12 Unwritten Social Rules

(YouTube link)

Of course, YOU know theses rules, but have you taught them to your kids yet? So much of navigating one's way in society comes down to being aware of other people and their point of view. This came up in a discussion with my driving student daughter. She asked why so few drivers use turn signals. It's because using a turn signal does not benefit the driver. It only benefits all the other drivers around them! That's why so many people complain about other drivers, yet still don't use turn signals themselves. That's also why a student must use a signal for every turn, so it will become an automatic habit. Link

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I find it confusing when people actually make the effort to return carts to the return stalls only to stop five feet away from the stall and make a final push of the cart (apparently assuming that it has magical nesting powers) before turning and walking away.
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