Archive for October 1st, 2014

The Meaning of Life, As Explained by Third Graders

I will start this off by saying if you are not familair with "raptivist" (that is what I like to call rappers who are also activists) Prince Ea's YouTube page, you should be. He posts some incredibly inspiring stuff that...

15 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Fast Times at Ridgemont High

The film Fast Times at Ridgemont High inspired dozens of teen comedies that came after and launched the careers of a whole slew of now-famous actors. Even if it’s been a long time since you’ve seen t...

International Conference of Tightrope Walkers Convenes in Hammocks Suspended in Midair

(Photo: Giordano Garosio)(Photo: Walhuetter Photography)Which is, of course, the appropriate place to do so. Highlining is the sport of walking a tightrope high over the ground. This year's International Highline Meeting...

Baby Flexes Just Like Dad

[]YouTube LinkEight-month-old Hadley has hit the stage of development in which he mimics the behavior that he sees. So when Daddy flexes his muscles, little Hadley gives the po...

Reporter Covering Missing Child Story Finds Missing Child

(Photo: Paul Fagan and Cameron Polom)Paul Ezekial Fagan, a 10-year old boy in Tampa, Florida, vanished from his home last Thursday. Police searched the neighborhood on foot and in a helicopter while his frantic parents f...

Mini Evil - The Despicable Dark Side

Mini Evil by Chip SkeltonThe minions had never seen any horror movies, because Gru found them despicable, but once they got a taste for the dark side of cinema they couldn't get enough! They started sneaking around the...

Glowing Dog Food Blamed on Sea Bacteria

(Photo: Siouxsie Wiles)Fiona Wallis of Taranaki, New Zealand noticed that food that she had purchased for Tucker, her dog, glowed. Siouxsie Wiles, a microbiologist in Auckland, determined that there was biolumine...

Pre-Code Horror Movies - The Early Days Of The Silver Scream

Horror movies have very simplistic roots, and in the early days of monster cinema a fiend could shake the audience to the core with just a sinister look and an appropriately eerie soundtrack. (YouTube Link)Nowad...

Eyes of Hitchcock

[] (vimeo link)This supercut reminds us of how Sir Alfred Hitchcock would often have actors stare directly into the camera to engage us in their emotions (and often creep us completely out). Ho...

Have You Joined In On The Halloween Fun Yet?

If you haven't checked out our This Is Halloween Pinterest board, you're missing out. This one-stop-shop for all things Halloween is filled with great ideas for costumes, pumpkins, snacks, decorations and more. That's bo...

14 Money Saving Life Hacks

[] (YouTube link)Psst, wanna save some money? Of course you do! These aren’t just money-saving tips, they are “life hacks.” John Green has some really weird ways to g...

11 Guardians Of The Galaxy Inspired DIY Projects

Guardians of the Galaxy is the action packed Marvel movie that was so nice many fans saw it twice, and like any popular genre flick it has inspired lots of love from creative folks all over the net.There’s...

Men Try Women's Makeup (and the Results Are Hilarious)

As a man, have you ever tried to put on makeup, just to understand what women have to go through every day (if they choose)? While you may think it is some easy process where you just paint your face and get on your way,...

Wisconsin Humane Society Gets Creative With Names

The Wisconsin Humane Society  in Milwaukee evidently grew tired of the same old names for their prospective adoptees and decided to get fancy. The interesting names may have been a good strategy, as...

Get In To The Spirit Of The Season With These 30 Halloween Themed T-Shirts

Halloween will soon be upon us, and the ghosts and ghouls are becoming restless, preparing to haunt the living and scare up some screams.That means it's the perfect time to gear up with some ghoulishly good NeatoSho...

Classic Hollywood’s First Asian-American Star

Anna Mae Wong grew up in Los Angeles, determined to be a part of the glamorous world of Hollywood. She became the most famous of the very few Chinese actors of the 1920s and ‘30s, navigating an industry that woeful...

The History of Emoticons

[]YouTube LinkEmoticons: people seem to either love or hate them. Whether you're pro, con or ambivalent, you have to admit that within Internet culture, they are here to stay....

6 Abandoned Asylums That Look Like Something Out Of a Horror Movie

Every street has that one scary house on it, usually way down at the end. It always seems dark, yet you always feel like there are eyes inside there, peering out at you. In the same breath, almost every town has an aband...

Old Shopping Carts Made into Stylish Chairs

A well-maintained shopping cart can last a decade before it's worn out and no longer serviceable. But it can still be useful if it's repurposed. Designer Xavier Degueldre remade several into chairs. You can view...

The Mercurotti

[] (YouTube link)Marc Martel sings "Nessun Dorma" while doing his Luciano Pavarotti impression, then switches to singing the song as Freddie Mercury! This was done in one continuous take with t...

A Photographic Examination of the Japanese Robotics Industry

Photographer Luisa Whitton's series What About the Heart? documents her time spent in Japan with scientists working on humanoids, including Hiroshi Ishiguro, who constructed a copy of himself in r...

Angus the Tortoise TARDIS

Redditor punkpixzsticks snapped this photo at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival. This is Angus the tortoise, a regular at that annual event. We've previously seen him pulling an old fashioned cart around the fairgrounds...

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