Archive for January 2nd, 2015

Jaws-Inspired Baby Bed

via SutekhRising/reddit A Jaws-inspired baby bed that looks like a shark eating a boat? Surely there is such a thing. What loving parents wouldn't want to keep their child save by instilling a healthy dos...


I have that curse, too, but I developed a workaround by taking a nap every day. That didn’t go over too well in the time clock world, but it has become a sacred ritual for this blogger. This comic is the latest *st...

The Eyes of This Skull Clock Rotate to Tell the Time

(Photo: unknown, via Lindsey Fitzharris)From 1926 until sometime after World War II, a German clockmaking workshop named Oswald made unusual skull-shaped clocks like this one. The eyes represent minute and hour hands. Yo...

The Little Nordics

[] (vimeo link)Take a "mini-vacation" in more ways than one! Damp Design filmed activities in Geiranger, Norway, in tilt-shift and time-lapse modes to make it seem like a miniature world of min...

Man Finds the Turn Signal Lever of His Old Car inside His Arm

(Photo: Jesse Bogan/St. Louis Post Dispatch)In 1963, Arthur Lampitt of Granite City, Illinois crashed his Ford Thunderbird. The car was totally destroyed and Lampitt badly injured. Among other problems, he had a...

Seth Green Gave His Friend James Gunn The Ravagers For Christmas

Seth Green doesn’t shy away from his geeky side, he embraces it like any good geek should, and part of Seth's embracing of his inner geek means he gives out some amazing handmade presents.It seems Seth enjoys creat...

Ghibli Mix - Anime Love

Ghibli Mix by FrancisMacomberIt's hard to pick a favorite character from Ghibli films- they're all so iconic, and so fun, that it's hard to pick just one! Those animated characters become a part of our lives after we wa...

Dad Knocks out Son's Loose Tooth with Golf

Phil Smith, being an efficient sort of fellow, sorted out a way to engage in dentistry and work on his golf swing simultaneously. His son Noah had a loose tooth. So Smith tied a length of dental floss to...

Explore the Milky Way with Chromoscope

Visible wavelength (DSS/Wikisky) The night's sky is full of wonders - and we're not talking just the stars that you can see with your naked eye. You'll want to see it in other wavelengths, too. But sinc...

11 Hilarious Photos of Realistic Parenting

Have you seen those beautiful photos of beautiful families with children behaving perfectly and being happy? After you do, you may question your own ability to hold it together at the insane asylum/zoo that is your home....

Here's a Home Alone Parody Music, Ya Filthy Animal

David Unger of the band DUM loves Home Alone, and so for his latest parody music video "Get Back," he had a bit of run rotoscoping himself and fellow band members Scott Marsh and Mahreen Khawaja into the movie...

The Uunartoq Hot Springs in Greenland

(Photo: Svickova)You might not think of Greenland, most of which is covered by an ice cap, as an ideal place to warm up. But you might want to try the warm waters of Uunartoq, an island off the southwestern coast. There...

Pulled Pork Waffles Are A Must Have for the New Year

Waffles are one of those perfect foods, but what could make them better? How about pulled pork and barbecue sauce? We're not just talking about a savory waffle with pulled pork inside (which would also be tasty), but a w...

Donna Douglas, R.I.P.

(Photo: CBS)When I was 7 years old, I developed a crush on a pretty blonde woman who didn't even exist: Elly May Clampett. She was a character on the sitcom The Beverly Hillbillies. Donna Douglas, the actress wh...

Obituaries to Remember

These real death notices weren’t written by journalists, but by the witty families of the dearly departed.James Robert “Beef” Ward, 39, will be sadly and sorely missed by his l...

The Bark Knight: Wood Carving of Batman

Bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark Batman! "To me, a chainsaw is just a 3-D pencil," said Thomas Earing of Maple Valley, Washington to KOMO News. "You start scratching in the details....

Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Batcake!

Mike’s Amazing Cakes made this cakealicious scaled model of the Batcave, just as it looked in the 1966 Batman television series. This Batcake comes complete with the Batcomputer, an atomic reactor, the handy i...

Busted Rider - This Ghost Isn't Afraid

Busted Rider by Dann MatthewsThere was something strange in the neighborhood, something that rode on a skeletal motorcycle with flaming wheels, but he wasn't there to cause trouble. Despite his ghastly appearance he was...

Doctor: Cancer is the Best Way to Die. Stop Wasting Billions Trying to Cure It.

Is it better to die suddenly or slowly? Being a doctor and a former editor of the British Medical Journal, Dr. Richard Smith is quite familiar with disease and death. And he has reached the conclusion that the bes...

Donovan Clark's Amazing 3D Money Art

A chestburster from AlienWhat makes Donovan Clark's alternations of money so impressive is that they appear to leap off the paper. After he works on a one dollar bill, George Washington is ready...

Learn Psychiatry by Watching Seinfeld

Studying the DSM-5 to study psychiatry is so out of date. The new hot thing is to learn about psychiatric disorders by watching Jerry, George, Elaine, and Kramer from Seinfeld. Yes, that*/em...

Homemade TARDIS Murphy Bed

The last time we encountered a TARDIS Murphy bed, four years ago, many of you expressed interest in owning it. Stubbs, the blogger at The Stubby Thumb, wanted a Murphy bed but was aghast at the prices. However, there are...

New Zealand Thrill Ride

[]YouTube LinkYouTube user Lewis Knights of Norwich, England brought a GoPro camera along on his visit to Skyline Queenstown Luge while in Queenstown, New Zealan...

40 Awesome T-Shirts Featuring Anime Inspired Artwork

Anime is the cartoon sensation that originated in Japan but has since taken the pop culture world by storm.Beloved by animation fans of all ages, the characters found in anime series and features are a part of our geeky...

Dust Devil at Rose Bowl Event

[] (YouTube link)Wednesday, while people were attending a Rose Bowl fan festival outside the stadium in Pasadena the day before the game, strange wind conditions kicked up a “dust devil,&...

The Greatest Captains in Pop Culture

(Dorkly/Jake Young)For the optimal captaincy experience, add Captain Morgan to your Cap'N Crunch. Your ship won't go anywhere, but you'll have quite a trip.As for Captain Boomerang . . . I've never been...

Helen Holmes: The Girl at the Switch

A century before Jennifer Lawrence was slinging arrows as Katniss Everdeen, Helen Holmes invented the female action hero. So why have you never heard of her? On the roof of a speeding freight train, a slender wo...

Seventeen Cool Signatures of Famous People

Business Insider collected seventeen signatures of famous people that are unique and thus easily recognizable. They call these the "coolest" throughout history; while I think that's an overstatement and there are plenty...

Gorn Fishin' - Alien Adventures In Angling

Gorn Fishin' by Captain RibManThose fancy Federation folks were so focused on fighting each other that they didn't even notice the crafty Gorn had wandered off to his favorite fishing hole. He loved hanging out, drinkin...

Up Close and Personal with Cheetahs

[] (YouTube link)Filmmaker Boris von Schoenebeck wondered if he would get close enough to the cheetahs of the Serrengeti in Tanzania to film them. He needn’t have worried. These cats are...


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