NeonCat 1's Comments

Well, that assumes that the cork is small enough to be pushed into the container. Sure, you could trim the diameter down to do it, but then I wouldn't get to play with a blowtorch.

I guess I could burn the cork, technically that wouldn't be taking out the cork…
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I hate to be the bearer of bad news but serious electrical energy production has pollution as a consequence. Yes, yes, wind, tidal, geothermal and solar have minimum impact (so far) but they are dwarfed in terms of output by fossil fuel, nuclear and hydroelectric production. Hydro has problems with silting, environmental impact and methane, I believe, while fossil fuel plants dump greenhouse gases (including CO2 with radioactive Carbon 14 in it) into the atmosphere. Personally, I wouldn't be bothered a bit if a well designed and well built nuclear plant was in my back yard.

My real question, in looking at the photo, is to wonder if there isn't a way to get energy out of all that heat being dumped into the atmosphere, or pipe the steam to a town to use for heating.
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I don't know about your property, but I always thought that when you "owned" a place no one was setting bombs for you, taking part in factional violence and otherwise raising a ruckus, to put it mildly.

You may think we own Iraq, but reality is pwning us.

Unless an occupier is willing to stay in a place forever and make it his home, eventually the natives will take over. One merely has to look at history to see the truth of this. Consider Algeria. Algeria was considered part of France… at least the French considered it as such. There was a violent civil war, revolts by French Army units, the works, but finally Algeria became independent.

The only way the US could have really controlled Iraq would have been unacceptable to Americans. Forget democracy, it would take tyranny. Forget torture, it would have taken genocide. Follow the Syrian model: pick a town and level it. Make pyramids out of the skulls. Inform the locals that when US soldiers die, their neighborhood dies too. Instead we have random violence, random atrocities that just make the Iraqis mad instead of terrified.

We lost in Iraq. We lost before we even invaded.
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joe said:

it was a public school, right? no free speech.

I hope you're kidding, joe, but something tells me you're not. Personally, as a libertarian I feel that public schools are an abomination, a doctrination camp for mediocrity and conformity. However, as a child of poor people I doubt that I would have been able to afford a better education than that which I got in the school system. Nonetheless, our schools should have free speech, and it is horrible to me that they do not.

Personally, I wish we could deport "suspicious" a--es like yourself, but I don't think anyone would take you. Damn China for making things cheaply! Damn Mexico for having a crappy economy!
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I don't believe it is correct that flag ettiquette has one flying your nation's flag above the flag of another nation. As nations are supposed to be equal, flags of different nations are supposed to be flown at the same height. I'm pretty sure that this also applies to Old Glory, even though most Americans believe their nation is in fact superior to all other and hence lesser nations. Indeed, I've seen it violated all over the US and can only credit the lack of flagnaticism amongst Canadians and Mexicans for the continued practice.

This CO law seems retarded to me, but then most laws seem retarded to me. Unfortunately, politicians by and large believe that by passing laws they show how effective and hard-working they are. What really gets the voters stirred is to stand up to those darn furriners and their fellow-travelers in our society and show them that real Americans are xenophobic and dumb as a post.

I've known some fine principals in my life; I've also known some sorry little martinets who used their position to bully teachers, students, anyone. I wonder which category the principal in this case fell into.
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