renderanything's Comments

Well, the floating latrines on Lake Powell do happen to have restroom facilities, but their main purpose is to serve as dump stations for port-a-potties. You can imagine how quickly one of those little numbers can fill up with a medium to large quantity of people out camping on the lake, so these facilities are fully stocked with a dump and non-potable water for rinsing afterward. Quite handy and I've utilized them for this purpose a number of times myself.
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I've driven that car! Okay, so it wasn't that exact car, more like a Chevy Cavalier. And perhaps it wasn't festooned with Hello Kitty trinkets and instead had every surface from floor mat to vinyl window appliques to seat covers blaring Betty Boop's image. Other than that, I drove and parked that same car as a valet.
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Meh, who really needs to refrigerate meat anyway? You and your first world living standards. I've purchased meat many times from vendors where it was out in the open air, ready to be taken home and cooked. Nice chunks of pig with the skin and hair still intact to cut up for bacon, fresh ground beef taken from a large hunk hanging on a meat hook in a store front without so much as air conditioning. Pretty commonplace stuff if you ask me.
Never had a selection of reptiles to choose from though.
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Anyone else notice the improper and unsafe procedure for reloading the weapon, ahem, club?
1 Cock the handle
2 Advance the Power Strip
3 Push the striker back in....

What? Why in the world would you first cock and load it, then handle the end that shoots out with enough force to drive a ball 2-300 yards? That's a liability just waiting for an accident.
"No, really Judge, I was just following the instructional video when I lost my finger."
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Jabuticaba! laranja! abacaxi! Ah, my everyday.
I've only had it a couple of times, but it basically looks like a giant blueberry and is pretty tasty.
If Neatorama wants to do a story on another cauloflory plant that grows in Brasil (but is native to Asia), then look up Jaca, or as it is known in English, Jackfruit. They weigh between 30 and 80 lbs each.
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Oh sure, get me all excited to hear about a car that starts on the first try after nearly 5 decades in storage. Unfortunately, due to semantics I misunderstood, and in fact they were simply able to turn the crank. Pooh.
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I read this earlier in the week on Jalopnik and loved it. I even had to find the movie Dust to Glory and watch it to see for myself what kind of stuff happens down on the Baja coast.
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There are so many other movies that could be included in this list.
Take Live Free or Die Hard for instance.
You know, the movie where the team of hackers can hack into, access, and control any system with even a remotely tenuous connection to electricity.
TV and cell networks, security cameras, traffic control systems, military jets, the stock market, gas mains and any bank known to man to name a few.
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