ruby 1's Comments

As I sidestep the argument/discussion that is beginning to ensue, I think this lady is amazing...AMAZING! We whine about ingrown toenails, but this lady did an amazing thing! While her hubby was out drinking!
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I know I will probably get mocked for this...but religion is the big thing I have changed my mind about. Growing up in a less than desirable household, I was sure God was non-existant. I spent my teens years switching from antheism to satanism to wicca finally landing on agnosticism, sure that we are here due to some primordial soup. I spent my 20's thinking this until I had a falling accident and ended up losing my ability to walk unaided. I had to use a quad cane and was on some heavy painkillers for 6 months. No one could figure out what was wrong with me, I become suicidal and tried to shoot myself. I was too weak to hold the gun to my head and so I remained trapped in my body. The docs came to believe I was quickly degenerating and would have less than a year to live. Long story made short, I prayed and gave in to God. A week later I was diagnosed with a rare type of cancer and two weeks later after the operation, I was walking again on my own. Even when we knew what kind of cancer I had, the docs thought that I would never walk again. I surprised everyone by walking on my own three days after the operation. The entire nursing staff and docs came to see me as proof of the removal success. Today, I am athletic and active 10 years later and still cancer free.

Looking back, I would never have guessed I'd ever make peace with God. We all make our own choices, and that was my big one.
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Interview on March 9, 1999 on CNN's Late Edition:

"BLITZER: I want to get to some of the substance of domestic and international issues in a minute, but let's just wrap up a little bit of the politics right now.

Why should Democrats, looking at the Democratic nomination process, support you instead of Bill Bradley, a friend of yours, a former colleague in the Senate? What do you have to bring to this that he doesn't necessarily bring to this process?

GORE: Well, I will be offering -- I'll be offering my vision when my campaign begins. And it will be comprehensive and sweeping. And I hope that it will be compelling enough to draw people toward it. I feel that it will be.

But it will emerge from my dialogue with the American people. I've traveled to every part of this country during the last six years. During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.

During a quarter century of public service, including most of it long before I came into my current job, I have worked to try to improve the quality of life in our country and in our world. And what I've seen during that experience is an emerging future that's very exciting, about which I'm very optimistic, and toward which I want to lead."

In the second paragraph he states, "I took the initiative in creating the Internet". Fine line between invented and creating...but the interpreation is about the same.

Potatoe / Potato....hmm....funny though. Politics as usual!
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"We don’t hate god. We hate people who make decisions — important, world-affecting decisions — based on their beliefs in god. We hate how wars are waged in gods name. And we hate how we will never ever understand how so many people are so deluded that they care more about an imaginary being than the other people living — and suffering — around them."

I agree! I do hate violence and if I could follow one person (if he were alive today) it would be Ghandi. I do think it's wrong to wage war at all, especially in God's name. It gives the rest of us a bad name who have any belief in another higher power.

God brings change to our lives at times not expected. We grow out of hardships given to us. God doesn't control everything we do or the things that happen to us. But if we are guided, then good things can happen.

Nuff said...done here.
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I am Christian, but do not celebrate Christmas or Easter. (I know I am gonna take a virtual beating for that!)

I just ignore all the happy hoopla that goes on around me. Just like most Americans ignore Passover when I am celebrating that holiday.

Skin has gotten alot thinner on folks these day. That's the Evolution that's happening today.

(It takes a Village!)
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Terrific heart warming story! Interesting how the mind and body sometimes work differently than we think it should. Thanks for posting!

Aside from that, I am always surprised at how many people come out of the woodwork and post on an unrelated issue because for some reason they hate God and those who believe. (Sigh~)
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Loved it! Terrific! I grew up on Twilight Zone, Outer Limits, Hitchcock! The ending does not need explaining. But your imagination does need let off it's rein for a bit.

There is no part two....that was the end! Sooooo Good!

Thank you!
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Religion always brings out the worst in people....

He did what he thought was right. He suffers everyday with his choice. But inside he may be a better person than all of us.

We make choices based on our principles. Holy cow, I sure hope we do!
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My ex-husband's friend, Bob, was in contact with him over the years. Bob was in a motorcycle accident and was declared dead. Someone noticed he had a shallow breath, he was resuscitated and began a long, long path to healing . He was in alot of pain even after the bones knitted together. He got into contact with the stuntman and they wrote back and forth. He was told to take blackstrap molasses to regenerate and heal his body. He tried it and it worked. He was able to go back to work pain free! I will always think of that when he comes to mind!

Rest your soul!
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