Miss Utah Answers a Question

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Last night, Miss Connecticut, Erin Brady, won the Miss USA pageant. But she will not be the contestant that gets the most publicity out of the evening. If you recall the Miss Teen USA pageant of 2007 at all, it's the moment Miss Teen South Carolina, Lauren Caitlin Upton, answered her interview question. She didn't win, but she is still the most famous contestant from that pageant ever. Now it is possible that Marissa Powell, Miss Utah, will go down in history as the most memorable interviewee from the Miss USA pageant. Yes, we all know that it is difficult to collect your thoughts under pressure, but if you can make any sense out of this response, you've got the rest of us beat. -via BroBible

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Is this really neat enough to warrant posting here? The woman was going after her dream and crash landed on a softball question. I have nothing but sympathy for her.
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