Billy The Butcher's Superhero Beer Art

Image Credit: Billy the Butcher

Can we imagine, for just one simple moment, that superhero's had beer brands? Can I live in a world where Deadpool can have his own lager that I can go buy at the local package store after a long shift of writing stuff? I mean, imagine how good a beer brewed by Wolverine would be? The dude loves the stuff. Lives off it, even.

Alas, I cannot live in that world. You see, that world does not exist.

What is great, though, is I can live in a world where artist Billy Butcher can illustrate faux beer labels as if they were the beers of superheroes, and that's a pretty good world to live in, too. I would say Hellboy's "HellBeer" wins for catchiest name. You can see why these would never be made, as they could very much appeal to children. Or grown men who think they are children, like me.

Either way, great concept and slick execution.


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