ruby 1's Comments

When I worked for Corporate, I too posted the weekly Dilbert on the outer wall of my cube. Anyone could walk by read what was there...I posted one on top of the other, so it became an archive of all things Dilbert. The walls of my cube were covered in things that would entertain me, so i could stare off into space when I needed to get away from the number crunching. The boss would stop and read the strips, but I really don't think he knew I posted them in reference to him. But most of us understood the truth. I gave my two weeks notice and was "relieved of my duties" a week later for taking a day off during my last two weeks. I had a friend in from CA and hell if I wasn't going to spend time with him instead of working at my job.

Good to be free of Corporate...although the occasional perk was good.

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Blah, blah, blah....

Alex brings you information and you attack him for it. Get off your rear and go to another Blog, maybe there's a Bore-0-Rama or something.

I get it, I see that it has a logical explanation. Stop getting on Alex about it. He could simply stop blogging and leave you to your lives. He brings new entertaining possibilities to us... stop smacking him around.
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Thank you Alex for posting this piece. I find it very interesting and can't wait to see where this goes. You've ruffled a few feathers, but I don't mind.

You've done what you've been doing all along, bringing information to us that we might not have come across. I appreciate your hard work on your site! Keep it up!
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Hmm...I forgot...I love Monty Python and english humor ... better yet! Men with english accents! Woo hoo!

Trying to think of a juicy story about me...that's fit for internet readers that is! I once won a contest between my neighbors when I was 5 - I could fit the most dried macaroni up my nose. I had to go to the ER to get them out. Does that count??? No? Sure?

Hmm...I have lots of art school stories, but that will have to wait!
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Hey everyone! I'm Ruby and live in northern's cold here today. I have four cats and a huge veggie garden (under snow right now!) and a live in boyfriend. I am trained in commercial arts and freelance art and jewelry on the side. I work for a bird consrvation association and illustrate for the mag. I have freeky curly hair that I called nappy long before it was bad to say the word! ;)

I love Neatorama and check it a couple times a day! Thanks for making my day an easier one to deal with and giving all of us a place to not do real work in!

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I was in 9th grade sitting in the library. I was one of those geeks who sat in the library during study halls to read Science Digest. The librarian and I sat alone in the library watching the shuttle go up...when it expoded, we just sat there side by side. We didn't know what to say. The look in her eyes stays with me even now when I think of it.

One more sad memory of the 80's for me.
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I vote astronaut. Even if he is juggling in space..why not? Art is meant to do what is not possible in real stretch boundries. It's cute and whimsical...great job!
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My old boss said "diligent" all the damn time. I was pretty diligent in my hatred of the word and cringing of his use of it! It was as if he invented the he just learned it in english class and had to show off. I left that job a year and a half ago and I still...STILL! hate the word.

He used "outside the box" alot too just like many other have brought it up. The box? I am so good I never have seen the box!
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My mom was administered shock treatments in the 60's three times a week for 3 months in an institution. I know the long term effects of the treatments. My dad visited her after one and will hardly talk about it.

I don't care if you treat with drugs to modify behavior...this is sick torture. Disgusting!
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