renderanything's Comments

Dear Earth Hour promoter: because you have damaged my hearing by not including a volume adjustment method in your clever video's player, I will now leave my light on for an extra hour instead.
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Reminds me of when I lived in Phoenix. I'd regularly hear birds that could imitate car alarms. Not just the sound of the alarm, but the entire sequence the alarm goes through, in appropriate order.
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Long diatribe attacking the established formulaic story arcs seen in modern cinema. 5-6 facts quickly pulled from Wikipedia and to back up viewpoint. Rambling and vague references to statements posted by other commenters. Attempt to apologize for previous commenter making comparisons to Nazis. Half-retraction of previous statements made in such a way as to not be convincing and only revealing that this is the way I truly feel about this subject. Pleading with audience not to get angry about what I've said. A line reinforcing why everyone else should feel the same way. Secret hope that no one pokes holes in defense because there is no way to go back and edit already posted comments.
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I seem to remember at least a few of the bears missing at least one eye on the DGBI (Day of the Great Bear Invasion). Of course, it was so traumatic I doubt anyone can remember many details.
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So the screenplay I've written about a fictitious but famous transgendered Civil War hero octogenarian immigrant from Prussia who at a young age played piano in a one man freak show until a horrible accident severely disabled him but opened up a career in the theatre and who is murdered by a jealous lover is sure Oscar gold?
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So whole grain breads, fruit and vegetables, fish, salads with low calorie dressings and any number of other useful solid foods are painful to ingest while milkshakes are pleasantly pain free to guzzle?
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