jpurchase's Comments

The biggest difference between a pull and a push saw is the thickness of the blade, and thus the width of the kerf - the slice of wood that's getting reduced to dust. Push saws have to be thicker to take the force of the push without kinking or breaking, and so have a wider kerf. The table saw even more so, which is perhaps why he didn't use it.
Those delicate pull saws are at times a bit too delicate and nearly impossible to set and sharpen, effectively making them disposable. I wouldn't give up my hardy push saw, even though I like the pulls.
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I'm expecting this new Avrocar will be as big a success as the original. These things work pretty well this close to the ground, but get really unstable once the ground effect is lost.
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Noting that a Neanderthal woman could beat Arnold at arm-wrestling says as much about modern humans as saying that a female gorilla could beat Arnold at arm-wrestling. We aren't the biggest apes, but that doesn't indicate a physical decline in our species.
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Fake? Probably not. I had an Evil Kenivel stunt cycle when I was a kid. I'm sure I got the bendy Evil action figure over longer jumps than that. The crank on the side spins up a flywheel in the bike that not only acts as the drive, but also gyroscopically stabilizes it. As long as the hamster doesn't fall off, the bike will do the rest.

I'd also disagree that this is cute, on the grounds that its not particularly safe. The gyroscope can also cause the bike to spin quite violently as it rights itself after toppling. Remember kids - stunts are best left to professionals and bendy toys.
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Any science that's based on IQ being a measure of intelligence is probably bad science. It is an empirical test - you decide who's smart in advance and then select a set of questions that probably only they can answer. They'd likely score below average on the Black Intelligence Test of Cultural Homogeneity ( but this wouldn't lead me to the conclusion that their faulty genes make them dumb.
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I wouldn't worry about this one. According to the whitehall studies ( and others, this kind of "mental strain" doesn't have any health risks and the "event of illness" is less probable. In general, promotion will increase your health.
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