Bagram Batman

The U.S. Army uses Bagram Batman, based on The Dark Knight, in training videos. He's one tough character! Woe to the soldier who forgets his safety messages.

Bagram Batman may not be the hero the men and women of Afghanistan need.... But it’s the one they get. Veiled under a cloak of valor, Bagram Batman battles idiocracy, mediocrity, complacency and poor table manners!

(YouTube link)

Continue reading for more videos.

Don't Forget Your Weapon
(YouTube link)

Situational Awareness
(YouTube link)

The Vehicle Thief

The Shoplifter

-via Laughing Squid

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I was a contractor in Antarctica and we used to make SUCH fun of the AFN PSAs. This brought me back to the serious cheese of those days. But I won't ever let my spouse have general power of attorney!
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This. As a young troopie, I was worked in Traffic & Continuity (the public service ad making section) of AFKN (Armed Forces Korea Network). That section is where they dumped the newbs so they'd learn how to use all the equipment, and all us newbs were in our late teens to early 20s. So we cranked out product that we thought was funny, but in retrospect, it really was cheesy, silly crap.
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Sorry-you forget how normal people talk. AFN=Armed Forces Network. It's our tv station over there. We get to watch network shows but AFN is not allowed to have regular commercials (can't profit from their monopoly). So, the way the military fills those extra 8 minutes of a 30 minute sitcom is by showing these public service announcements. The vast majority are either 1) like this one, cheesy beyond belief or 2) some douchbag general telling us not to drink and drive (which would be a neat trick, given we are prohibited from having alcohol downrange)
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