Natey 2's Comments

...and then they realized a bird had dropped some bread into the machinery.

Seriously though, I can't imagine the implications if this turns out to be a widely accepted theory.
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I tend to eat like crap when I have marathon study sessions, so my favorite "snack" while I'm studying is usually coffee + cheez-its. I don't dunk them in the coffee, but it does make 'em taste a lot better for some reason.
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It's offensive only if you choose to be offended. What I said isn't inherently pejorative, but if you interpreted it that way, I apologize. I certainly didn't MEAN it to be. It sounds slurred compared to the French I'm used to. I honestly don't know how else to describe it. I didn't make any claims about its legitimacy/illegitimacy as a language.
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That is some wacky, slurred French. I'm fluent and I could barely make out what she's saying.

Also interesting are the Japanese subtitles. It's not an actual translation of what she's saying. It's just a bunch of Japanese words and phrases that sound similar.

The first thing she says "translates" to something like "perverted elder sister" in Japanese. (Eroi oneesan)

When she calls to the cat "vas-y memen = go memen! (memen is the cat's name)" it sounds like "majime men," (majime = sincere, men = noodles) SINCERE NOODLES, SINCERE NOODLES!

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Sloths are my favorite type of animal! I didn't know the DWA had the only 3-toed sloth on display in the US. I went there on a whim when I was visiting Texas this past summer and came upon it unexpectedly. Lucky! Was totally not expecting to see a sloth at an aquarium.

Other interesting facts:

Sloths only come down once a week to poop

They're one of the few/only mammals whose hair grows away from its extremities
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