Dilbert Documents Dilbert Case

Dave Steward of Fort Madison, Iowa was fired from his job after seven years because he posted a Dilbert comic strip on an office bulletin board. In the offending strip, Dilbert compared company decision-makers to “drunken lemurs”. Management checked surveillance tapes to find out which employee was responsible. The story became national news after the company fought Steward’s claim for unemployment benefits. Now Dilbert creator Scott Adams is incorporating Steward’s story in his comic strip. A series of strips on the case begins today.
In one of the strips, Adams gives his take on Steward's dismissal.

Catbert: "Wally, I have to fire you for posting a comic comparing managers to drunken lemurs. You won't be eligible for unemployment benefits unless you can prove you were stupid as opposed to malicious. Can you prove you're stupid?"

Wally: "Is there another explanation for working here?"

Steward, who is still unemployed, says he will keep the strips in a scrapbook. http://www.desmoinesregister.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080220/NEWS/802200382 to story. Link to daily Dilbert strip. -via Fark

(image credit: Scott Adams)

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Sigh. I live in a so-called "right to work" state, which means you can be fired for any reason, including "I needed to open up a position for my brother-in-law" and its perfectly legal.
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Yeah, guess Christ is a bigot too, since He disapproves of the homosexual death-style. Why don't you poor saps take it up with Him?
Now THAT would be worth paying to see.
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