line of cars going on average 20 mph. Their remark to the sheriff was "I couldnt take it anymore."
I have not attached blame to the bicyclist. They did that themselves. It was their own words to the sheriff when asked why they did not move over after they acknowledged that they did see the line of cars behind them "I refuse to let them pass... because I have as much rights on the road as they do."

I travel that road to and from work, as well as part of my job. Due to past observations, I had the sense enough to call the sheriff and inform them of a potentially dangerous situation. I had some concern for the bicyclist more than the traffic that was being held up. The sheriff did arrive, but had to fall in line behind what was about thirteen vehicles at about the fifth mile. The sheriff did observe what was going on for a mile, when the inevitable happened.
Both the cyclist and the motorist were ticketed. the cyclist whined about their ticket. One moment they were claiming that they had every right to be on the road and had the same rights as a motorist. The next moment they did not want a ticket because they were being treated with the same respect they would have been given had they been a motorist.

"@Frau so the cyclists "refuse" to pull over do they?"

In this instance, yes. This cyclist told the sheriif that they refused to do so. I did not say this. The cyclist did.

"I don't know about where you live, but in my neck of the woods there is no minimum speed limit."

While there is no posted minimum speed limit - there is law enforcement who uphold the law. This includes citing drivers, cyclists and any person operating a motor vehicle when they have broken the law. The cyclist in this instance received a ticket because they were "impeding or blocking the normal and reasonable movement of traffic" The sheriff does not limit themselves to bicyclists either. I have seen them ticket the school bus driver in the same section of road, for holding up traffic.

Our motor vehicle laws do have a section on traveling with trailers, large vehicles or slow movement. It is required that if you are holding up traffic you are required to move to the side and let traffic pass, when safe.
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What John and moi said.
I live in a semi rural area and we get the bicyclist snobs on weekends. They hold up traffic on a two lane road that has a double yellow for seven miles, and refuse to pull off to the side so people towing large horse trailers, end up behind them for miles. Which in turn causes a parade of vehicles whose drivers end up seething with rage. Which in turn causes an accident, when one driver a few cars back, "can't take it anymore" then decides to pull out, cross the double yellow on a blind corner, then swerves back into the lane to miss an oncoming car, and in turn hits the bicyclist, who refused to let a dozen cars pass them, Because the bicyclist felt that they have the same rights to be on the road.
There are few bicyclist that do obey the laws. However it is not those few who get noticed. Instead it is the pretentious a$$holes who give bicyclist the bad image.
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What VB said.
And what Eric said in his post is true. There is a misconception about the people who wear the armor. It is apparent with Jolly and Colts post.
I have my own Stormtrooper armor. There were many reasons for its purchase. But its main purpose now is to help out other people. It makes me feel good to know that something I did for myself originally is now benefitting others.

And I am sure that being a teacher at a college is probably not the type of occupation a "man baby" would have.
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That reminds me of the Aroma Disc Player I received as a Christmas gift one year.

Neatorama smells like the library. That section back in the archives, where no one really goes anymore. Sort of a bookish antiseptic smell. Not the moldy smell.
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Yay! Two of mine made it!! Well definitely one. But I think that my "dupe" post was also someone else's "repeat post."

Can today's Meta Slug post count as an explosion and 8bit square?
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